When a Mustang is not a Mustang

There is no single solution. EVs have a place and a role in that, but it’s not what’s being pushed, because, reasons. Fuel cells have a place and a role too, see Germany iirc for that re (electric engine) tractor trailers (NOT Tesla battery pack semis… STUPID). Even ICs might still be saved, see Brazil iirc for carbon capture fuel recycling (IF it works, would be huge). And of course we have to get off burning fossil fuels to produce electricity, that’s just Stupid, but, again, reasons.

Now, for the bad news :wink:

The number one issue is really quite simple, and we all hate it, but… we drive too many cars, and badly. Period. Too much infrastructure is devoted (wasted) to worshipping the automobile. Which was fine when it was cheap and we didn’t know any better. Heck at that time (100 years ago) it wasn’t even a problem because there simply weren’t that many cars. But we’re Stupid. I doubt anything will happen to halt or fix the problems we made.