Transitioning from Forza 4, Any Advice/Tips

I guess I wasn’t clear. If you beat the career mode with whatever you had and most of the showcase things you’ll be rich courtesy of difficulty bonuses, mod cards (credit variety), and level up wheelspins. You don’t even have to complete the endurance races or complete the achievement for beating career 5 times over. My buddy was rich and he only used average drivatars.

If you are spending what little time you have test driving, tuning, and painting you’ll never make any funds.

Now if you consider career mode grinding because it boring…I can get down with that.

Literally if you just play the single player and avoid super easy difficulty you’ll be just fine financially. It’s that easy.

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Aye, I’ll agree with you that once I’d completed the career and all the showcases I had enough to buy pretty much everything. I like that in a game. I like to be able to complete it then have the ability to enjoy it in my own way without needing to grind to fuel that enjoyment. Granted I did spend a lot of my time doing what you mentioned above instead of actively racing, which when coupled with my limited playtime is what led to me taking about a year to complete the career mode.

I’ll also agree with you about the career in this one being rather bland and boring, the showcases were a lot more fun to me.

It’s your opinion why style you enjoy. But fm6 basically has no economy at all. I’ve never been below 8 million credit since day one. I had every car that fit in e-b class in the first week.

This game is a ready built around people the barely play this leaving regular play with nothing to do and ruining the game for anybody but the casual play. They have horizon for the casul players. I played fm4 right up to fm5 and nm probably keep playing had I know how water down fm5 was.

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Exactly why I’ve said in the past that Forza 6 had the perfect “economy” for me, it took me a year to complete my car collection due to the amount of time I had to play it. Also why I suggested giving players the option to decide which kind of “economy” they want to have. Ultimately though, having to grind for things lowers my enjoyment of the game massively. I don’t think I’m the only one who thinks this.

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Well this is the problem with forza. They made game perfect for only the casul gamer. FM5 and FM6 both die off fast because there not much to do in this game. Everybody I know hates the direction of forza. But hey the guy the barely play is happy. This game was supposed to be. A direct counterpart to GT and everybody loves this because of it. Like swerve said, I never had to grind for money, I did have to buget it.

There is ton of casul racing games out there but forza thing close to the GT style game I want to play. Maybe this just the wrong game for you. Leave forza alone


Hardcore/ casual is a totally false distinction here. You can be a plenty hardcore player and not care about the economy, or collecting cars. You could just as easily argue that now that there’s Horizon that’s the natural place for all the road cars and engine sapping and what have you and they should leave Motorsport for, you know, motorsport.


Grip is not as crucial in Forza 6 as it was in forza 4. I race in lower classes only though I’m sure that point is not helpful in s class and race cars. If you can slide and carry speed through a corner you can lay out stupid fast lap times in cars that have terrible handling stats. I run classic muscle in D class everywhere except lime rock and road Atlanta short with 4.0ish handling stats and they are phenomenal with just a little drifting into corners.

I’m happy for the in-game economy to be meaningless. I only play MP so I just want to choose a car and race, I have zero interest in worrying about whether I can afford it.


Not sure if we should be debating this here, but you’ve your opinion and I have mine, mate, nobody’s right or wrong here. We all get different things out of these games, some people would like a GT4 style grindfest, some just want to go racing what they want. Some people want to own every car in the game, if I’ve got more than 50 including my multiples, time to purge. For me, the racing is the challenge, the car merely the tool. If I had to pick a favorite economy from the console games I’ve played over the years, it would be Tourist Trophy, where you could have any machine you wanted, if you could win it.

This is what I’m talking about. I don’t do public races very often, mostly just private stuff, and it’s nice that we all can just pick something, put a build on it and go racing. I did do the entire single player career, took me over a year.

$999,999,999 for a long time lol


I’m not familiar with the rewards system but the first thing I would do is change your controller settings.

Go to Options → Controller/Wheel → Press X for advanced and change all your inside deadzones to 0. That was a big help for me.

Despite what some people may tell you, it’s true credits are easy to get. In fact it’s so easy that it makes the whole economy system pretty much redundant. To put this into perspective, this account is only 2 weeks old and my driver level is only at 29. Despite buying 11 race cars varying from GT to F1 (650k to 2mil each) I still have 6.5 mil credits mostly from Prize spins.


I too came from Forza 4, my tip is not to except too much, basically all that improves is the graphics and physics …well sort of physics as even the slightest contact tends to sends you flying off course whereas in Forza 4 it was much more realistic.

Multiplayer is 90% garbage due to all the corner cutters and rammers, one would expect turn 10 to try to fix this but they patch up tracks that really didn’t need it and their marshall program fizzled out fairly quickly.

Singe player is boring, unless you like 3-5 lap bumper car races, the endurance races is about as much fun as I got out of the single player.

You can make your own races in freeplay, want to select the cars you race against? … you can’t, select the difficulty for specific AI… nope.

… but now you can actually see the cars you race against instead of the default 4-door black car.

Features-wise, Forza 4 was miles beyond what is available in Forza 6.

Obviously Forza 6 has much better graphics.

Forza 6 the physics are a little less grippy. FM4 the cars seemed a little more attached to the road. Hard braking and cornering are a bit more difficult in FM6, the cars tend to slide a lot easier than they did in previous games. I’ve heard this has been carried over from Forza 5 (though it is supposedly way worse in that game).

Honestly, not much has changed. Tuning and photos are practically the same as they’ve always been. Painting is slightly more intricate than before.

Probably the most exciting new feature in FM6 is the night and rain. Totally different ways to experience Forza compared to previous games!

There is no grinding in this game, it gives credits away like candy. All you have to do is put in a little effort.

Destiny, The Division … now those are games where you have to grind.

Don’t think I’d call anyone who’s taken the time to post in this thread a casual gamer who doesn’t care about Forza, some of us just have wives and kids and jobs or a myriad of other real life things that demand a lot of our time. Doesn’t mean we don’t all take the time we do have for the game seriously, or we wouldn’t take the time to post in a forum about a game we all spent a very real sum of money on, more than a year since we all first picked it up. Funny thing is, everybody who’s posted on both sides of the debate gets something different out of the game, and for different reasons, and it’s all people who usually agree on almost everything else. Flame on…

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Just for fun I looked at my stats.

Driver level = 568
Credits = 124,523,639
Unused wheelspins = 209
Total winnings = 59,113,513
Time driven = 323 hours (I think this stat doesn’t include test driving)
Test driving = 47 hours
Upgrading = 30 hours
Tuning = 8 hours (I tune in test drive mode)
Number of races = 2,525
Cars owned = 333

Earnings per racing hour = 183,014
Earning per race = 23,411

Even after spending idk how much on cars and upgrades, I have twice as many credits as those earned racing. I’m assuming wheelspin and level up bonuses are the main cause of this. I’d imagine earnings via drivatar and tune setups make up some of this too. Then again rivals credits may also be in this difference.

Assuming 2 hours of gameplay every day for a week that’s a little over 2.5 million earned. Given my credits are way higher than my race winnings, it’s probably closer to 5 million a week with moderate gameplay.

This is why many state credits are too easy. You barely have to play.

Edit: in the game hub I’m ranked 34 of 147 friends in driver level but 51 of 147 in credits earned. Obviously my gameplay hasn’t been terribly efficient on the credits front.

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I’ll try to explain my perspective a little better. I’m basically a frustrated PC player who got sick of the hardware arms race and just wanted something that worked without breaking out the hex editor to fix bad code. In RFACTOR, if I wanted to race Champ Cars, I could obtain the necessary vehicles and tracks and play a complete season (still have an installation of the 2007 season). If I wanted to race a GT40 against some historic competition on relevant tracks, I’d fire up Power and Glory for GTR2 and have a go (still have that installed too). I don’t do IRacing, but you can run whatever you want if you can buy the content. That’s basically where I come from when I say the economy doesn’t matter to me, anyway. Certainly don’t want to stop anyone else from enjoying the game how they want to play it, like I said everyone gets something different out of Forza (it’s truly amazing how diverse a group this game has drawn in, actually), but I just want to go racing.

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All this credits talk is a massive derailment for this thread.

Concerning your topic/questions, four0nefive, allow me to advise:

1a)Begin this game with no assists. Just do it. No matter how frustrating the first few days might feel. As others have said here, if you’re good at the old Forza, you’ll be great at this one. Spending too many of your early days on this game with assists on will kill you in the long run.

1b) Using ABS and driving without clutch (unless Modern GT and a few other cars) will seriously restrict your driving ability and speed. The braking won’t take long at all to adjust to regarding locking up and this is coming from a heavy-handed arcade racer who only began playing Forza (or any sim racer) this year. If I can be half good, you’ll be fine.

  1. Definitely experiment with advanced settings such as controller deadzones and the rumble vibrations. Raceboy77 has a YouTube Video on this, see here: Controller Settings - Layout & Deadzones (Forza Tips) - YouTube

  2. Studying leaderboard replays will drastically reduce your time spent on learning driving styles (not just for cars, but particular tunes on said cars)

  3. Don’t be afraid to experiment with practicing Sim steering from time to time. Although most players hate it, the fact is it’ll force you to be smoother and that’s ultimately what Forza 6 rewards you for the most. Try it first with stock cars to get accommodated with the countersteer twitches - you’ll be able to notice the subtle affects of braking & acceleration on a car’s grip due to weight transfer (especially on this game’s unforgiving curbs). Learning this will improve race pace and consistency with or without sim steering.

  4. Last and by no means least: foster an abundance of patience for multiplayer lobbies - more importantly, make an effort to find groups of people you can race with otherwise you’ll lose the will to play. With the right crowds, you may well love it.

Keep us posted on how things develop!

P.S. Keep your Xbox 360… just incase :wink:

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Thanks for advice. I’ve decided to keep the 360 because there are still cars that I love driving in FM4 that aren’t in FM6.

Unfortunately, I still haven’t been able to get FM6. I finally got a reply back from Gamestop last week asking for the order number and everything. Sent them an email Friday night after school and running some errands. It’s a been a week and I’ve gotten no responce. It’s been close to a month since my brother and I ordered the console and game. On the bright side, I bought Horizon 3 recently, so at least I have one Forza game to play for now.

Also regarding credits, I don’t think I’ll have any issues. After playing Horizon 3 for a few days, I’ve seen how easy it is to make money, especially with wheelspins.