At the very last X, P and R event need ghosting at the first turn

As the topic say those kind of event need ghosting for 30-40 sec to prevent the mass murder of the first turn. I’ve try a couple of X event and I ended up killed at T1 by someone who don’t even care to hit the brake. For the purist of “realism” who will come and kick about ghosting ruining the experience: it’s a videogame and need to be fun for the comunity, not a pain and no a playground for kindergrader and their destruction derby festival. Anything beyond C Class should be put under severe test driver before grandet access, but since T10 will never do that, at last ghost anyone for 30 seconds in X, P and R. The community is already very thin and losing other players due to that is not a good option. Game will be soon just a passby by kids who need to bring havock to other players for fun.
Strange thing: Joining D class event and I can find very good players, X class if full of low ranking people who can’t even take a turn whiout killing anyone in their path

If the devs were to go down the ghosting route then 30-40 sec ghosted is overkill, 15 seconds is more than enough, but as a skilled X and P class driver I don’t want to be ghosted against other skilled drivers. Those with the skill to drive in these classes don’t need ghosting in T1 as that doesn’t promote skill or competitiveness and when matched against each other these drivers rarely have an incident at T1.

I’ll use this opportunity to push this argument again. This is why classes need to be permanent. Permanent classes build communities not separate them. If D class drivers are forced to drive X class then of course there’s going to be a huge skill gap but if everyone is allowed to drive the class of their choice/skill level then the player base will naturally sort themselves out.


I personally vote no on this, it just isn’t racing and i don’t really get assassinated on t1 often at all. And besides, if you really feel like t1 is a problem for you often enough, just ghost yourself for a split second at t1 by pressing the start button.

Any mass ghosting isn’t racing imo, even for just a few seconds.


I’ll pass on mass ghosting. I think I’d prefer a slightly staggered start (like .1 or .2 second delay per car or row) just to make a little bit more space between cars before turn 1.

That wont help when people dive bomb the corner from the back.

No, but I’d imagine it’ll reduce turn 1 crowding and allow people to get through turn 1 faster.

Not really.

Rolling starts would be nice.

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You might be interested in voting for my idea here then.

For all the good that will do haha

I disagry on that: you can be the most skilled player of the world but due to low playerbase pop the game will just try to feel the lobbies. So you end up with some kids and not with only skilled players. Most good players I know try to avoid X, P and R lobbies because a divebomb player is almost impossible to avoid and can ruin you gaming session. On slower league you have more time to react if you spot the divebomb coming tu murder you. Ghosting on just the first turn is not going to be a dramma or ruin any kind of feeling.

Rolling starts should be mandatory on any track which has a banked start line (particularly Daytona). Without precise throttle control you end up with everyone spearing sideways off the line and it turns in to a bloodbath.

The first hard turn at SPA is even worse: there alway a couple of players who don’t slow down and come at full speed mass murdering anyone on the path.

So…the beatings will continue until morale improves?

Until Forza makes a foot-to-the-floor effort to strenously regulate online racing, the bad racing is going to keep happening and the players are going to get fed up and leave. Mass ghosting might stave off the latter long enough for dev teams to figure out how to curb the former.

Then you should not ghost anyone running in opposite direction, or player double lapped waiting to ambush you.

This has been an issue for almost 20 years, even in “serious games” like iRacing.

There will always be people without the necessary skills to compete without incident, and a subset without the desire to.

It’s an almost unsolvable problem because you’re dealing with human behaviour at the end of the day, and people are ____ :wink:

The only way most people here will guarantee clean racing is to not go against the general public, but to find like-minded players to meet up and schedule races with (case in point, I just had an entire evening of clean racing in X). “Racing with randoms” requires a level of skill and experience that most do not possess in order to dodge all the bullets.

And yes, ghosting for the first lap wouldn’t “fix” this issue either, but the issues are further up the funnel than the granularity of ghosting settings.

Speaking of ghosting, whose bright idea was it to keep collisions on during the practice sessions

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Over hundreds of races I’ve only ever seen people do this at the end of practice when everyone’s doing donuts anyways. Never once in a race

Because they know they will be ghosted. Put no ghosting for anything and you’ll see tons of kids going in opposite direction to ruin the race to anyone. Since T10 will never ban anyone we need something to avoid the game becoming a desert (and the playerbase is already quite low).

People should at least have the option to ghost during practice, especially when cars can vastly out-perform one another.

How are you supposed to “practice” with constant traffic in the way who can’t drive?

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Well this is a thing that happens irl all the time even at the highest level of racing, even in qualifying it will happen.

If some one in practice is faster then me I’ll pull over to let em pass even if I’m on a hot lap testing tire wear or whatever.