Yet another annoyance thread...

The only thing i really miss is class rivals…other than that the game is fine. I have only ever really done online races with friends of mine, pubs are ram city and dirty racing so i avoid that like the plauge. Maybe thats the problem…leaning on matchmaking for online races rather than just setting up a solid network of good racers and friends to race with

Edit: that isint to say that there isint problems…there are for sure…but there are also work-arounds you can do while they (hopefully) fix those issues

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That’s just the problem though, we went from something that you could just enter into and race without nearly as many problems and you could actually choose what you wanted to do (FH3 solo adventure mode), and you also had the option of non-contact to avoid the griefers and bad drivers. I spent a lot of time racing in those non-contact adventure lobbies on FH3, but FH4 has nothing like that.

I’m not going to waste my time getting a bunch of people together, making sure we can all be playing at the same time, when I should be able to go into a preset mode and race without having to rely on a carefully selected group of friends to be ready in order for me to get any enjoyment out of playing online in this game. That’s a lot of wasted potential.

You’re not entirely wrong, but that shouldn’t have to be the only way to enjoy playing a competitive racing mode online, when proven models have been shown to work just fine. If it ain’t broke, don’t “fix” it.


Yea i agree with you, it would be nice to just have a working system like we had before…i was more-or-less just talkin as a way to keep the competitive racing alive while we wait for a fix(hopefully)

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not at all - there’s lot to do and never a dull moment. if they can address the texture pop-in/bad LOD issue along with quiet car sounds and wrong car notes - man, will this be one amazing game to play.


For me the whole thing seems dumbed down. The scenery graphics are great but they should be by now. The scenery is too similar everywhere. The cities/towns have too little traffic. I’ve been to and driven the real world Edinburgh and surrounding British countryside many times and I can assure you it’s much more lively with traffic and pedestrians everywhere. The game scenery just seems dead in comparison. The cars are just dragged over from HZ3 for the most part. The driver avatars are constantly defying gravity - ok so am I but it makes racing very frustrating when I am doing my best to control dynamics and an avatar goes screaming past me with no sliding or oversteer. And lastly the Wheel Spin seems like punishment most of the time. Really? slippers, goofy hats, dumb horns and other things too embarrassing to mention. I had hoped for more this time as I very much enjoyed the previous Forza games.


This is another main reason this game seems “boring” compared to its predecessors.

There are NO penalties for not making the podium in FH4.

You can progress if you come in dead last. Races just unlock if you participate in them (pun intended).

What kind of racing game is that?!

It also appears FH4 was purposefully aimed at the 12-year old Fortnite crowd with the silly avatars, emotes and other garbage that has NOTHING to do with racing cars in an open world. Couple this with the “no skill” game play and we can see the negative influence Fortnite has had on the gaming industry and will most likely have for a few years just like “Call of Duty” did back in the day once it became a hit. Sad times…


It’s not because players grind the game 24/7, that they are bored.

Forza Horizon 4 has LESS content, statistically, than Forza Horizon 3.

Forza Horizon 3 had 140 races at launch. Forza Horizon 4 has 70 races. That’s literally half the amount of races to unlock. Forza Horizon 3 reused courses to extend that number, for Championships, Rivals, etc., but no matter how you calculate it… Less is less mathematically speaking. The lack of base content is highlighted by what another poster wrote, that being the progression (what little there is) is front-loaded to basically give players everything they need to get started and then it’s just grind, grind, grind for useless things like houses, emotes, clothes, etc… Things that used to be features in the previous games. Things like Danger Sign (ramps) for Pete’s sake!

By the way, I’m the one who proposed (on another thread) the reason FH4 feels so shallow is because it may have been soley designed around loot boxes (microtransactions), but they were removed at the last moment due to the backlash against them currently going on around the world, but Play Ground Games didn’t bother to adjust the economy of the game to account for the missing MTXs? Thus, why there is much more grind in FH4 because there are no “Pay to Progress Faster” MTXs to balance it out?

TL;DR - Play Ground Games basically gave players the grind of an MMO, but without the fun rewards of an MMO. A grind is not a grind if players are having fun, but a lot of the questionable decisions in FH4 are leaving players bored and, or disappointed… The exact opposite of fun.

It’s ironic Forza Horizon 4, released at the start of the Fourth Quarter because there are so many more appealing (non-racing) games that provide actual fun (game play) and not just mind-numbing grinding.


100% and is my first forza game.

To me just feels like too much of the same game we already played. “Seasons change evra thin” is not exciting to me.

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Nope, far from bored. I enjoy this game a lot single player-wise and I find the races more enjoyable than Horizon 3’s.

One of my goals is to complete the skill trees of all of my cars and the fact that there are two expansions and the route creator on the way means that I’ll have a lot more to do on top of that.



SO like 2 out of 15 are happy with it?
I bought this game because of two things. The demo felt AMAZING! And the thought of racing in game along with all the sure to be options I’d have online I was pumped.
Two days later, does anything matter? It doesn’t matter if I finish 1st or last. I haven’t seen any championships. And online has exactly two options. Basically one. Team whatever.
Its as if they made a racing game with no racing.
If they just open up PVP outside of ones session to a pool system wide maybe I’d find a ton of enjoyment and reason to unlock cars to race in all the online events.
As it is.
This has been th most frustrating game I ever played. I was banned from forums for cussing so much. I never played 3. I played 1 and a bit of 2. The gameplay and graphics , car feel all stupendous. But you can’t do anything that matters with them so why bother? I moved on and if I knew online was like this I wouldn’t of bought it. Period.
To a lesser extent offline, as I have no incentive it doesn’t even keep track of placemetn to replay. I don’t understand what happened. Something weird happened with this game.
I watched an interview the PG talking about team adventure… the other guy asks okay so what other modes you have? And the guy had to basically get excited about repeating that that’s all therre is.
Too bad the xbox interviewer was just a a yes guy… could nobody tell PG this was a bad idea?
Tweak the old system for winning to matter a little more.
Add team sure.


This “getting bored” has been around with every Horizon title. Last two games have the tools to make it interesting to yourself. Why don’t you use your imagination and start using the tools (I’m talking mainly about the custom blueprints, clubs/friends and soon to be released route creator). The game is far from perfect and needs some polishing, but I have a feeling that this will be the best Horizon game out of 4 (in my opinion). Upcoming months and expansions will show it, if it’s the case.

Map is by far the best one out of 4.
Car list is subjective. While I miss Mitshubishis and in some extent Toyotas, it’s not the end of the world.
Vehicle upgrades have been more or less the same since FH2.

I should note that usually the ones, who are not happy with something, are the ones making noise and especially in this kind of topics.


[Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D]

Not bored yet. Looking forward to winter. Looking forward to the end of October content update. Interested in the future monthly updates and eventually the expansions. I’m at the point where I won’t be voraciously plugging away at races any more, but that generally happens within a week or two. Right now I’m planning to do some long circuit races in each of my Formula Drift cars and level them up for free CR, while hopefully unlocking the Goliath along the way. I’ll probably frequently interrupt myself with painting.


I’m getting bored because so many cars I had wanted to drive have been butchered somehow, whether it be sound (mainly) or some kind of modelling issue. I feel like I took FH3 for granted. It’s a shame because had FH4 had the car sounds of FH3 and the lack of modelling bugs, it would make FH3 forgettable.

I have so many thing to do… alle classes like street races etc. Bring up to lvl 20. The other thing is to get all cars and drive them so get every car with full perks… buying all houses. I Think i have to play it for the next 6 months to get all these things

The map is the best we’ve ever had imo

The car list is the best we’ve ever had imo

However, multiplayer is when gives a game like this longevity, and the multiplayer is virtually unplayable at the moment

Through the broken multiplayer mode, the game after the end of the story actually becomes boring. No choice of game mode, car class, collision mode or no collision. Because of all this, I do not want to play in multiplayer. It is returned to FH3 until fh4 is corrected

I’m still having loads of fun and I don’t touch online PVP. The map is stunning, quite possibly the best we’ve ever had. Sure it’s not as bold in its diversity as Australia but it is diverse. The elevation changes and road layout are really fun to play with. I’m having so much more fun in D to B classes than I ever had in the past games due to the map and car list. While I miss Toyota/Mitsubishi this is made up for me by the new additions. I am particularly liking a lot of the classic and retro cars (can’t wait to get Bamburgh Castle for the barn find that I won’t spoil here). I even enjoy the season changes.

As a player who doesn’t generally play online the new Horizon Life with the Forzathon Live events has got me being more social, and I’ve enjoyed the few that I’ve joined. Once I’ve settled into my favourite cars I’ll probably start trying more of the online elements such as co-op, something I haven’t ever been tempted to do in a racing game.

The game isn’t perfect. I wish exhibition completion was tracked by season and with finishing positions so I can make sure I win on every track in every season as we roll through them. I wish the features were better for those who generally prefer to play online. I wish we still had Toyota and Mitsubishi. I wish setting “current season” in the Blueprint creator matched the event up to whatever season the open world is instead of locking in the season of the week you created it. I wish avatar items weren’t so focused upon and had more sensible customisation, like beards and helmets (that are worn in every car). I wish the AI was more believable with less obvious breaking of the rules. I wish rivals were more open again. The list goes on…

Here’s the thing though, I’ve got a list like this for every game I’ve ever played; from critically acclaimed AAA masterpieces to bargain basement games that I should’ve avoided. Does it excuse the missteps and flaws? No. But there’s a lot here to like and enjoy regardless. I’ll be playing for a long while yet I think.