Weekly challenge - Vs. Unbeatbale drivatars

Im definetly not the only one and I am not going to complain that the drivatars are too hard ( which they evidently are, becouse they just dont drive perfectly clean but also turn off physics and get tune excluded flat speed boosts) but rather about the fact that this is a race vs 6 drivatars and 5 morons sabotaging your race by crashing you and picking up every wall. Its shifts from a challenge to RNG based on whom you get mixed. by the way: YOUR SERVERS ARE NOT STABLE ENOUGH FOR THIS!

Get you head out of your you know what and do finally fun weekly challenges. Ive played forza since 2 constantly, for years over and over and this is the first forza I want to put down only a few weeks after purchase.

I like that they are harder now, i can beat them mostly anyways, with tje right tune and drivings skills its really not that hard

Then go play FH7 or something. Im here for fun challenges and not for being frustrated and annoyed.

Its not about your preferences. You cna play your game as you want to. But in this scenario you only get the weekly cars by getting trough this frustrating waste of time in a race with 6 perfect drivers and 5 idiots sabotaging you on purpose.

Some people have actual work to do and cant spent hours and hours tuning and constantly repeating races andjust want to relax


I think they should let people choose the level they want to race at, and maybe increase the points gained to 15.

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The trial is the best part of the playlist and a nice easy way to obtain 10 points whilst engaging in actual racing in the game. If you don’t enjoy it, go and acquire 20 of the other 48 points available to obtain the exclusive car for this week.


I really think that they want to “force” players to hang out and race with friends. As only way to easily beat (for not the fastest players) trial is to get your group of 6 and then start it.

A very telling thing was the other day when the D class thing happened in the trial I did a couple of them just for fun, a even though the ai was very easy to beat I did notice others were still struggling to pass even one of them, I mean I’m not the best or fastest driver but I managed to pass them easily, so how bad are some people is amazing and quite amusing.

The thing is: You can race unbeatable drivatars as much as you want to in your private sessions and engage in races as much of your liking as possible. By why force the people to play it? I have the choice between spending at least another hour in those other annoying weekly challenges or 5-30mins in these anoying and frustrating online races.

It leaves me with the choice of the lesser evil and i hate both options while wanting to continue collecting.

No ones stoping you from having fun and engaging races (alone or with friends) aside from weekly challenges but within the weekly challenges it FORCES people to play this.

They don’t force you to play it though. The only prize you get this week for the trial is a 250k Porsche, which is strongly suspect you can get for about 50k in the Auction House, as it’s an Autoshow car not an exclusive. It is easily possible to obtain the 20 point new exclusive car without doing the trial at all.

Personally, I have little interest in playing single player races in FH5 as they are fairly dull. It is the other players who add some randomness and therefore repeatability to the trial.

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I only do the trial because it’s worth 10 points which is half the points for one of the season reward car, if it was less points I simply wouldn’t bother,. I would like it to be 15 points which would make it more worthwhile.

If you’re in a trial where the lead pack of AI blow everyone away - then everyone on the team needs to work on finishing ahead of the remainder of the AI.

If you’re the first player behind the lead AI pack, and they are smoking everyone - slow down - YOU control the speed of the rest of the pack. Slow down, get them up to your back bumper so the rest of your team can overtake the remaining AI and it’s an easy win.

I think people get focused on placing 1st, and you don’t need to.
Your team just needs the highest aggregate score for the round to win the round.

Good Luck!


exactly SoKXB, i run up to 2nd or 3rd and start blocking the drivatars while letting everyone else go by. i don’t care about finishing 2nd, 6th or 7th is fine with me as long as we get the win.


Agree 100%. Take 5 minutes to build a decent car and block the AI. Not sure it’s the intended way but it works wonders.


I will note: I believe the AI are bugged, and should not be like this. I’ve been here since Pre-Release, and played FH4 for very close to 500 hours - and the AI have bugs, and they don’t always act this way all the time - so I would agree with you in that: I don’t think it’s intended exactly - but it ends up working out this way if they do bug out.

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Nobody forces anybody to do anything. It’s an option which gives you a reward for completing it to a satisfactory outcome ie: winning.

They have already tried to dumb down the playlist for those who constantly go on about being “forced” or “it’s too hard”. I think there is personally a larger base of players who want more, and i mean more in the sense of difficulty and variety.

I work too but i manage to complete the playlist every week. Matter of fact the playlist these days can be done within a couple hours easy (apart from the dailies of course).

I find it somewhat amusing that i should be bored witless because some players “don’t like how the game is”.

Get over it already.


“best part of the playlist”… no. just, no. As your opinion fine, but even then given ALL the problems with it I don’t see how you can claim you find it personally the best.

Best because it has the highest point reward ? Sure, IF you can find a team to race with that isn’t sitting parked at the starting line, ramming everything in sight, or that lone speed demon dragging the AI so far ahead of that pack “to win” that the TEAM can’t score enough points for an actual WIN. And that’s not even including suspiciously cheating looking performance on the part of some cars, including the AI.

Best ? No. Potential for being Best ? Sure. And it is that when the stars align and a actual race that makes sense (not S-class supercars cross country through mud for example) is offered, with AI actually racing instead of going nuts, and a Team of people who know what that big pedal in the middle is for and how to use it. When all that miraculously comes together, which it does, rarely, then it is fun, maybe even Best. But, most of the time, no, it is garbage. In my opinion.

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I actually consider the Trial second best to the seasonal playground games (another unpopular opinion lol). Yes, the rammers are a problem, but I try not to let them bother me. You’re not racing to get first, just put on the brakes for a second and let them pass.

I couldn’t really care less about the points reward, save that it means that I don’t have to waste time doing stuff like PGG or eliminator. It takes me 10 minutes or so to do, I generally have fun doing it and I happily do it repeated times in different cars for no reward. Sure, I’d prefer it to be more challenging but it feels like it’s generally set at a fairly sensible level to enable most people to contribute.


…let them pass. If only that worked. Then they’re in front of me, cancelling points because I can’t pass them with the constant weaving, wall riding, and impenetrable smoke screen from the drifting brake tire melting. And of course if I get close they start slamming into me. I still manage to sneak by them often enough, and then they find 12th gear, catch up, and repeat the ramming.

Still, I try not to let them ruin it, and with a good tune, lucky grid position, and a bit of personal luck I can sometimes stay ahead of them and have fun. Anyway… yeah, I’m a bit surprised I find PGG more fun lol, but I do, so I’m with you on Trial being second best, at best :wink:

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Oh I totally agree on the general points of the challenge being good, and fun. It’s the rest of it I find frustrating. Too frustrating to make it anywhere near an enjoyable experience most of the time and worthy of replaying not a bit, as much as I’d like to. I’m no racing god but can usually manage top half finishes, best 2nd place, when the Team is on. And that includes helping new to the Trial drivers who try.

I don’t mind running block if I can safely, don’t care about “winning” (personal finish) as long as the Team wins, and will assist team mates passing me (if they have the power and skill to do it clean, more power to them) for more Team points. THAT is what it should be, imo, not this “Me First” at any cost and “LOLZ I RAMMED YOU HARD” idiots.

Anyway, ranting, done, for now lol… later.

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