Will ranked come back or devs dont care about the game anymore?

The ONLY thing made me love FH4 was ranked mode, and tbh I know for a fact alot of players dont play FH5 because its just to boring, all my friends I meet from FH4 they dont play anymore the game they just changed to F1 or assetto, Will devs do something because fh4 was my fav game but no ranked no point to play


No suggestion that they will do so and the whole way in which the game is being developed suggests that competitive play is not the way the devs see FH going.

Itā€™s a mistake, and an obvious one, but they appear set in their ways. I donā€™t see any change now being made.


I would love to see it added back but given itā€™s been a year since release the likelihood of this happening is close to 0.


Iā€™m not sure they care. My Jam is online drifting, and theyve done NOTHING with that - limited to A and S1 class, anything goes - no seperate rwd or awd lobbies - 3 tracks with 4 minutes on each, making enough time for 1 complete lap on someā€¦terrible


The OPā€™s title presents a false choice. Itā€™s like that old ā€˜have you stopped beating your wife yet?ā€™ question.


Horizon is not ā€œmeantā€ to be a competitive game, and this was outright stated pre-launch. Also, given how toxic people seemed to be regarding Ranked in Forza Horizon 4 itā€™s probably the best call.

Personally I reckon the only reason class-based Rivals boards are in the game at all is because of the uproar when Forza Horizon 4 didnā€™t launch with them.

If you want good clean racing with decently skilled layers, you either have to get lucky and find a Discord server that hosts sessions, or build your own and put in the work to get people involved. The game isnā€™t built for this kind of thing out of the box and never will be.

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At the end of the day this game is an online car racing game with guess whatā€¦ online racing modes. What it lacks is proper match making where players are paired with equally skilled opponents. Weā€™re not asking for hardcore competitive racing here. Thatā€™s what Forza Motorsport is for. What weā€™re asking for is ranked racing to be added back. If you donā€™t like ranked racing or think itā€™s toxic then guess what? DONT PLAY IT! Itā€™s optional to play. No oneā€™s forcing you to play it. Thatā€™s why they also had unrankedā€¦


IMO the toxicity in Forza Horizon is pretty much everywhere: Trial, Horizon Tour, Playground Games, and most of all, the Auction House with its absurd prices dictated by people who scammed their way into Legend and use bots/scripts to hoard the rare cars.

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Agreed, the many suitable words arenā€™t allowed on here but gamers who are a ā€˜insert word hereā€™ will always be a ā€˜insert word hereā€™, ranked or unranked makes little difference.

Iā€™ve watched somebody blatantly speed hack in Tour and had another one where someone in the OPI Edition GT griefed me for being the best driver by a mile out of the team.

Like with many things that todayā€™s world loves to bemoan and wish to stop the unfortunate truth is it will always be present to some degree.

Personally i donā€™t like the idea of a ranked and i would avoid it if i can. In my opinion if they ever add something like that they shouldnā€™t force it to players via the festival playlist and they shouldnā€™t have exclusive rewards in it. Just add it for people which for whatever reason want it.

Thatā€™s how it was in FH4. It was an optional race mode. No one was forced to do it and you also had an alternative non ranked race mode.

Im actually legit getting angry reading some users posting that ranked was toxic etc. Itā€™s akin to me saying no one should be able to design liveries and everyones car should be painted gold. Actually thatā€™s a bad example because this is what should happen but you know what I mean.


In FH4 it was on playlist though. It was possible to get 80p without doing it until they bugged the playlists and it became impossible. And meanwhile FH4 it was difficult to find a session for ranked. Few times i tried it was just looking for a session forever so i guess the interest was low despite the fact there were many players active in the game.

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I avoided the chorelist in FH4 which explains why I was not aware of this. Did they really add ranked racing to the chorelist? Now peopleā€™s hate for it makes total senseā€¦ What were they thinking

Yeah. Every month, you had to go run three races (or sessions, I forget) before it would count you as ā€œRankedā€. That, of course, was assuming that you bothered to get ranked prior. If not, it was 10.


That reason and the fact the point system was frustrating to deal with. I reached rank 6 in solo with little effort each month. After that couldnā€™t be bothered as I had all the prize cars that were already on repeat cycles.

Team ranked racing was a disaster as alternative/temporary/bot accounts would artificially increase the teams score when they would quit last minute.

Playground disabled point increases if anyone quit as a solution. Not the best but they didnā€™t have much choice with all the exploitation of the point system.

In solo rank I would win all 5 races in championship then lose points lol.

In group ranked you or someone on your team could leave before end of championship and no one would lose rating.

Initially in FH4 team ranked, players quitting in the last race would still have a negative impact on that teamsā€™ points (so a quitter against a team of 6 essentially contributed -600 points). That worked ok as there was limited benefit in quitting.

For reasons known only to PGG, they changed that (with no communication with players) so that players quitting did not cost the team any points. That obviously meant that organised clubs could have players act as blockers etc, and then drop out towards the end of the final race, at no cost to the team, completely changing the points dynamic. A poorly thought out change.

PGG then obviously realised that was an error and decided the way to fix this was to switch off points completely if anyone left. Again, there were no comms about this and all complaints (of which there were no doubt many) were simply marked as solved. Unsurprisingly, this led to toxic behaviour as players would simply quit knowing that there was no downside to doing so and lots of annoyance for anyone trying to play fairly. Another poorly thought out change.

Adding ranked to FH5 should be relatively straightforward but I just donā€™t think the dev team at PGG has any clue what they are doing when it comes to trying to make a fair competitive system, as demonstrated by the above.

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Yeah itā€™s a bit of a shame we wonā€™t see a proper match making or ranking system. But hey we got new hearing aids so who can really complainā€¦ Speaking of, how do I look wearing my new hearing aids? Do they suit me?


Guess what, if you all donā€™t like that this game isnā€™t competitive, and doesnā€™t have ranked play, then STOP PLAYING IT.

See, itā€™s not acceptable to you either, is it?


It seems enough people did that for it to not be a feature anymore.

Anyways, hereā€™s a quote from Mike Brown:

Henceforth, Brown talked about the removal of ranked modes in Forza Horizon 5, which to his perspective seemed to have been promoting a competitive motive that turned a bit toxic for the players. Mike Brown thinks that the ranking system is something that is good, however, it has a dark side. The negative feeling of coming second than first is something that Brown doesnā€™t want players to have, which led to the complete removal of it in Forza Horizon 5.

Even though Brown is aware of fact that players did like the ranked league system of Forza Horizon games, the majority of the experiences had been on the negative side, as he wanted to eradicate the ā€œnot good enoughā€ mindset of players.