Yet another annoyance thread...

I think the future content and patches will certainly improve the playability of this game. I

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Not bored of it yet but I do feel that too much content was front-loaded into the first few hours of gameplay. In FH3 there was more of a sense of progression and it felt more rewarding to finally unlock a Showcase/festival site/festival expansion.

Still got loads to do though. Lots more cars to discover, danger sings, speed traps/zones, Stories etc.


Bored? No
Excited? No

I think it looks great, drives great, when I’m racing it al feels great like every forza. But while I’m not racing I don’t feel ‘it’. I dunno what ‘it’ is, but I know it isn’t there. I had this with FH2 also. FH1 and FH3 did have ‘it’.

Let me just lead like this: The map is the best Horizon map we had till now and seasons are great. I love waiting for winter, because I will get more races and more challenges and the waiting time makes it unique.

This being said… the start of the game is, progression wise, how the whole game should be designed. It felt amazing. But it is over too soon, then they paint the map with more and more icons. I was excited, because the more to do, the better. I thought, well, let us road race in summer, dirt race in autumn, cross road for winter and then let us see what is coming. But even in Summer I have done all races, all danger signs, all story modes with the exception of drifting (I hate drifiting). And I was like “oh… that was it? now what?”. I started grinding for lvl 20, which feels horrible, I started grinding to buy a castle, this feels even worse…

So now I am waiting for Winter so I have at least something to do.

I hated Championships in Forza Horizon 3, because they were a very lazy way to add more content without putting thoughts into it. But even if I could make my own championships “grab 3 random races and blueprint them into a theme”, I kinda miss the lazy, [Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D] content, because at least it was something to do.

Maybe I could do some rivals… oh wait, there is no way to watch a rival run his best lap. There is no open rival mode. I cannot download tunes from the rival leadboard like I can in Forza Motorsport 7. Let me run against my own ghost… no wait, they cut that out long time ago.

Oh wait, Multiplayer, yeah, let us invite players to a race… hmm… noone is coming.

Well, let us head to the forums and create a healthy discussion, work with the developers and make the game better, maybe only in the next incarnation, but better. Oh wait, the devs don’t take advice or feature requests.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is how you run a mega franchise into the ground. No communication, cutting out the best features and give out less content with each incarnation.


Ouch! Crash and burn…

I’m not certain it’s that bad, but I am baffled as to why they would have removed the Multiplayer version from the previous games.

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I am now on my fifth ranked team adventure in the last seven hours I have tried to get in them. Why does it take so long to find 12 people?

I´ve tried this out and find the team adventure very unforgiving. I have to admit I spend a lot of time adjusting the cars, tweaking all kind of things for example to get a 3 star result at a danger sign or to perfect a car for drifting (although I´m a hopeless case in this category). Team events are either: you´re good at them or you´re not. I am not good, so I had no fun at all. Even worse I quit during last event and might never come back. So I think these events are for a special kind of players - I´m of a different kind.

Back to the topic:

The intro was quite long; I had preferred to get into the action sooner. The gameplay is as good as usual, but suddenly I started thinking: what´s the purpose of this. Back in FH1 you had your opponents, in FH4 you have a map full of icons and don´t know what to do.
I like the Forzathon live events - unless you have to do it alone, or as a pair, because then you can´t finish the event successfully. But having a bunch of drivers racing and drifting with you is a nice experience.
And after the FM7 fiasco where the game was unfinished and nearly unplayable the first weeks ( and may not even now be finished ) I had few crashes and issues, so that´s positive.
Last note: I don´t complain about the dressing up items - my drivatar proudly wears the galaxy miniskirt - because it so nonsense it might be genuine british. (No, I gave up after getting all this stuff and took every dress it got to outfit my drivatar, which actually was a skirt and a crown and a crazy jacket and a moustache at last.)

Keep calm and go racing…

How so? I’d love to know more, because Turn 10 has disappointed me in every title since Forza Motorsport 4.

And I really miss how wristbands used to be important (In FH1) and you had “bosses” you had to beat. Plus there was an element of “pink slip” races.


I’ve been waiting to join a ranked team adventure for about 20 minutes now, so i thought i’d go take a look on this forum in the meantime. What is it with game developers these days that all think it’s okay to release a broken game? And sure, maybe Turn10 didn’t see these problems coming when the game got released, but the fact that they are just ignoring the matchmaking problems sickens me. They don’t even mention it on their ‘known problems page’. Are they even working on this???

Yes but us 20 people in this thread don’t matter. They’ve got 2 million plus players in the first two weeks and that’s all they’ll pay any attention to!
Casuals are slowly ruining gaming for the rest of us!


They won’t play for long and they won’t pass Tier 4. There is a way to make casuals + non-casuals happy. They just need to listen.

I wish i could disagree… but damn… thats the cold truth…

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Im not bored yet, but these 3 things make it less enjoyable

  1. No motivation to come first in races, and no way to know if you didn’t come first in a race if you wanted to go back and complete it another time as it just shows as completed.
  2. Multiplayer - none existant really as the team races doesn’t interest me, tried it and didnt enjoy it, you can come first but still lose because the randoms in your teams were too busy ramming eachother.
  3. Wheelspins are more frustrating than exciting due to horns and cosmetics, superwheelspins when all I get is 3 cosmetics is disheartening.

Agree with most of these comments. The competition piece is lacking. I just did level 20 of the road race venues…twice. It wont promote to level 21. And I did that only to see if something would break free for next level competition…which means I had to race the same few tracks over and over again. Even rivals is lame. I cant do a rival competition with a class of my choice on a track of my choice…they only have presets. I get the feeling this was designed by a bureaucratic committee instead of game designers. I find it hard to believe they removed the H3 feature where you could set up a multi-race competition from ANY track. I will play through the next season and into Spring season in the hope that accomplishing that opens new features like multi race competition but if their plan is to just introduce new map areas with the same “game play” they have lost me from the franchise.


Personally hope the expansions are really worth it, I already beat every race and stunt section on the map. I mean it’s still dun to hot the touge and race/drift with friends. But I can’t help but still get bored quickly

Definitely had a longer lasting experience on Horizon 3. The car list on 4 is fine, the map is way better, but I’m bored too. At least on 3 you got the illusion of progress by unlocking and leveling up festivals. 4 is just races for the sake of it. Nothing happens. Why even bother leveling different disciplines up? A t shirt? Pass. Sad to say but this game lacks progression and a reason to keep playing. There isn’t that thing dangling in front of you to keep playing for.

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TBH There is no game made that you cant be bored playing, after a while you get burned out and tired, sorry but that will never change.

I played MMO’s night and day when WOW and SWTOR first came out and got burned out,same for so many games esp Battlefield.

i’m reinstalling Forza 4 on 360 to play for little while and maybe some forza 6 as well, come back to this game in few days

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I agree. A lack of content (70 less unique races then H3), a toddler friendly, basically meaningless, edging on close to missing progression system (also with the small amount of content being shoved in your face almost immediately. What happened to showcases meaning something?) & virtually non-existent story/goal/cut-scenes to give purpose to the game would do that.

Its called franchise fatigue. If you played the [Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D] out of H2 and 3 this will get boring unless you have a hobby like painting cars. And the fact online and rivals is butchered I’d say you have a couple weeks to enjoy, rather than if you’ve never played any Horizon game this would last 6 months.

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It’s disappointing because I always considered rivals and online the reason to play. I would blow through the early gamey stuff so I could really start digging into building cars and learning them and the tracks on rivals and then taking my favorites to online adventures. But with no rivals or online adventures I am at a loss for anything to keep me really interested. The seasonal events and daily/weekly Forzathans will get old fast and after only a couple of forzathon lives I know I never want to do those again. This game really needs to have the long term design of engaging online experiences and rivals. They could delete all of gamey content and just give me open class rivals and online championships with choice of class and I would pay triple for this game. On the plus side I have a character who can dance and wear a goofy hat.

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