Whats The Deal With The Rank System & Penalties

So to put it into perspective I go out of my way to race clean but fair (always have done) be it sim racing on Assetto Corsa, RRRE, or FM, and after gaining an S Tier which from what I understood was a fully clean and good record I thought I would go to Touring Car Series.
I came in 8th over all on the first race that was fine from myself unscaved and still clean…

The second race maple valley a track I am very familar with im taking the last but pretty hazardous corner onto the main straight away when a guy comes in on the inside corner (clearly knowing) what will happen and absolutely smashes me sending me spinning into the wall I now have not only been penalized for someone elses BS but lost my nice clean rank.

How the hell does this game not know who impacted who and if it does WTH am I being penalized ??

and more over if everybody in the lobby was also S Tier and did their races clean, how are we among noobs who just ram everything. WTH is the point in a system which clearly doesnt work other than to take liberties by frustrating people who have already been sent to the shadow realm unfairly, but now your penalizing for a reason that had NOTHING to do with them (through no fault of their own).

It would appear so I am extremely irate right now so I am gonna go take a breather, before I maybe say something I regret.

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Ya I’m not going to bother till way later I like Online racing but I don’t like penalties for getting rammed and shoved off the track

Sees some have worked out all then need to do is beat on your quarter panel to cause you to rack up penalties, Come in behind you on the finish line and still beat you, due to their all lack of penalties even though they beat on your car the entire race.

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Got dropped from S to B in one go because of another car hit me while I got spun out. Climbed back up to S in a day. The bad penalty system might be irritating, but at least it is easy to climb back up if you try to keep it clean

Similar issue here with being taken out on the 2nd-to-last bend on a 6 lap race. I lost about 5 places and was about to get my 2nd race gaining 12 places (the achievement didn’t pop for me the first time I did it!). I haven’t had my safety rating drop because of other drivers, yet, but still get matched with poor aggressive drivers because there’s not enough of an incentive to stop them. Somehow I’m more accepting this time around that idiots play Forza and if I let them bother me then it’ll spoil the game for me, so I just finish up the race, move on to the next, and trust that the system will iron itself out over time. Happy racing folks :slight_smile:

From my understanding, the ai for the penalty system is still being trained, so I shall be lenient towards the shortcomings for a few now.

So far, I have found the system excellent, so I hope I don’t have the same luck. Besides the first few races, I’ve not had this much clean public racing since the FM3 days. It would be interesting to know how the system works, but I guess people will try and exploit it at that point.

Unfortunately for Turn 10, but fortunately for me. I had a month free gamepass ultimate rewarded to me, which I am currently using so I havent paid any money. This occured to me after the fact, but also made me realize that this was a valuable insight and unless this is fixed up asap I will not be buying PERIOD.

And I also would absolutely NOT recommend it to others either, mainly on account of the fact this is not something new its been an issue for years and with the level of todays tech and software how is it still a thing ?
Which leads me to my point How can I knowingly support this and recommend it to others ??
Fact is I would not…

If they want to be taken seriously in this space that going to have to get a whole lot harsher with their discipline methods, because real drivers / racers will go to other games that do it better by far.

That’s how the rammers get in the S lobby so easy …