I wouldn’t say I’m getting bored per se, I think it’s not boredom, but… lack of reason to keep doing things?
So I want to play this game really bad, but then I enter, I do the forzathon live, and then… do I want to grind the Goliath for money and influence? Do I want to grind Titan or Gauntlet or whatever so I can reach level 20 in that particular category, or… do I want to run around and accrue skill points that I have will spend when I feel like running a new car.
There’s nothing interesting left to do. There is no final end-game, aside from grinding a SINGLE race to reach level 20 in a certain category. But it’s so up-front grinding, no dressing, that it makes it so tedious. I reached level 20 in road racing and I don’t think I have the spirit to reach 20 in others.
Underneath all of the frill and nonsensical features of this game is a dynamic map, Forza driving physics made just a touch more arcadey and a list of 450 cars in the autoshow. These are the things we all knew we would get when we bought the game (debatable if that justifies the cost). There are things you could do there that you can’t do here, and things here you couldn’t do in previous games, but the core of the gameplay is the same. It’s just you, your car, the garbage tune you just made and a map to just go mess around in. Honestly, any auxiliary feature is just there to entertain the casuals or to give you something to do if you can’t make up your own mind.
I could right an entire essay on the joke that was FM5 but I don’t think that would be useful to anyone. I still bought the game, I knew I would buy the game and I knew I would play it despite it being a premature vestigial twin of FM6 if it had botched plastic surgery. But I played it and I enjoyed it, because I wanted to enjoy it. I didn’t love FH2 either, thought those roadtrip things were a drag, but I found what I liked (Trd Supra) and just romped away, because wth else are you going to do for 2 years.
I haven’t gotten bored of Horizon 4, definitely fatigued, thinking about Road Racing Influence makes my head hurt, but not bored, because I shouldn’t be until I’ve built up every car in the game, for every purpose I can think of, and drove each one of them into the ground. Because that’s what I knew I was buying, and expected nothing more. It’s Motorsport on a road, just do… that.
Well Said.
And that is exactly why I continue to buy Forza games (and Gran Turismo games) because the core gameplay is just so good. There have been racing games released with better single player campaigns or better online modes or with more tracks, better car sounds or better wheel support or more realistic but for me Forza and Gran Turismo scratch the racing itch perfectly.
Forza 7 is now near perfect in my opinion, and feels great with my G29. GT Sport has arguably better physics and feels great with a pad. FH4 is just pure fun
Between those 3 games I don’t need any more content or more online modes. I just don’t have the time.
Oh yeah F1 2018 is awesome too , I just wish I had the time to dedicate to it.
Great time for racing fans though.
It’s so hard to make money. 13k (with vip) is not enough for a championship when an engine swap can be 200K. I want to upgrade and play with some of the cars I’ve won or bought, but I can’t afford to.
By that logic you can easily argue this game has 280 races. It has the 70 and then you can multiply that by the 4 seasons and bam - 280 races. Each season affects the track and therefore the race so this is accurate. And very soon we will have a route creater that increase the amount of unique races to practically infinite.
Also people are moaning about no championships, dont’ know how my game is different but I have 7x championships available for Autumn and I am assuming more will unlock every season.
im bored too … for a simple reason … NO DECENT PVP COMPETITIVE RACE LOBBY … team adventure is awful … worst MP in a racing game ever … too much player on too small tracks … its team based so i have lost 80% of my championship even i won most of the races i ve done … JUST GIVE ME THE FH1 RACE LOBBY !! … to be fair i would probably playing FH1 if the multiplayer wasnt empty … the solo is fine but too short and too grindy (ive finished all the races and i just bought my first hypercars … but ive no new race to do … and MP is crap so im bored)
i hope a MP update or this game will die soon … hardcores gonna get back on FH3 because there is no decent PvP and casuals will propably stop playing when RDRO will be release … playground do something or even TC2 will be more populated then FH4 if its PvP is better
Forza Horizon 2 > Forza Horizon 4 > Forza Horizon 3
Change my mind
Forza Horizon 4’s map has too much of an emphasis on off road driving and highly neglected street racing. The physics are still arcadey just like in Forza Horizon 3. The last horizon game with realistic driving physics was 2. Very flawed design with the map icons flooding the entire map (yes you can manage them via filters but they reset everytime you start up Horizon 4). The auction house also needs a complete overhaul as its completely inefficient and poorly designed.
By “progressing” through the game I got the feeling that PG somehow lost vision and motivation after the prologue. There you had the goal to reach a new showcase event or the next season. When I finished it all normal barn finds were found, all showcases done and the game didn’t provide any further goal. No wristbands, no championships, only the five “big” races which are even completed when finishing dead last. There is no sense of progression, just level-ups for more random slotmachines.
Someone mentionend the game might’ve been centered around lootboxes (wheelspins) but got scrapped because of the backlash. Once you are considering this idea it becomes more and more plausible. Standard tiering system (green, blue, purple, golden), tons of out-of-place stuff like horns, emotes and clothes, no sense of progression aside from getting more slotmachines. Why else would you need a tiering system?
A “buy 100 wheelspins for 19.99$” option suddenly seems not so distant.
Aside from that the current state of online MP doesn’t help with longevity. Terrible ranked mode, team races only, no choice, dumped down rivals. And thus, not even two weeks in I find myself comparing A-, S- and R-class times around Goliath…something that always happened waaaaay later in the lifespan of a Forza title.
yeah, this game is so singular, as in there’s not much co-op wise.
lack of multiplayer lobbies, no one likes the current team adventures lobbies.
there is just no rime or reason to the game, all community aspect has been lost!
It’s just unfortunate that the route creator will only be available in a couple of weeks.
I understand that for most people there will be plenty of content until then and I understand their reasoning behind waiting until then to release it (I hope they had at least a couple of days of free time after launch as creating video games is a lot of work, actually I hope they are almost done with the creator and they took a couple of weeks off).
The problem for me is that there are so many games competing for game time that it’s hard to keep waiting on more content when I can play other things instead.
I do think the single player content issue will be resolved with the route creator, it’s just unfortunate that there isn’t anything new to do in single player right now.
From reading between the lines in the some of the developer interviews and other comments online I got the impression that the route creator was supposed to be released at launch. However it sounds like they had problems with drivatars being able to navigate custom routes (no big surprise there with how bad the AI drivers are in general) and had to delay the feature. Once it comes out I’m sure people will be trying to create routes specifically to break the AI anyways.
Hopefully in addition to the route creator they’ll bring back the championships (and championship blueprints) for each race location like we had in FH3.
I’ll finish grinding the single player achievements, because achievements really seem like the only thing to work towards now, and when I get those I’ll shelve the game until they decide if they’re going to fix multiplayer and rivals. I’m a tuner, I love building cars, all of the cars, every single one of the cars, and there’s never been anything more satisfying than driving my own tune to multiplayer or rivals victory. I could literally do that for years. But multiplayer and rivals have been obliterated for no good reason, giving me no good reason to continue after grinding the achievements.
Heck, they even obliterated the Stats tracking. In FH3, I took some pride in my 48% online adventure win percentage, even though nobody else in the world knew about it but me. Can’t even work toward that now because all stats are team-based. The things that were obliterated in FH4 just don’t make logical sense to me. I don’t get it.
Painting/Designing keeps me entertained. Without that I’d be in the same boat. The amount of designing I do keeps me from behind the wheel long enough to keep racing enjoyable.
I’m not bored, but I am being fatigued by the ever-persistent runaway drivatars (I think I’ve won 1 race in the last 10 since in every other one the first place car zipped off into the sunset never to be seen again) and the relentless terrible wheelspins that give me nothing but clothing and horns. You’d think eventually the junk would clear out, but then they just pile double 5,000 credit blocks in there…and I still end up with a skirt.
At least when the route creator drops I should be able to create some new, interesting courses for the runaway drivatars to destroy me on.
for me this is gonna keep me busy for ages. first of all there are over 400 cars to get full mastery on, plus all the combinations of races you can do with blueprints. I just wish we could blueprint the forza story missions, I would love to do some of them with a different car.
this is a much better forza horizon than the previous 3, although I still suck at anything off road and will be working on those PR stunts for about a few months
I certainly hope so. The entire Forza franchise could use a break from the hectic franchise release schedule to fix things that have been broken for a long time like the AI and the bland vehicle customization options that haven’t really changed at all in years.
No I don’t think so. I think Horizon is in placeholder position at the minute. Like “we’ve gotten the highest sales of ANY Forza ever, so we’ll lead the charge while Turn 10 is figuring out how ti make motorsport more motorsporty!”. It’s as if like seasons are tested in horizon and then imported in pieces into motosport. Like with the dynamic day/night that turned out to not be so dynamic in motorsport.
I’m not knocking Turn 10 for that. Horizon clearly appeals to more casual types, but us hardcore Forza fans still like it cos that’s where we see a lot of the innovation, and hopefully where the franchise as a whole is going.
Speaking of which i highly recommend the Forza monthly video for october, it’s very insightful. Though mechberg is getting more grey in that beard and curiously none at all on his head!