Hi i just started playing forza 5 today and Im no stranger to the forza series.I hate assists and first thing I did was turn them all off for the most realistic racing I can get. Im wondering if this is some restriction since Im still low lvl but with all my assist off when im racing no matter what car i use.The brake are being applied if im coming into a turn rather hot…and is very frustrating. I can have my full gas trigger going into a turn and the brakes will apply and the game also lifts the throttle to “assist” me through the turn. With every assist off…i should be able to ram a car full tilt into a wall if thats what Im inputing into the controller. Is this just for the first few lvls of the game or something i need to adjust to that their is always some type of assist on regardless what settings you have?
Sounds like you did not turn them all off maybe, or some strange glitch. Funny story I had a buddy pick up FM5 when it came out not having played any of them before, so 5 of us are racing online and he keeps yelling saying we can take corners faster than he can and this game sucks. Well after we all had a good laugh at his expense we told him about the auto brake. He loves the games now.
Maybe try turning them all on again and saving it that way, then turning them all off again will maybe un-glitch it for you.
trust me even with abs on you can go flying, abs only kicks in if you hit the brakes. you sneeze at the wrong time and you will hit the wall full speed and maybe even get that flip your car achievment. check you dont have a sticky trigger. watch the telemetry and see if the brakes start at zero, go to 100% and if they fully let off when you do. your controler may need a good cleaning. if i dont concentrate i can hit everything on the track except the finish line. check the brake pressure in your tune. your controller setting to make sure you havent moved a dead zone outside the trigger range. i think that should be impossible but they are pushing out an update tonight and controller firmware is part of the update. updates for some people can break more than they fix.
Double check your settings saved and actually turned it off
If you still don’t like it, try simulation steering, it changes how much throttle and brake you can apply during cornering.
Really , you sure ?
I’m pretty sure sim only removes assist on counter steer but I may be wrong.
I have never heard this.
Well I have tried turning abs on and saving it. Then turn it back off and did a race again. I can literally drive and never lift my finger off the throttle and take a turn and the abs light comes on and slows me down without ever touching the brake trigger. It also regulates the throttle which means the stabilty control is also on. Im running full sim mode for everything. Im calling this a for sure glitch. Not a dusty controller since I just got the system less than 24 hrs and I havent adjusted the controller settings yet for deadzones.
that is fully assisted braking. i cant remeber does forza have you select a default skill level? if so somebody picked a noob setting. see if you can go in and raise the skill level. at 24 hours it would bee worth it even if you have to delete the gamee and save so you can reinstall the game from scratch if needed to select a higher level.
Going to try reinstalling the game just for peace of mind
I hope you get this sorted because it would be immensely frustrating.
After starting over again,everything is working properly. Getting back into building my garage.
I’m happy for you! I hope you enjoy your experience!
with all these bug reports on here i’m afraid to turn my xbox on and getting a “fix” that breaks something. its been on about 20 minuets in the past two months. but good to hear yours is working properly again.