I bought the velocityone race at the beginning of January,is there anyway forza and turtlebeach can speak with each other about the incompatibleness of forza and velocityone’s race management display(rmd).the wheel is a good step up from gear and belt driven wheels?it just sucks that one of the reasons i purchased the velocityone ,the rmd, doesn’t work with forza on console , it would be nice to get an update for that. I reached out to turtlebeach and they said its forza fault and forza has to make patches to make the rmd work properly with the game… t10,can you guys fix this please?
They will not
I don’t know anything about the Turtle Beach wheel, but the “RMD” you mention and the situation you describe sounds an awful lot like issues I dealt with while using Fanatec products.
People would complain that they have wheels with built-in displays to show different data, but the displays could only be used for very basic functions on console. Xbox had the worst of the situation (PS5 had a bit more functionality), with people also complaining that things like rotary dials and other unique inputs either were duplicates of standard inputs, or they simply had no function at all on Xbox.
This has been the situation for probably around 10 years or more now (I wish i was joking!). Fanatec would say it’s the Xbox OS that limits their abilities, Xbox would say it’s up to Fanatec to develop the proper API and drivers… back and forth, back and forth, with no one ever really knowing the true state of things. All the while Xbox gamers were getting shafted with supposedly premium products that they couldn’t use to their full potential.
I don’t know what the state of play is today. I stopped playing on Xbox and migrated solely to PC a few years ago, and haven’t looked back. The last I heard was that there are ways within the Xbox OS to utilize things like the built-in displays, but for whatever reason, Fanatec was either unable or unwilling to do so.
TL;DR - Your Turtle Beach situation sounds like it is most likely caused by limitations/ difficulties within the Xbox OS. There may be some way that the manufacturer can implement some of the display’s functionality, but given a similar situation with Fanatec, it seems unlikely. If you really want full functionality of all your peripherals, you’ll probably need to look into a gaming PC.