Yet another annoyance thread...

excuse me but I have stopped reading your post after the words “I don’t touch online PVP”

the problem is that this game is mainly broken in the multiplayer game mode.

The game in campaign mode is really great, but most players bought this game not to spend a week with it, but to play much longer in multiplayer mode, and in the present state it is … saying gently … annoying

I don’t know if I’m really bored, but I just don’t know what to do any more. I have finished all the races in singleplayer (if I didn’t have to grind to level 20 for the last one, I would have been done a few days earlier and it looks to me this was put in to try and keep people to play the game because of the lack of races) + all pr-stunts and boards. I do still have some stars left from some of the stories, but that was always my least favorite part of the Horizon single player. I do love the map and the car list is fine to me, but it feels like the game is missing content and it feels like they were low on time (as far as events go, the way everything looks is fantastic).

I don’t feel that the seasons add a lot of new stuff into the game. It’s cool to see the different road types and how you have to drive on those roads, but it’s not enough to make me want to play those 70 races again. I will probably still keep playing until Red Dead Redemption 2 comes out. A friend of mine just got on the Horizon roster yesterday, so I will probably do some co-op races with him.

I don’t mind doing a bit of Online Adventure, but after last session where a couple of guys pushed me out of checkpoints a couple of times, I don’t really feel it as much any more. I will probably grind the Forzathon Life events until I have the achievement, not sure if I will keep doing it after that. It’s ok when there are 6+ people, it’s very boring and almost impossible if you are doing it with 2-3 people.

I have put in a bit over 60 hours, so it’s not that I don’t think I got my money’s worth, but in FH3 I was still doing championships after that amount of time.
There is also not enough reward from the wheels spins to want to keep going for races to up my level. I will get some idiotic shirt or a crown or a horn or whatever anyway. Almost no cars or credits.

I still like the game, it plays well and it looks great. I just feel like there is a lack of single player content (races/championships specifically).

It’s great that they are going to release a track creator in a couple of weeks, but it’s probably too little too late for me.
I will come back to the game and will probably try to keep playing it each Friday evening (as I did for the Forzathons with the previous couple of games), but it will probably be the next big expansion that will really get me back to the game.

Finished single player.

Used to love the online side but the time between racing has killed it dead for me.

1 hour of racing time = 1 hour of watching your drivatar prance around the car to annoying music.

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What kind of loading issues are you having? Even if I were doing one lap circuit races for an entire hour I think I’d have trouble getting more than a couple of minutes of victory screen dancing. Thankfully, I’m not hyperfocused by any medication so those victory screens are just as ignorable as most.

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New and weird Rivals Mode has ruined end-game gameplay.
The worst move the developer made.

That was my last pre-order for a game from Forza Horizon franchise. Sad but true…


I think the one thing that actually frustrates me most is in fact seasons. It feels like there was a week of sunshine followed by a week of rain. I would much more prefer a map with some snowy parts, some beaches, some foggy forests - at the same time. Maybe a week is too long. Maybe you should be able to switch between seasons whenever you want. But seasons are definitely the thing I anticipated the most and that disappointed me the most. I initially thought that the events would be different events in all seasons. That would’ve meant four times the content. Showcases that can only be played in certain seasons. Danger signs that can only exist in certain seasons (snow hills, river beds). But as it turns out seasons is just a visual thing. Yes, events play differently when there is water on the track, but they are still the same event that I have already completed and doesn’t give me anything progression wise.


when i lose my Interest for a game, i switch to another game and play this.
But I’m adult person without psychological problems.
And I’m a working man which has no time to lose with postings about my actual feelings…no one give a f# …but people are different…

That was uncalled for. Most of us here complain because we care about Forza, because in the past a Horizon game was enough to play it for months. Because it didn’t make you lose interest after a short time. That’s what made it special.


This can be true but must not…
Could it be that many of the complainer are: MS/xbox/win10/Xbox exclusive- haters…yep…its very possible…

I don’t think most of the people on here are MS/xbox/win10/Xbox exclusive- haters. You have to create a Microsoft account to log into this website and you can see that a lot of the people here have raced a lot (if the numbers next to the avatar work at least). I almost exclusively have used my Xbox One and Xbox One X for Forza games, but last gen my main console was Xbox 360. According to the Forza Hub I have spend 577 days in Forza games (not sure how accurate that is). It’s very easy to call people haters, but I honestly think that most people who comment on the Forza forums are people who love the Forza series.

There is nothing wrong with being dissapointed in a game of a franchise you love. I would probably not have bought an Xbox One or Xbox One X without this series (because MS made the mistake in not releasing Xbox One in Belgium on day one). I don’t hate any of the console manufacturers and own all 3 of them. I still enjoy Forza Horizon 4 and will continue to play it for at least a couple of weeks, but there is clearly less single player content compared to FH3.

Do I understand that people love FH4? Sure, I do to, but I am still somewhat dissapointed in the lack of content. I can still keep grinding for credits for the last castle, but I would prefer to grind those credits on new tracks instead of keep grinding the same track over and over again. Every time I boot up the game I am aimlessly driving around searching for things to do. This is after 60 hours or so. It took me at least 100 hours in FH3 before I was done with everything in single player. I think it has plenty of content for my money, but compared to FH3 it’s has a lot less content. For me the seasons don’t change enough to feel all those tracks like new tracks. It’s fun to drive around in new weather, but in the end, those are the same tracks.

For me the things that can be done better are the wheelspins and I think there should be more tracks imo (or championships), Once the trackcreator is released, that should be hopefully fixed.

It’s still a great game, but there are parts where it seems that FH3 has the upper hand. It feels rushed compared to FH3 and I think the team could have used a month extra. It looks and plays fantastic, it’s great technically (the changing of seasons and the way Forzathon Life works (the drop-in/drop-out online play) is great), but it lacks features and content compared to FH3.

I don’t race a lot online, so I can’t comment on that too much (I enjoyed what I played until people started to push me out of checkpoints after I won a couple of races).
I also almost never do rivals, but I understand the complaints people have on those. It’s weird to give the players less options in a sequel.

You don’t have to agree with the complaints. I am glad you don’t and that people love FH4, but stating that most people who complain on here hate Forza/MS/xbox/win10 is just ridiculous.


Could it be because…of me self…
Could it be because …this game its not for me…

Too all this questions: Yes it could be…

The lack of progression is absolutely the problem, everything is just handed to you on a plate from the beginning and throughout.

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Really? I have no money to buy next House…
But i don’t use glitches…to destroy the progression system…

Neither do I? Not just in money and XP, examples:

  • Map itself is fully unlocked and strewn with events from day 1
  • You’re given a Lambo Huracan for free after just 20 minutes of road racing
  • Wheelspins, yeah most of them are complete rubbish, but I’ve seen people get the Senna at less than level 20 and I’ve won the 400k-600k jackpots a good few times

Ideally we wanna start in a Ford Fiesta and work our way up lol but you start in a top A class TTS/Focus RS and have supercars within an hour.

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Ok i understand. But then many people will tell:“o look this is so 1990 progression …shame…blabla…not for me…bla…bla…”

Lack of Championship & Championship Blueprinting, it hurts a lot
I can’t see a reason why they didn’t put it


This is the biggest thing for me. I keep hoping it’ll unlock at a certain point, or get patched in at the end of October along with the route creator. I think it’s a major omission - because as it stands I’m almost done with all of the exhibition events, and not sure what I’m going to be doing after that.

I’m also missing the Horizon Promo feature. Taking photos of every single car in the game might not have been something many people did, but I was only 1 (DLC) car away from nailing the lot in FH3. As it is, I don’t feel like I have any real incentive to take any photos in FH4.

I do like the changing seasons, but I’ve found winter to be a bit boring, with only really a certain number of cars really in a position to make use of the conditions. I’ll be honest, after a couple of days of winter, I’m already itching for spring. Things like the speed traps/zones are not going to be achievable during winter, no matter what car you’re driving. In Blizzard mountain, that was obviously accounted for, but here, it isn’t, making those events kind of redundant in winter.

I don’t play a lot of multiplayer, but I definitely enjoyed the early forzathons during teh early access period - everyone seemed to join in and although a bit repetitive in nature, there were loads of different starting points, and it seemed pretty fresh. I haven’t done too many since then though…


For me the worse thing is the grinding. Wheel spins give you more junk than anything else. The outfits would be more significant if there was a more social aspect to the game. Like a car meet where you actually get out and can really walk your avatar around, talk/chat with people and really look at their car. You know like a real life car meet. Also the ghosting of payers. You can’t even see their car most of the time. It feels empty no matter how many people there are. It would be nice if there was a speed that you could go, like 100MPH or less and you would not be ghosted. And trying to find friends. Why do you need to exit to find friends? It would be nice if you could friend people in your session without leaving to another application to find friends. Online racing of A and S1 with the occasional S2 is boring. I liked picking the class so I could work on my tune/setup for the car so I can do better. This game almost forces you to buy and upgrade junky cars for online racing. I hoped they would have all classes and you can pick, but they made it worse by not allowing you to pick the class and also fixing it to A and S1 for the most part. Joining someone in a race is boring as well. If you even get someone to join. I’ve been in races, co-op, and they rammed me off the road on purpose. Its over in a few seconds and you are in the game as if no one was racing with you.

Has anyone gotten their mic to work? I’ve played with friends and online racing, but I never hear anyone. Maybe that is a feature to come later? I rarely run into any friends even if they are in the map, they are usually far away and when they get to something they start the race it ends and that’s it. Not very social at all really. That was the one feature I was excited about, but this just seems like a FH3 upgrade with more grinding. The handling of cars is much better too, but that is not enough to get me excited to play.

I know I’ve logged probably 15-20 hours in-game over the long weekend, plus a couple nights last week. I’m not surprised that I’ve reached a certain saturation point. But I’m not concerned. I’ll probably hang it up for a few days, and come back to it Thursday or Friday, and it’ll be winter. We’ll see how it goes then.

I personally think this is the best Horizon so far and I’m really enjoying every minute.
There are a virtual unlimited amount of races due to the blueprint feature. I usually go to the Horizon Hub, pick a new car I want to drive, tune it and then do some blueprint races on the map based around the car I picked.
For example, yesterday I tuned a Peugeot 205 GTI to S1 with Rally specs and did some cross country races and it was SO much fun. The map is incredible. At one point I jumped into a quarry and was racing along a river bed against equally tuned A.I cars. It was so much fun.
The map is so good that even just picking your favourite car and going for a road trip is fun.

I’m a 40 something man with a full time job, wife and 3 kids which means my time is extremely limited. I just don’t have time for long multiplayer sessions so this game is perfect for me.
I’m sure FH4 will improve over time, in the same way Forza 7 has.