Safety ranking is total garbage

Yeah well, as said before by many, many players, I m ranked S 4950 ish playing with a wheel on a homemade playseat nothing fancy.
I usually play ACC with the LFM matchmaking, so if u know u’ll guess i m clean dude. I even anticipate others mistakes in order to not collide so whatever is behind my S safetyrank must be pretty on top.

I do not care about little bump, or mistakes, it’s racing but I will complain.
I am usually match with people who does not hesitate to ram me into walls or off track, like very, very dirty. Oftenly i m catching them back and they keep doing it, 3 4 even 5 times once. No penalty to them or sometimes like 1 second and I am sure no safety demote and also, how guys who MUST collide at least 20/30 TIMES in a race, even with no penalty can be ranked S ?
I mean some basic tweaking could improve vastly the QOL of this d*mned game.
If U add on top of the crashes, games not launching, texture bugs, and the ugly demanding graphic engine the fact that u cannot even enjoy the gameplay which is good, like very good (mix arcade drive/sim rules :ok_hand:) what is the purpose of playing it ?

Well another recorded experience posted for the devs who might, i don t even know, come here and read. And i might be close to 50 or more online games.

Post scriptum : S should be a rank where you should not come across a newcomer in the higher safety ranks. You should be spending time in the A rank and if you are clean long enough then you’re promoted to S.
On top of that S should be easy to lose like in ACC with the safety. You get demote in A rank and if you are clean again, coming from S you could rejoin the S rank sooner than a dude coming from B rank.


I’m wondering if during these first few weeks the system just needs more time to balance out rankings and lobbies. I also feel like at the moment the skill gap for both the driver and license rating needs to be higher. But if it works like MMR in other games that do rank-based matchmaking then it will be all over the place early on.

If this is S and A class I am scared to think what I might find in other lobbies with lower ratings :grimacing:


Agree with this. I found the multiplayer qualifiers easy to avoid everyone and just race like normal, finishing 1st and 2nd in most races without incident and then I’m in rank S.

While I do try and be a safe driver, others don’t, they cut the corners when you’re turning it, don’t give space and will try and use the full track when you’re side by side and ram you off the road if you’re near them.

At the moment the game doesn’t take into account where an error might come from, all of my penalties have been the result of another incident, rammed off the road: penalty, hit from one car into another; penalty, I always give space and will accept losing a position if the other driver is faster however I rarely find people who are the same.

I don’t think I’ve played a game where it’s so important to qualify in P1 as this one.


I agree. I have S rating and about 4500 skill. I got smashed off the track doing the hairpin on Spa’s first turn. Guy just didn’t stop at all. Hit me full speed. Also had an incident on Watkins where I was passing someone and they just pushed me into the wall. No reason. Then a guy tried to hit me from behind and he went flying off. Not my fault and I better not get banned for that. He hit me and caused his own spin out. I didn’t touch them. Then on the straight on Le Mans a guy in a Ford GT which was slow was just driving through whoever he could. Luckily I got away that time. How were they in S? Just blatant wrecking. Just like before… This was all in 2 hrs. Why would I keep doing this to myself? Don’t just fill a lobby with whoever if there is not enough people with a similar safety rating. How can this system fail so miserably. Game also crashed 3 times on Series X after qualifying and all that wasting an hour and a half trying to do one race.:man_facepalming:

I’ve all but given up on caring about the rating. The system is flawed, in that if you end up with a lower rating you end up in a lobby with dirty racers. At which point it becomes really difficult to claw your way out because YOU WILL be driven into, and you will get a black mark against you.

Too often I’m side by side with someone and they’ll side swipe me (needlessly) because that’s how they race, or worse, they’ll try a pit manoeuvre. . . for which I’ll get the penalty. And I usually go out of my way to give people space and compromise my own braking.

It’s a shockingly bad system and has been for years.

I’m coming back to this post because I think the matchmaking is getting better. I feel like the license rating is not a hard line and there is likely a number behind the scenes (like MMR) and you can potentially be a low or high S.

Last night nearly all of the races me and my friend did together were dramatically better than they have been as our skill rating (and likely MMR inside S license) has been climbing. Multiple strings of races with starts that have little to no bumping in first turns.

I know this is anecdotal from one person. But I am not convinced it is as broken as we make it out to be.

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Yeah maybe, it needs to settle to get the final rating of everybody and then to be tweaked probably. In any case I m waiting for a good patch right now if one comes out, so I couldn’t tell, I’m not playing this game anymore.
I came by to see what was the 1.1 about :sweat_smile: well …

The featured multiplayer won’t work until Turn 10 admit to a fundamental mistake. They primarily matchmake by SKILL Rating (they even state it on the multiplayer screen). Safety rating is used as a secondary factor. Why they don’t matchmake by SAFETY rating first is beyond me. Yes, you may get some easier races, harder races but all would be SAFER races. TBH I think the safety rating was probably intended to be divisions of some sort (SABCDE??), but they ran out of time…


Starting everyone at the top is a bad idea, starting everyone at the bottom is just about as bad. New players should start in the middle and rise or fall from there.

Just to mention it… there is a known issue specifically regarding this…

“General Gameplay -

Matchmade individuals are matched using the incorrect values (lowest safety rating & highest skill rating instead of average safety rating & skill rating)”

The current list can be found Here


the safety rating is a joke, i got placed in S 4300 right off the start and have been up to S 4700 now and im still getting paired with rammers and people With A and B ratings

Almost 2 months later and it still doesn’t work