For my whole Forza life ABS has been the only driver aid that I have used. Over the last few days I have been driving with ABS off in an effort to reduce my lap times (ironic considering that we don’t get rewarded for doing so anymore). I have found that the margin for error is smaller but the rewards are much greater if I actually get it spot on. Any thoughts? I use a standard controller BTW.
Driving with ABS off certainly promotes better lap times once you get used to it. I havn’t use ABS since FM3 and would never go back to using it. On my controller I have the deceleration axis deadzone inside at 0 and the outside at 100, I find this really helps with feathering the brakes when necessary and is great on the approach to turns so I don’t lock the wheels up. Keep ABS turned off in you will definitely start to see your lap times improve in a fairly short space of time.
You can hit the brakes so much later with ABS off. The time it takes to slow down is a good bit less with it off too. You can definitely be faster with it off. I find that the danger of locking them up is just when I first start braking. To guard against it, I initially pull the trigger about 40% of the way and then slowly increase it to about 70-80%. Just takes a little time to learn to do it right, but the payoff is there. Makes the game more challenging and fun too.