Hi , are there other human beeings like me that love the game???
Because my setup works nice.
Graphics good and also performance^^
I’m enjoying lvling cars.
Love the game in generall but now i need more like me for more happyness
But only reply if really love the game xD
By being limited nowI have to wisely choose what to improve, it adds a new dimension to the game Now I learn how the car behaves when in stock and low level.
The physics and handling are so good. I wanted to like FM7 but in this regard it felt so bad compared for example GT Sport.
The wheels are now first class.
The game is far from perfect but I love this much more serious take in racing. It is a great foundation and it could become one of the best racing games ever.
I’m enjoying it! Especially the MP, I have been playing since FM1 and the last couple of versions didn’t bother me that much and bored me a little. That’s is not to say I don’t have issues with this game, and I can see a lot of valid complaints, but on the whole, I like the game and even features that I didn’t think I would like have either turned out to be enjoyable of bother me less than I thought they would.
I think it’s like anything in life; people shout loudest when they are not happy, people rarely go online to leave a positive review; Forum users, as much as they have a right to complain and be unhappy with something they have spent their money on represent a tiny section of the customer base. As much as their feedback can be crucial in furthering game development, whether that’s in the good or bad direction, their currency is the same as the person who is more of a casual player and maybe doesn’t have the time to have such strong opinions or is just genuinely happy with the product.
It shows that, at some point, the franchise has got things right; you don’t get so passionate about something you don’t care about and have set a certain level of expectation. The form of some of the complaints is as old as time and holds zero leverage.
The loudest voice you can ever have is to avoid buying the game in the first place. Gamers have been lured into this habit of pre-orders and hype. We are shelling out a lot of money for something we have yet to try or even see the finished product. How many other areas of life can you think of where we spend so much on a product before understanding what we buy? It’s all based on a YouTube video or a few fancy ‘gameplay’ trailers. There does need to be a lobby to have more proper game trials, especially for digital versions on consoles; there is no excuse unless you are not confident in your product.
I respect people’s right to be unhappy with a product if they feel duped, but many complaints are about features that were extensively showcased.
As in all areas of life, issues become so decisive these days, and many people will be put off commenting positively in a forum because, let’s face it, forums have rarely been a place of respecting other people’s opinions and agreeing to disagree.
Yes, we are also here, just not that vocal. And if we try, we are shut down by the haters. See also the tread “Why all this hate”.
That’s just how online communication works these days, Haters will hate and will be very vocal about it. In many cases painting a wrong picture about reality.
And i bet, in a brief time there will be a comment like “No, you are stupid, you can’t face reality, this is a bad game, and everybody knows it!”
I’m enjoying it, just frustrated that I keep hitting the Applying Upgrades bug and having to redo races all the time.
This common & incorrect narrative needs to stop.
Nobody is trying to “shut down” anybody from enjoying the game.
Those you call “hAtErS” want to enjoy the game too, but there are legitimate technical and/or design issues impacting their enjoyment of the game - and they do not deserve to be labeled as “hAtErS” just for giving their feedback about those issues.
Demonizing people for giving valid feedback only divides & diminishes the community.
There’s constructive feedback, and then there’s whining, blaming, demands and abuse.
Constructive feedback goes in the feedback forums whilst all the whining ends up in the main forum unfortunately.
What kinds of abuse? Havent seen that. And the only demands have been for a complete finished game. Something we all paid for and are therefore owed.
I think the game is enjoyable but it’s held back by questionable gameplay and design choices.
The visuals and car audio for the most part are quite underwhelming.
The abuse gets reported and deleted, however it does appear.
Anyway, what would be good is for the feedback to go in the feedback thread, and for the main discussion to center around how we can all enjoy the game and get the best out of it, current flaws and all, helping players to improve, learn from others, and build a Forza community that wants to be here. Those that don’t want to be here or only want to complain really don’t have to stick around.
Back on topic, there are plenty of people enjoying the game, they are here but are drowned out currently and probably not wanting to post to help others out or ask for advice for fear of being drowned out in all the noise, which is unforunate.
That seems like something you made up as for what this place is for.
But also. Its a bit difficult to do those things with the current lacking state of the game anyway. Which probably explains why you feel “drowned out”
1st … look back to my 1st comment in this tread: Told you so …
2nd … Games are made to fit a desired target audience. If you don’t like it, you may not be target audience. You may want to find a better game. That’s something hard to take, especially for someone being a fan of a series since early day.
However, what i see are a lot of deliberate decisions from Tun 10 in this game. Some made it different from former Forza Motorsport games.
If you make a product, you can’t pleas all audience. And if you try, you please no audience very well.
I’m for instance not any more the desired target audience for modern Zelda games, and i had to accept this. No need to criticize something that not anymore fits to me, but obviously fits very well to a diffent tagret group.
There are a lot of valid criticisms being given about the game, especially when it comes to bugs and glitches. It’s a sad state of affairs that games these days are charging upward of $100 for a few days early access, when there are still major bugs and crashes present. Saying that, I hate seeing comments being directed at the developers for doing a bad job etc, the developers are passionate about the game and take pride in their work, but at the end of the day it is executives and publishers that decide when a game releases, whether it is ready or not.
Personally I am really enjoying the game, it has the perfect balance between being fun and also leaning toward the sim side of things. The Forza Motorsport series has always had the most enjoyable handling for me of any racing games, and this one has raised that bar. The weather system is also unreal, it makes the racing feel much more variable than previous games. After following advice on here regarding graphics settings I also got the game running pretty smooth, and it just looks amazing. I count myself lucky that I have not been experiencing crashes, or loss of save data, as that would ruin it for me, so I definitely understand where the people suffering those issues are coming from when they are getting angry and frustrated. The jury is still out on the whole CarPG thing, but I will say that I am enjoying focusing on one car and just learning what I can get out of it, so time will tell. I feel like Turn10 will follow through on the promise of this being a new starting point for the series, and I’m looking forward to them making adjustments and refining things based on player feedback. It’s off to a bumpy start, but there is a really good game there as it is.
Im a bit of a shame, you cant make new topics.
I was about to make a comment about track modeling of this game, that alone may justify the long developpement process and reducing the number of tracks compared to previous entries.
Note that the track details are very graphics dependant, you have to put textures on high to get the most of modelings in terms of light, detail, casting shadows and all.
The amount of work in Le Mans for example deserves high-praise, light choices, props are spot on. and I think it tops rfactor 2, iracing, and maybe AMS2 Turn 10s external developpers did a great job there, hope that msg can reach them. Im a sucker for that kind of feature and this is one of the best works I ve even witnessed on that regard. even tracks who were boring to me (Silverstone, Barcelona) are great to race because of those very details. curbs, textures, sponsors. love it.
Sectarism much ?
THIS. I think some people are so emotionally attached to their idea of Forza that they cant cope with something that does not fit their mould.
The reality is that FM7 sold very little, 1.5 million copies. While GT Sport, which was not even a full game sold almost 4 million. The vocal majority here is a minority.
I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or if you truly don’t see the contradictions in your own statements…
This series has declined because its creators have not responded well to their own community’s feedback.
…Yet here you (& others) are discouraging people from giving critical feedback.
Feedback can’t drive improvements if the only feedback is praise & acceptance.
When audiences are clearly & directly telling companies “here are things you can do with your product/service that will make me want to throw more of my money at you & tell all my friends to throw their money at you too,” it seems like a good idea for companies to listen & do some of those things.
IF you believe a vocal minority is the community, which us, the forum users are, then we have bigger problems then whether or not a game is good. Perception is not reality, and honestly, the series has been on a decline because they keep offering the same thing over and over again without any meaningful changes. This was a shock to the system, and I can understand the backlash, because humans do not like change. That being said, giving something different a chance to shine was what put Forza where it is today, and it probably wouldn’t be here in this boat if it didn’t take those chances and make those changes. I’m willing to look at what’s wrong with a critical eye, but not everything is black and white.
Since the series has declined substantially, it would seem that a substantial portion of the silent majority feels much the same way as the dissatisfied vocal minority.