GG T10. You’ve solidified a place among my top 3 most useless devs. Along with Activision and EA
Last time I played this game was before Christmas and oh my god has nothing changed. Same trolls you used to get, same glitches, everything. What a waste of potential
I will be so glad if Forza 7 fails and you get taken back a step, maybe then you will start appreciating the people who payed for your broken game.
Still has broken in game chat
Still got the same absurd trolls
Still can’t kick the trolls
Still has a glitchy game in general.
Still has broken physics that make no sense.
Waste of money and potential. Seriously. Get a god damn grip
And yes, I am absurdly pissed off, because i spent £60 on this game and all I get is being pinned against a wall for 20 minutes in a tag lobby because some little brat who should have been banned long by now (Ya know, since he’s LEVEL 400) wanted to go trolling… Every single round
I gave up on forza, mp and sp. Since I bought project cars Last year, and since I have assetto corsa, I think I played forza 6 1-2 time. Forza seems too arcade, always with the feeling you can control that car and nothing happens. Online it is full of trolls that use you to brakes, cut corners, your race is spoiled and they continue as if nothing happens. In assetto corsa when playing online, the game forces you to damage on anos assists off… In project cars, people playing have lots of fair play. Amazing races mp in both games. Not thinking of buying forza 7 unless lots of issue are fixed. In mp and physics and they take back the stupid walls.
uh huh… you’ve played it only 1-2 times and yet here you are having spent time to signup to the forums just to criticize the game… was that because you couldn’t find anyone racing online i project cars or asetto?
Sure, forza aint perfect and has lots of issues but you lose all credibility by simply starting with ‘i think i played forza 6 1-2 times’… it’s like saying “i only watched the first 5 minutes but that movie was terrible, i much preferred X or Y”
"Since I bought project cars Last year, and since I have assetto corsa, I think I played forza 6 1-2 time. "
He didn’t even remotely say he’d only played it 1 or 2 times, he said he’d stopped playing it after he got other, similar games. Your question is like asking you why you chose to sign up to a forum that uses English when you clearly haven’t mastered it yet.
No you’re right, i did simply misinterpret what he was saying. I still somewhat stand by my retort though, if someone is so overly satisified with games X or Y i don’t see why they are on the Forza forums saying they have barely played it unless of course there is still some draw or attraction to Forza. I’ve got project cars and have tried repeatedly to “get into it” yet it’s so awful with a controller i simply can’t - but i’m not exactly compelled to go running over to the project cars forums and start babbling about how i don’t play it and probably not going to buy the next one because i like Forza, let alone waste time logging onto their forums at all. Each to their own though i guess.
I completely agree man, if you ever want to see a disaster of a game-mode. Jump on the tag/infected lobbies. Nothing but toxicity, trolls and crying 12 year olds screaming down the microphone because you tagged them…
I too have had issues with this game’s Multiplayer features and philosophy, ever since the game launched. Many threads and discussions have been had about this already so I won’t retread any ground here, but right now I am disappointed in how Turn 10 have set up their Multiplayer in recent Forza titles.
I hope things turn around for the next game (and have made suggestions in all the usual places) and if they don’t I’ll have to get my online racing fix elsewhere. Fortunately there are a number of racing titles coming out this year that are more in line with how I feel Public Multiplayer should be handled.
To direct this post more towards a response to the original poster: A rant on the forums won’t accomplish anything as there has been plenty of that going on over the past few years. I recommend instead posting some suggestions in a wishlost thread, and also emailing with your feedback. It might end up doing nothing but at least it’ll be in a place where there is a non-zero chance of somebody from Turn 10 getting the message.
They will never listen to us. I’m lost for words. If T10 won’t announce penalties for Forza 7, teach players how to drive, fix the votekick, fix voice chat, bring back their old storefront, etc…I won’t buy it. Besides, there are tons of other racing titles to play.
You’re right, it’s a waste of potential. They have their own “vision” of Forza…for CASUAL GAMERS, so be it.
I may be spending this years racing budget on the Collectors Edition for Project Cars. (That McLaren model is damn tempting) instead of Forza. They seem to be listening to feedback from players rather than churning out endless DLC.
So Connor correct me if i’m wrong: you just entered the topic and posted an off topic message(not constructive at all), and since noone was giving it a frac you quoted yourself adding another off topic message.
Well mate, we will miss you so much…
First post was completely on topic with what was posted above it dear
So Dylan I have corrected you because you are wrong. Since my second post was relevant to my first post (as I’d seen more information on PC2 than on FM7 at the time of posting) I quoted that. Nothing to do with it not getting attention.
Might want to actually read the thread properly before criticising someone else, else it makes you look like an idiot
I am waiting for project cars 2 and will buy it for sure. As least it is sim orientated and people playing are fair.
Hope Slightly mad studio won’t sell their souls to Money and don’t turn the game into the rubbish forza has become…
Last good forza was 4, after is worst and worst… Turn 10 just want to make a game that sells…
Same I’m not buying forza 7 as lost all faith they take our money for crap they don’t fix corner cutters have completely killed this game and the sheer lack or r3 race cars that can actually get to lvl 800 9s a joke incredibly boring and everyone look at turn 10s Facebook page there only interested in our money to buy sports cars and spend all day looking at cars people show off to them seriously turn 10 just die and let toca be reborn
I’m planning on getting FM7 because I liked FM6 (I only play club races for online play 99% of the time). They should drop tag and infected. I had no idea they were even part of the Motorsport series. These games belong in Horizon only as they are just demolition derby without the demolition. PC1 for me was a control scheme mess. Unplayable with a controller, so I will be more skeptical on PC2 than with FM7.
Im in this boat aswell have bought every forza (barring 5 as i didnt have an xb1at the time) however im will be holding off on getting the ultimate edition this time unless significant changes are brought there are so many little bugs or things that have carried over from game to game and still haven’t been fixed to this day and patience is starting to wither, it is a great series with great potential, great visuals good car list etc. sadly held back by small reoccurring problems
Crashers are just somehow getting worse with each game and the rulebook still unchanged heck even non racing sims like driveclub have a penalty system built in these days so its not like it would require a ton of effort to work, Even something as simple as having no rule lobbies for each class alongside a “hardcore” version of each class hopper where penalties are enabled for cutting/ramming could work as rammers would flock to the no rules lobbies hopefully splitting clean racers from rammers
A penalty assist would also be welcome for single player by granting more credits to the player however at the cost of enabling penalties for cutting or crashing, making it a substantial increase in credits i,e +25% would encourage more to race cleaner
While this is somewhat stealing from gran turismo a drivers licence feature would also be beneficial as some crashes online can be made by newer driver new to the series and act asa nice refesher to those coming back after along break
It also baffles me that T10 despite having a solid SF and abetter auction house system in FM4 than what we have in horizon and yet won’t revert back to it while not perfect it is a solid foundation to build on compared to the current system where you have to scroll through heaps of bad paints to find what you are after and being able to set prices again would be a nice incentive to tune or paint once more
I do wish the unicorn system could be reworked it was really annoying coming back to forza at one point to find that a favourite car of mines was available for the weekend a few weeks ago and no other means to obtain it heck even just keeping the challenges ingame but imposing either a longer time limit of making the cars a temporary exclusive like what the crew does with the summit would work
finally the PI system is starting to show its wear and tear, the class system is in need for more classes so that higher classed vehicles like the koenigsegg one and some race cars etc. are not sitting at the bottom of one class useless , engine swaps have been getting worse as of horizon 3 and need their values tweaked a bit and car balance while better still see the same cars dominating i.e the viper or alfa 33 , T10 back in FM3/4 days made adjustments between games and even patched the overpowered muscle cars in FM4 by adjusting Pi values so i don’t see why its not possible now
But guys FM7 will have at least 60fps and 1080p on consoles and 4k on PC/Scorpio, which is what the fans want!
Or at least that will be the same spiel that is spouted at E3 that is spouted every year for the Forza franchise. They care about the graphics and that is about it nowadays.
Personally, I do like FM6, but I am not picking up FM7. No reason to pick it up. More excited for GT Sport a game pushing Motorsport and that is hopefully as playable on a controller as what Forza is. I don’t want to have to buy a new wheel. I am also hoping PCars 2 is better than the first one. Going to wait on the reviews for that game.
If FM7 improves the FFB wheel implementation and encouraged proper racing etiquette in lobbies, I’d want to purchase on day one.