Vip Membership

Ive had Forza 5 since day one, purchased vip membership, installed it. Left the game for a while to play others, get out of house ect. Recently come back to playing game and noticed i still dont have my vip membership, yet on my add-ons its saying its installed. Can anyone help me here?

Did you install it with the Gamertag you are using to play the game?

yes used only this gamertag

Have you done a complete console shutdown? Hold the Xbox One’s power button (not the controller) until it turns off, then turn it back on.

yes, ive tried that too.

So, before troubleshooting any further, let me ask what it is you are looking for to confirm your VIP membership? Do you not have the crown, the cars in the ‘Buy cars’ menu, or what?

i can buy the cars just havnt got the crown

Something is amiss here. Are there no other Gamertags on your console? If there are, are you absolutely positive none of those Gamertags were signed in when you entered the code for the VIP content?

The crown makes you no faster nor gives you any respect online … is it really an issue …

Yes if you pay for it you should get it. He’ll they don’t take down the moders times the least they can do is give the man what he paid for


positive only been my gamertag on this console from new.

I have the same problem, no crown, no monthly car gifts no nothing but when I click on VIP in the marketplace it says VIP is installed.

My VIP membership doesn’t seem to be valid either even though I remember buying it and the marketplace option says installed.


so im not the only person with this problem, surely this should be sorted?

Have you tried reinstalling the VIP content and reinstalling?

yep, tried that still not working.

Just curious if you’re getting the benefit of the membership… How many bonus credits do you get when leveling up? 35,000 or 70,000? If its 35, then its not installed at all.

Just a long shot here, but is there anything in your message center about it? I know when I get gift cars, you have to open the message and download them. Maybe, its the same with the VIP? I’m probably wrong though, I can’t remember how mine installed when I bought it.

If you go into the XBox store and look for add-ons, do you see the VIP membership there? Does it have a button for installing it? I assume it says that’s its already installed???

I’m only getting 35,000 for a level up, and in the add-ons window it is saying VIP membership installed. Also i have nothing in my messages about my VIP membership on Forza.

I’m only getting 35,000 for driver level up, it is saying installed on Xbox marketplace and i haven’t received any in game message to do with VIP membership.

Same issue here and I am not happy at all! $20 for 5 cars! My issue was that only one user id can be used for 2x accelerator and free gift cars. Seems that if you pay for it, the perks should apply to your family as well.