Why corner cutting really is bad for you

That’s the big one right there, the perception that “they don’t care”.

There’s no denying that Turn 10 deeply care about the development and quality of their games, anybody that puts out games like that should be proud of them and rightly so. However, it is the perception that “they don’t care” which I am seeing more of on the forums.

They likely have all sorts of reasons for not being as open as Blizzard are with Overwatch or Psyonix are with Rocket League; it could be down to internal resources, available man-hours, an overall commnication philosophy/strategy from higher-ups etc… The end user doesn’t know or see these reasons, they only see the end result, and the end result is almost exactly what you said:

What people percieve is often as important as what is actually happening, and the perception amongst the Forza communities I’m a part of is that more two-way conversation is needed, and less echo-chambering.

Nothing wrong with making threads, sending emails etc., it’s all feedback that we hope they are taking on board, but as it’s a one-way conversation we have no idea if some things are worth bringing up anymore unfortunately, and you’re right, there’s nothing we can do about it.

Even voting with our wallets isn’t enough as we’re such a small portion of the 2,000,000+ playerbase that if everybody on the forum refused to buy the next game, it wouldn’t make a dent in their figures at all.


This thread’s gone South and off-topic for the past while.

I’m going to bail here but drop this off on the way out:

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I honesty can’t remember the last time I saw someone blatantly cutting who wasn’t immediately sent to play sandcastles by the nearest player.

If t10 are not going to sort these idiots out then we have no other choice but to send them into the dirt. It’s not like we are gunna get banned for it.

Funny thing happened the other day, I wrecked a cutter he proceed to swear at me in messages. I reported and within 5 mins he was comms banned. I got a message off another account saying I got him banned and I had ruined his entire experince. I explained the situation with no reply. Today I get an apology from him wich Brought a smile to my face and big respect to him. I appoligised back and all is good.

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If it’s clean it’s green, as far as I’m concerned. The only fair way is to take as much of the track as the game allows, cos then the game can tell us who is taking too much with the dirty lap icon. If we race well within what the game allows, how do we know someone isn’t taking that little bit more to gain a competitive edge? Turn 10 need to do a MUCH better job of defining proper track limits, but we have to use all that the game allows to have the most fair racing in my opinion.

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Its not like I approve of the fact that those cuts are clean. I just want the fastest clean lap I can get.

Some people just get really butthurt by that.

That’s great on the lb. But do that in a race and ur gunna see the barrier. I agree t10 need to do a better job with track limits but no need to compound the situation. If your worried about someone in a public hopper getting a little bit more competitive edge then u I surgest you look at pro racing as your taking publics way to seriously

You keep acting like its ok to punt people off who take clean cuts. Hitting somebody isn’t clean buddy – you can’t get a clean lap after doing that. Your analogy is way off.

I don’t know what public hoppers you race in but I’m not sure if I have ever been taken out in a lobby for taking a clean cut. You’re just making yourself look childish by saying you will punt those people off. You’re simply creating more of a problem. Oh you took me out for taking a clean cut? Good luck making it to the next corner. The whole race is now ruined because of you, bold strategy cotton.

Yes, t10 botched it royally and it really sucks that they did, but don’t make a small problem into a bigger one. Just stop whining and deal with it lol…

Quite ironic that you made the claim that clean cutters are “taking publics way too seriously” when you yourself are taking it serious enough to wreck people for taking a clean cut.

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I’ve said it multiple times…
Grass is slippery and will get your tires dirty, giving you a “grip reduction” for 1/2-1 lap in real life.
Sandtraps are sticky, Go far enough, and you might not even get out, but they dont stop your car instantly, + they give you a grip reduction…
Asphalt outside of track is dirty and slightly more slippery than track, and again your tires are dirty for…

Also even if you cut corners in real life you will get penalty after race,
So let’s assume I go and cut corners and gain ~4-5 seconds a lap despite my dirty tires, I will definitely be first to cross the line, But as I gained those 4-5 seconds a lap, which will be penalized 8-10 secnds a lap… Well I might not be the last one, but I certaily aren’t the first one.
Of course there should be some kind of system that would identify were there contact which resulted in you going off the track in he first place, But I’d say it’s rather safe to assume that if you clearly gained time for your average clean laptime in the class it was deliberate corner cut.

This would lead to situation that if you want to gain advantage by unfair means, you would have to sart bumping people out of the way / on to the grass, and there is penalties for that. which has lead do temp bans allready.
And we all know that nobody really wants to get banned.

Of course this would require a lot of rogramming and fixing the track limits which isnt going to happen in FM6, and most likely not in FM7 either but we can always deam about it.

Just my 2 cents…

Lol, I never race in publics. In fact I’ve probably had no more than 20 races of any type in about 10 months. However I maintain if I did race in publics I’d take the fastest clean line. It’s the only way to race unless you race in an official competition which clearly states different restrictions. So, for example, yeah I’ll run the full clean line on Indy first corner. Yeah I’ll ride the bumps on monza. Yeah I’ll help myself over eau rouge. From your posting history it would appear you take it a lot more seriously than me, too, curiously.

I take the game very seriously but hoppers are a joke and I have come to the conclusion using these lines in public or against my friends is pathetic.

When do you use these lines? Like I said on the lb it’s fine although it harms your race craft imo

I have had enough of the “clean cuts” and I don’t care how childish I look. I’m sick of having my online experince ruined by the desperate minority on this game. T10 do nothing no 1 gets banned and there are no consiquences for me or anyone. I used to be dead against retaliation my official potion was always save the replay and report but that’s not been working for months now so I take things into my own hands. Often or not I dont even get chance as someone else does it for me.

As many other ppl have said already in this thread cut the corners and you will see the barrier 1 way or another. No 1 likes a cheat and it is cheating when the majority of ppl would like to race the track not the cuts.

1 more thing since when has obtaining a clean lap in a race been racing. That’s hot lapping not racing sooner ppl realise the lb’s are for hot Laps, hoppers are for racing the better

Finally I did not claim clean cutters are taking hoppers to seriously. What I ment was that if you think that u need to cut to stop ppl getting the edge in publics then u shud consider a more serious aspect of racing. If u think I’m taking this seriously because I hit a cutter into the sand then u have a completly diffrent look on seriousness within forza. When I take racing seriously I race not ram

Oh, so now your saying that I can’t go for fast clean laps in lobbies? Why don’t you just play the game for me.

Seriously dude, let people play the game they want to.

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Like I said, not sure what hoppers you are in where the majority are like you. I’ve never been taken out for taking a clean cut, and almost all of the good drivers take them.

Your online experience is ruined because there’s, like, 5-10 corners in the game that drivers can cut cleanly? Wow man, exaggerate much? Go race in a private lobby if this offends you so much, because people are going to be competitive in public hoppers.

Taking a clean cut isn’t cheating. There’s nothing wrong with going for the fastest clean lap you can get. Stop being a baby.

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Yves, yves…I’m following Tyskie. Poor track limits cause multiple problems that are left to solve for us consumers. I personally try my best to stay between the lines and dont get upset if someone passes me using clean cut. Ofcourse that only tells lack of respect from the ones who do it, and after that my respect towards him is gone too. When some idiot decides to pass me or other by dirty corner cut, he will be sent to the moon, if I can catch him by driving clean…and usually do. The worse are those who cutts and crash into you…

Lol do u play this game more than once a month. Have u any idea how bad cutting has become in the past 6 months

To say almost all of the good Drivers take cuts is completey and utterly false unless your idea of a good Driver is someone u chat to in a party every now and then. I can tell you now that jsr gtr pps ftr and ams do not take these cuts and would be embarrassed to do so.

My online experince and that of others are constantly being ruined by the desperate attitudes of the cutter and leader board car drivers. The win at all cost attitude from the minority of players on here is a black stain on forza. The truth of the matter is these ppl feel the need to do this in order to keep up. Ppl play this game once or twice a month and get absolutely slaughtered by the regulars and resort to cutting and using faster cars in order to gain an advantage over a player who has already disadvantage themselfs by using a uncompetitive car.

Most of us don’t bother with publics due to utterly appalling standards. But we still have the right to use them fairly. Until t10 over that myself and a growing number of other ppl will take things into our own hands

I agree with you here. I never use dirty cuts.

But using clean cuts is just taking what the game gives you.

How bad cutting has become? Dude, I play 15-20 hours/week and cutting has never ruined any racing for me. Sure, the dirty cutters may gain a second or two on yas and such, but those dirty cutters are always scrubs and can be caught up to rather quickly anyways.

Like I keep saying, all the top drivers in the hoppers I’m in use the clean cuts. Good luck taking them out. You are going to get eviscerated.

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Luckily u dont do s r and p otherwise u wud see what I mean

Big fat hangers please stop putting words into my mouth

I did not say u can’t do hot lap’s in a race I was pointing out that obtaining a clean lap in race is unimportant and not a reason to stop taking ppl out for desperate acts

U can race or do what ever u want I have never said u cant. I will however look after my own experince if I have to

The problem isn’t that people are taking “clean cuts”, it’s that those cuts are clean to begin with.

The criticism should be directed at whoever came up with the track limits (in this case Turn 10) rather than the people who are playing to “the letter of the law”.