why are the lobbies so uncompetitive?

Why is it so hard to find decent drivers who are fast in the lobbies? The skill level of the online racers in Forza 5 is disgusting. I go into a lobby destroy everyone in 1 race leave the room go into a separate class same thing again. Are the online drivers just inexperienced, new to the game or are they using bad
cars and tunes. When most the room get a DNF in a 3 to 5 lap short race it got me thinking how bad the skill level has gotten.

Hoping to find some decent online racers in the hoppers tonight heres hoping!

We all stopped playing cause it was like that at launch. Granted Im not greek fast though, but still. it sucked day 1, it obviously still sucks now.

It actually got worse. At least at launch to a few months in you could find decent drivers. Unless you have friends who by chance want to race in classes you like, it’s rare to find any decent lobbies. It’s the worse of all forzas I’ve played.

As for why it’s so bad, it’s a mix of wreckers, a vote to kick that doesn’t work, exceptionally bad driving techniques, difficulty in getting friends together in a lobby, lack of distance meter, inability to easily share unlocked tunes/paints, lack of economy, and a bunch of small things that together drove away players.

What’s left are fast guys who need to race and god awful players.

There are quick drivers out there but quick drivers have no way of finding each other and matchmaking doesn’t do what it’s supposed to. Hopefully this will be fixed in the next release.

Whenever I’m streaming I’m generally racing with some fairly quick guys. We usually run A class if you wanna come race with us in some public lobbies. The inexperienced is always expected everywhere in pubs though, it’s the same in every game.

Pfft. Try cycled production. Tons of fast people.


Tried it and it’s only marginally better than hoppers in terms of skill but is a little cleaner. Still super easy to get podium even if you go off course a bunch, take bad lines, drift a few corners, and/or wreck. There’s no real pressure to learn the cars because the results will be the same. Found it boring unfortunately.

I found it to be even worse. Seemed like no one could control their car.

1.) The game is getting older.

2.) Being that it is a launch title there is a higher percentage of people that got given the game than there were on past Forzas. This means that someone who might not be interest/good at racing just got the game as a bonus and figured they ought to play it.

I have no issues being challenged by some of the best C class racers on any given night. But I tend to race with the same guys nightly and have become friends with them, as well as them helping me to get faster.

I’ve only been racing grip online (did a lot of drift) since the beginning of the 2015 year. Already putting up Top 500 times in lobby racing.

It’s because we’re still on Forza 4. Why play a game which nobody enjoys

A podium finish being a medal (9th place or better) or 1,2,or 3rd? If there’s no competition shouldn’t you be getting first every race? :slight_smile:

I bought a steering wheel and it dropped me from a top 3ish finisher to dead last… for now.

Haha the medal system is dumb in this game. You get gold for third. Insane!

I didn’t win every race and I messed up a lot and my fastest laps were awful but results were the same as any other lobby. I was expecting it to be difficult like other forzas and was disappointed.

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I’m not up with the fast guys, but recent times varies between top 260 and top 1000’s on the LB’s. I raced with quite a few very skilled drivers in the lobbies, but none of us wins on a regular basis, the main reason being crashed out by some crashers on the first or second corners almost every race. With most races only consisting out of two or three laps, it then become a daunting task to catch the leaders, let alone passing a crasher on some tracks. I observed many fast racers ending towards the back of the pack, knowing they ought to be amongst the leading group or setting the pace.

I was racing endurance A class last night. The 11 minute long races are nice but the hopper isn’t that popular.

As some have mentioned, there are pretty much only the superfast and superslow remaining, what I have checked in monthly rivals I keep getting top 75 to top 1000 times myself slightly depending on how much I like the class and track.
There are guys who are really fast and often use very good car and good tune on it and dominate the lobby, I could probably do the same, but to keep the race interesting, specially when majority of the drivers are generally just not too good, I take some silly car and try to compete.

Things get quite different when you step out of that A class F50 or -08 Viper and jump in to something like Chrysler 300C, Rolls Royce Wraith, or Audi RS4 Avant, Suddenly the competition gets real and yuo have to really push it to get on that podium.
Then again, I drive to race, not to hotlap in front of everyone.


I feel y’alls pain. I’m a rare type of player these days: I’m good, but not godly. I usually end up a bit behind the really fast guys, but miles ahead of the average Joes. I’m driving alone in a lobby that’s full.

Made a post a while back about how boring that gets. Here’s hoping FM6 will bring some of the missing player base back and provide more opponents for everyone, at all skill levels.

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Same here! Generally find myself running behind the really fast guys, but way ahead of the rest of the pack. Sometimes, I get lucky and find myself mixing it up with others that are good, but not good enough to run with the front runners. In a lobby with some fast people, I generally am a 4th or 5th place car. If I get in a slower lobby, I can pretty much outrun the pack by a good 15+ seconds.

Well I guess it’s time for the three of us to race each other as I’m usually in the same boat where I’m ahead of the slower guys but not fast enough to keep up with the really fast guys. Usually I finish somewhere between 4th and 8th in a full to nearly full lobby.

I prefer to build my own cars and I’m not much of a tuner, nor do I download others tunes so I know in that aspect I’m at an automatic disadvantage when going up against guys that know how to tune well and use really good cars but I’m okay with that. I also avoid engine swaps and drivetrain swaps because I prefer keeping those options in stock form. I like to drive oddball cars that most people seem to ignore simply because I drive cars that I like rather than driving a particular car because I know it’s highly competitive.

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Anytime you’re up for some racing, let me know. I usually race A class at the moment.