As much as I’ve been on these forums trying to spread my feelings on the game in hopes the low ratings and bad reviews and generally riot ready fanbase of this series would drive turn10 to making desperately needed changes, or at the very least say something other than COMMUNITY RAH RAH!, there doesnt appear to be any sense of urgency or even an indication they understand what their issues are.
Even with the terrible lack of features the engine is and always has been a great deal of fun on the track, so when i get home even after ranting on the forums i tried my hardest to find things to do and find ways to play with friends and yesterday was the end for me. 3 hours in game, 1 complete race, 12 crash to desktop instances, get in lobby together then one of us crashes then the other cant join the others lobby even though it says 9/24 players, leave the lobby recreate party, restart lobby, crash to desktop. I havent even been commenting on the stability of this game until now, but its just completely unplayable, i’m apparently not a special insider so i cant refund it through the store so im stuck with this garbage. It also appears they have locked ratings on the microsoft store for this product in the hopes that some poor unfortunate souls will be enough in the dark to drop $59 or more on this. So that’s it, a fan from the beginning, finalist in the nissan tournament for a real car, buyer of racing peripherals, multiple xbox owner for multiscreen play in the past and overall fanboy of forza motorsport is done. I’ll see those of you i have been racing the good race with for the last decade plus on the tracks of iracing, rfactor2 and i’m setting up a dedicated assetto server as i type this.
Peace Turn10!
(when the geniuses that made this engine get fed up and leave too, make sure you announce yourselves on other projects so we know where to look for this unique brand of accurate semi sim racing)
Keep thinking this way, see what happens when enough people like this guy leaves. You will be asking T10 why they stopped caring about this game. Alot of post of long term Forza players leaving, that tells me something is wrong. Every person leaving and upset do not deserve a See Ya! Instead you should be encouraging them to wait a little longer to see what T10 will do. Its to early to tell right now, but T10 did mess up with this game. However if T10 listens, they can turn this game into an very awesome experience.
Your post is a carbon copy of posts over 10 years…this is nothing new and the series is still successful… whats that tell you?you are the minority in thinking this way… this series will never be gone and if you think otherwise you are sadly mistaken…the unhappy users make up a fraction of sales and 99 percent of users are not on these forums.
Forza Motorsport, like all things, will certainly be gone someday.
Additionally, while it’s true that most people don’t frequent the forms, the most passionate users do. When you have your most passionate users in an uproar, that indicates a serious problem. Turn10 would ignore this feedback at its peril. Notwithstanding that, assuming that the people who don’t come to the forums are automatically satisfied with the game is also folly. More general ratings elsewhere on the net attest to the fact that there is a large degree of unrest and controversy surrounding this title, even outside the forums.
Also, I’ve been around since FM1. This gamertag doesn’t reflect that, but I’ve been a member on these forums for 7 years, and lurked long before that. Yes, there was controversy and unrest with FM5, but nothing to this degree has ever been seen on the Forza Motorsport forums.
Now, you could be right of course, that Turn10 doesn’t care about the feedback they receive on the forums, and that the impact of negative reviews, and returns is negligible. Even in that case though, every player who has left never to return, and every player who has returned the product is diminishing the game for everyone - even those who remain. This is precisely due to the missteps Turn10 has made with this title - and many of those missteps are unique to this title.
Really? I’ll agree that we (the forum users) are only 1% of total users… but I bet for every one person who leaves here, there are hundreds of people out there doing the same thing. And you might want to read a bit - there a a lot more people complaining then people like you. Just because you may not agree with them doesn’t put you in the majority, and just because they don’t post here doesn’t mean they don’t think like us. That’s a leap of faith even I’m not willing to make.
Regardless, this post title was pretty clear… and the original poster was quite polite to everyone concerned. No one needs to read your juvenile “see ya” response… if you don’t agree simply make a new thread and stop trashing others. This guy has a right to his opinion without the peanut gallery chants… or did you miss the “finalist in the nissan tournament” text? I think this guy is what… about 100 times more experienced and better at this game then you will ever be. Best call a medic… you’re bleeding my friend
Who said the series would disappear? However your thinking that Forza could never go away, bigger games and bigger businesses have disappeared over bad decisions. Nothing is safe from failure when it depends on the people to keep it alive.
If you purchased the game through Microsoft, and haven’t refunded a game through them in 365 days, you should still be able to refund the game. I’m not on any special list either, but I was able to refund it as a “courtesy” refund.
That he’s going to stick his computer and play sims which won’t constantly crash on him is evidence that computers aren’t as great for gaming some people say? Do I have that right?
As fans of the series and fellow racing community, I would hope that a lot more people would care about the state of game driving away a member since 2007.
Take it as you will, but my point was that the game hasn’t crashed a single time on my 3-year-old vanilla Xbox One.
Console all day.
Much like how Android phones need 4x the specs to compete speed-wise with iPhones, PC’s need crazy specs to perform well because of the inherent lack of optimization.
Not another idiotic PC vs console debate… I have both. I love both, and I’m not going to get into it.
The problems which OP cited have nothing to do with the specs of his computer, and everything to do with a company which now has two full PC releases under their belt which have been disastrous at launch. Windows 10 users, from those with modest systems all the way up to fire breathing dragons are having the same repeated crashes in areas of the game, like the menus, which shouldn’t stress a Speak & Spell, let alone a modern system. This doesn’t point to an inherent weakness in computers as a gaming platform but, rather, weakness in Turn 10’s ability to turn out a stable product on the Windows 10 platform.
Nonsense. The PC version of Forza Horizon 3 now that it’s been fixed, runs rings round the Xbox version. I know because I’ve got the game on both platforms. And it’s a more demanding game than Forza Motorsport for obvious reasons (open world) so FM7 has no excuse.
There is no need to start silly console vs PC flame wars here.
The game launched in a poor state on both platforms, but PC users got the worst of it. Xbox One owners have been suffering from crashes too, just because you haven’t had a problem doesn’t mean the game is perfect.
The reason that FM7 crashes on PC has nothing to do with XBOX optimization. It’s because Turn10 has made a buggy port. I have hundreds of games on my PC, and they don’t crash like FM7 did.