Vote to Kick

…is a joke.

Two different lobbies and two people intentionally wrecking. One guy was actually a decent driver but since vote to kick is ineffective he would just knock everyone off the road and cut every corner.

I tried to vote to kick and reported the players but this is rediculous. If you’re not in a lobby with people who have no business being in multiplayer yet, your in one with a wrecker.

Congrats Turn 10, you’ve managed to create a multiplayer that encourages foul behavior. Yep, a hidden vote to kick was a GREAT idea…pssh.


Has anyone from T10 acknowledged and given an explanation as to why they made it hidden yet??

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Not in written form. I got to race against somebody from Turn 10 in the Leagues a while back and he explained it as follows:

I can understand that reasoning, but unfortunately it leaves us players between a rock and a hard place. We can’t be voting out legitimate players for something they didn’t do, yet we don’t have the power to kick out the griefers either.

As it stands there is no effective way to deal with a griefer. All you can do is either hope that you don’t get hit, or you leave the room.

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Who knows but its annoying AF when people just go into lobbies to troll and wont have any repercussions for their actions

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I like that it no longer shows who you’re voting to kick, though I still think the system doesn’t quite work. We had 6 other friends in a lobby voting to kick a player using a Lamborghini Uras to block/ram people for 3 races straight and he managed to somehow stay in. Was a pain but he left and the races after that were great.

I saved the reply for proof before I report him as he was level 155 and I dread to think how many more times he’s been doing this to people, he doesn’t deserve to have multiplayer access.

One feature I’d like to see in the kick menu is a way of being able to send that last races replay directly to Turn 10 for them to decide on the players outcome as sending things to Xbox doesn’t work but PM’ing someone from T10 does and with this feature it could save a lot of time.

Here’s what I mean: -

As you say PJTierney with Jonks explanation is correct. I’ve seen it so many times in previous Forza titles as soon as it comes up on the side of the screen to vote something most players don’t even look and vote yes and a lot of the time its the incorrect/innocent person.

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Since manual kick voting seems to be at a stalemate maybe Turn 10 will have to look at some sort of automated system, whereby crashes and such will increase a person’s “danger rating” and clean turns/passes/laps will decrease it. Once this “danger rating” passes a certain threshold that person gets kicked.

Unfortunately however, given the lack of response to any suggestions from the community it’s getting to the point where I’m not even going to bother offering feedback anymore. It’d be nice if somebody from Turn 10 had a PM/email conversation with a few trusted racers and community members about working out ideas to solve this issue, but I guess it’s something that’ll only be dealt with internally and we’ll just have to play by whatever gets implemented. All I know is that there are a lot of deliberate crashers out there compared to what I experienced in previous titles, and I’m supposed to just live with that.

Normal Hoppers also use some form of TrueSkill for matchmaking, but with the number of concurrent players per Hopper being relatively small there’s not a whole lot of matchmaking that can be done. Also, TrueSkill is a results-oriented matchmaking system; driver skill/safety has no influence on it. The only correlation between a griefer’s actions and them getting placed in a lower Division is due to the fact that that person probably finishes last in every race.

Hmm I didn’t know that. You say true skill but does it take into account temperament aswell? I guess the system can be kinda flawed anyway considering you can just invite whoever you want to a lobby.

Voting to kick doesnt work as T10 says it does (not 100% sure about FM6 but I am absolutely sure about FM5). Doesnt mather anyway because if they bring back the voting system of FM4 you can only give 1 vote at a time. If you kick 1 out he will be replaced by another moron within a second. Lobbies of 24 doesnt help either. In the complete chaos its impossible to see sometimes if someone is crashing or just unlucky himself.

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Yes, its frustrating to see Turn 10 removing or severely nerfing features instead of trying to improve on them. This vote to kick system sucks, no other way to describe it.

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We lost old school voting when people started spamming it to kick players just because they couldn’t hang with them. I’d seen it dozens of times, if someone won several races in a row their name would pop up. If they took away the rep ding with a kick it probably wouldn’t be so bad but getting your rep dinged because you’re good at the game and people have to be whiny little 5 year old girls is quite sucky. The trolls did spam it too to avoid having their name pop up but more often than not I’d seen it used to get rid of dominant players.

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100% agree. I had my fair share of kicks because of winning, but in all honesty it didn’t matter,I’d just go to the next lobby and win again. Theres nothing they can say that could justify changing the vote to kick system. More times than not the right player would be kicked whether it be for crashing, corner cutting or just screaming into the microphone. The multiplayer lobbies are a disgrace in this game. I literally feel like I have to force myself to play and it’s a shame because forza is my favorite racing game, or at least it was until 6 came out. Not to say it’s a bad game because if I had never played forza 4 before Id think 6 was great, but i did play 4 and 6 is just a constant seesaw of being boring and frustrating to me now.


The simple solution would be to show the votes for everyone. Spam votes will occur, but it would be difficult for wreckers and other dirty players to avoid being kicked.

The game already tracks the votes for everyone and each vote is kept until that player leaves or gets booted.

I actually didn’t mind getting voted out for being too fast. Sometimes I requested it when the game kept putting me in the same slow lobby. What I did learn was that you could dominate but nobody would vote you out if 1. you avoided the hated LB cars and 2. raced everyone as clean as possible.

I agree. The kick system at the moment is absolute waste of time. While getting kicked for winning in Forza 4 did happen overall the people who really should have been kicked for wrecking and other unsavoury behaviour were. It worked much better than the system we have now.

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FM4 unlimited drift lobbies were a nightmare, but at least you had a fair chance at kicking the bad players. There was also a funny little trick, where you would go into the kick x player menu, but didn’t vote to kick the person right away, so some other sorry player was scapegoated by the bad player in a final effort to ruin everyone’s day. You could then press the vote to kick player, switching all the votes to them. It was great.

Got to agree with this. I can put up with occasionally getting unjustly kicked out, which in my experience was a minor problem on past Forza’s. I would rather it be easier to get wreckers and corner cutters kicked which is a major problem in the general hoppers at the moment.

Yep that’s exactly what happened to me in Forza 4. People wanted to kick me because I was always winning. I understand that players were abusing, but now with this “new” system by T10, we went from an extreme to the other:

-Players don’t know about the hidden votekick feature
-Players cannot hear you in the mic when you try to explaining the situation and invite them to votekick someone for what they’ve done
-Noobs/casual players simply don’t care

For Forza 5 and 6 I really want to know: how many votes are required to kick someone???

because as others have pointed out, even if there are 5 or 6 players who voted to kick the crasher, he will keep wrecking others in that lobby indefinitely.

50%. One of the mods confirmed it in response to someone a few days ago on the forums here.

I was in a drift lobby with about 7 other people who had mics and 13 other decent, mic-less players. The rest were using Lotus E23’s and Limos. We all tried to kick the griefers but it didn’t work. They just kept on going, so I said let’s start a private lobby and I invited every legit driver… From that point on everything was awesome and we all drift and race all the time but it shouldn’t have got to that point. The Vote to Kick system is too weak. In my opinion of three people vote to kick someone then they get kicked. I know some people are at risk of getting kicked without doing anything wrong but that’s a consequence we have to come to turns with if we want the actual griefers to get kicked. It’s either improve the effectiveness of the kick feature or carry on in pretty crappy lobbies.

Sound reasoning. Kind of wish T10 would make it so any and all known wreckers can only get into lobbies with other known wreckers.

I always thought that the league temperament system should be used in normal lobbies too but unfortunately it’s not.