Why corner cutting really is bad for you

For starters, this is not a thread complaining about players cutting corners, there are plenty of other places to voice concerns over that. Ideally, this thread is created to provide some insights for players who feel the need to cut corners and why they should reconsider.

I realize that this is preaching mostly to the choir and probably won’t grab the attention of the players I’m interested in this reaching but I have to post something before I go completely nuts.

  1. Corner cutting teaches the wrong driving line, wrong entry and exit speeds and wrong braking points. So if you cut corners often enough you will not know what to do if you suddenly decide to be a human being and race cleanly. Drivers who cut corners are hurting their skills in the long run and considering that this game is 100% based on competition if a driver wants to be the best they just won’t if they never try in the first place.

  2. Corner cutting is a short term gain, but a long term loss. Driving foolishly may net a second or two through a chicane or sharp corner with wide runoffs but re entering the racetrack usually ends in an accident, on purpose or not and will set you back much more than you gained.

  3. Picking a top tier car and tune and then cheating with it will cause clean players to become aggressive. This is unfortunate but very true. Turn10 does not have punishments in place for cheating so often times players will take the law into their own hands.

  4. You will cause an accident if you are in traffic and you take a line that no one else is driving.

  5. Corner cutters are like black holes that suck in players who would otherwise play fairly if they feel there are no other options to remain competitive.

These are redundant on purpose, but hopefully they will make sense to someone who feels the urge to stretch those white lines and rumble strips for a short term gain. In the long term cutting corners slows your development as a player and does not allow for proper competition. Once a driver starts cutting corners they stop advancing their skills as a player. This in turn causes them to cut corners more often to keep up as they feel there are no other options to keep up.

Please, please, please just consider these points the next time you’re on a track like Yas or Bugatti circuit, and make an attempt to drive like a real life racing driver who would be instantly DQ’ed for doing even half of the things people do in forza to win.


I would love to see some type of time based penalties for cutting corners. In order to place well on the leaderboards, you already have to run a clean lap. What if that carried over into all areas of the game – and especially in multiplayer hoppers?

I really struggle to do the left hander on indy GP where u can cut through the tyres. I’m that used to taking lb lines that im utterly usless when I try to take it properly.

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Taking the fastest, cleanest line is taking it “properly” — it’s not your fault that t10 did a poor job. I don’t feel guilty at all for taking part in “cutting” that corner.

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I also don’t feel guilty at all for taking someone out who tries to pass me by cutting that corner. Crashing you out is in the game, it’s not my fault T10 did a poor job of penalizing for it, so why shouldn’t I do it? Right?

You’re comparing taking a CLEAN cut to blatantly wiping somebody out. Guess everybody on the leaderboards deserves to get taken out?

LOL @ you my friend… LOL @ you

Do what you want on the LB, I know T10 and most other racing game developers are terrible at doing track limits. Which is part of the reason why I don’t bother chasing LB times that much.

But when I race online, I take the proper lines and don’t take advantage exploits. If you blatantly take a big cut like the 1st corner on Indy to get by me then yeah, then I am for sure going to dump you on the exit or in the next corner, It doesn’t make one iota of a difference to me whether the game calls it “clean” or not. A corner cut is still a corner cut, sounds like Horizon is more your game.

“I don’t want to take the fastest clean line and will take out anybody that doesn’t agree with my viewpoint.”

Honestly you sound like a chick. Lol @ the Horizon comment though m8.

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For that corner I will cut if equally skilled players are doing the same. If they are running the track as designed I follow suit.

Basically I respect those who want to race the correct line vs clean line.

For me though, that is a strong layout so lap times aren’t a big deal for me. If I’m in a good tune, I’ll be at the front no matter the line used.

But I agree if youre taking an obviously clean yet cutting line, getting taken out and other refusing to give you room in future races is a punishment to be expected.

However I do understand running the fastest possible lap in uncompetitive lobbies on this layout. You can only sandbag for so long before bad driving annoys ya.

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And that is why i dont race against players like you that just openly admit to cheating by cutting a corner. The players that corner cut and use training wheel cars are a waste of time imo. I only wanna race against those that know how to race (and by that i mean not only drive but try to setup their own cars). Ive raced against big fat hangers and hes a high driver level that still only uses cheaterboards and cuts corners and will purposely wreck you if he cant pass you cause youre that competetive. I leave the room right away when i see him. And others that are just as handicapped as he is.

  1. It certainly isn’t cheating. Its taking what the game is giving you. I go for the fastest, cleanest laps. Period.

  2. I only use cuts that are clean. Once again, blame t10, not me. All of the top drivers that I race with do the same. I guess all those guys I know with top-50/25/10 times are cheaters too?

  3. I have never taken out somebody purposely because I couldn’t pass them. That is just a flat-out lie.

And yeah I would leave the room too if I was soft like you are. Some people just can’t stand being beat. Me personally? I love racing against people that are faster than I am. It gives me a good chance to learn from those that are better at the game.

Name your car. Name your track. Name your class. I’ll tune something up. Let’s stop being girls and settle this on the track Deborah.

I take it but I won’t use it to overtake l.

I’d love to see penalties something like iRacing is using…when u cut corner u are told to drop speed for certain time. By using that, we could leave those stupid artificial barriers off.

Problem with a speed drop and this happens in Project Cars is that when they are slowed down they block other racers.

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I don’t think he’s talking about sticky off-track areas, which as you say, could block anybody directly behind them, but being assessed a Slow Down penalty equal to the time gained by the track cut itself. This anti-cutting measure REALLY works wonders, since there’s nothing to be gained by doing it in the first place, and doesn’t utilize unrealistic physics or leave a car sitting there, waiting to be smacked. You simply slow down to give back the time gained, and if you don’t do that soon enough, you’re assessed a stop-and-go in the pits.

Oddly enough, you don’t encounter any of the course cutting garbage we get with Forza.

Sure, and that sucks when it happens, but the overall net effect is far more important. Corner cutting just isn’t really a “thing” in PCars or AC because cutting doesn’t offer a real advantage. The price for this is the much smaller problem of an occasional slow car blocking other players.

It’s like sticky walls in FM6 - it’s very occasionally harsh on a player who just grazes a wall accidentally, and that sucks, but the overall effect is that a whole bunch of cheats can’t get away with it any more, and a whole bunch of tracks that were practically unplayable in FM5 because of rampant wall-riding are totally fine in FM6.

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Speed drop + ghosting => problem solved.

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Just because you can go somewhere does not mean that you should be allowed to go there to gain an advantage or position. Many tracks have boundaries or out of bounds areas from to Le Man to a NASCAR circuit. This game needs those kinds of penalties for disrespecting the track boundaries and that should be a time penalty imposed an egregious corner cutter. That could potentially drop a habitual offender from first to second or third or farther back if they amass enough penalties. Here is a little blurb from F1 about corner cutting and penalties assessed.

Lewis Hamilton escaped a Mexican Grand Prix corner-cutting penalty because he backed off sufficiently to atone, Formula 1 race director Charlie Whiting has explained.
Mexico City polesitter Hamilton locked up going into the first corner of the race and slid over the runoff area, rejoining still in the lead – partly because Nico Rosberg and Max Verstappen were wheel-banging in his wake.
the incident and went on to win the race, while Verstappen did get a penalty for going beyond track limits at the same place while defending third place from Sebastian Vettel later on.

The corner cutters would either get the hint and take the corners properly or they can be happy with the penalties.

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I was going to make this point but it looks like you were aware of it already.

Unless we get some back-and-forth about game philosophy (which isn’t likely based on how Turn 10 seem to communicate around here) we’re just going to be going round in circles discussing issues like corner-cutting. It needs to be brought up but when you have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 threads on the front page about unsportsmanlike conduct with little to no official response then there’s not much you can do. Concerns are being raised which is all well and good, but until we see some results I fear it’s going on deaf ears.


I understand where you’re coming from and I’ve been around the forza series since it got its start. I’ve seen how turn10 keeps their cards close to their chest. They don’t interact with customers outside of news articles and DLC and future game announcements. They don’t even release patch notes and are notoriously bad at not fixing problems they are aware of. But what else can we do? We have no real power to do anything except come on these forums and voice our concerns. So long as Turn10 continue to stay silent we have no real way to know if they even care. I really feel like they don’t because they have turned the franchise into a profit machine and wouldn’t want to turn away customers.