I don’t think most of the people on here are MS/xbox/win10/Xbox exclusive- haters. You have to create a Microsoft account to log into this website and you can see that a lot of the people here have raced a lot (if the numbers next to the avatar work at least). I almost exclusively have used my Xbox One and Xbox One X for Forza games, but last gen my main console was Xbox 360. According to the Forza Hub I have spend 577 days in Forza games (not sure how accurate that is). It’s very easy to call people haters, but I honestly think that most people who comment on the Forza forums are people who love the Forza series.
There is nothing wrong with being dissapointed in a game of a franchise you love. I would probably not have bought an Xbox One or Xbox One X without this series (because MS made the mistake in not releasing Xbox One in Belgium on day one). I don’t hate any of the console manufacturers and own all 3 of them. I still enjoy Forza Horizon 4 and will continue to play it for at least a couple of weeks, but there is clearly less single player content compared to FH3.
Do I understand that people love FH4? Sure, I do to, but I am still somewhat dissapointed in the lack of content. I can still keep grinding for credits for the last castle, but I would prefer to grind those credits on new tracks instead of keep grinding the same track over and over again. Every time I boot up the game I am aimlessly driving around searching for things to do. This is after 60 hours or so. It took me at least 100 hours in FH3 before I was done with everything in single player. I think it has plenty of content for my money, but compared to FH3 it’s has a lot less content. For me the seasons don’t change enough to feel all those tracks like new tracks. It’s fun to drive around in new weather, but in the end, those are the same tracks.
For me the things that can be done better are the wheelspins and I think there should be more tracks imo (or championships), Once the trackcreator is released, that should be hopefully fixed.
It’s still a great game, but there are parts where it seems that FH3 has the upper hand. It feels rushed compared to FH3 and I think the team could have used a month extra. It looks and plays fantastic, it’s great technically (the changing of seasons and the way Forzathon Life works (the drop-in/drop-out online play) is great), but it lacks features and content compared to FH3.
I don’t race a lot online, so I can’t comment on that too much (I enjoyed what I played until people started to push me out of checkpoints after I won a couple of races).
I also almost never do rivals, but I understand the complaints people have on those. It’s weird to give the players less options in a sequel.
You don’t have to agree with the complaints. I am glad you don’t and that people love FH4, but stating that most people who complain on here hate Forza/MS/xbox/win10 is just ridiculous.