General Introduction.

Hi all, sorry this is my first post, so not 100% sure on etiquette for these forums etc, but I thought I would introduce myself. I also have some questions to further my knowledge and enjoyment which I thought I would also add to the forums separately but to keep this thread from becoming to cumbersome I have split this up a bit.
So too start …
I am Ybesad (Jason). I am 40+ and have been enjoying playing the Forza franchise since the Grand Turismo series lost its sparkle for me.
I have been fortunate that I can afford the 360/PS3/PC and ONE so my choice of racing game has been the driving force (excuse the pun) to which console I have/do own.
I must make it clear I am not particularly good at any of the games I doubt I will ever be a top leaderboard driver and if you have met me on the multiplayer side (F4 or GT5 only so far). Then you will have noticed I am normally in the 2nd third of the field. So would like to apologise for holding up or accidently bumping the faster drivers in the past and the future, honestly none is deliberate, I am just not that good! So prone to the odd mistake.
For me the Forza series 4 +5 has been much more fun factor than the current GT6 and GT5.
I do not want to go down the road of which is better, as that is full of personal opinions and
cat fights so hope to steer clear of that area and will stop there but I hope it help shows why I play these games… Enjoyment and not a dedicated fan of either franchise.
Currently I have had F5 for circa a couple of months now and have been grinding away in career mode. D and C are done and now most of B. I do not use any driver aids and tend to think that driving with clutch assigned to a button is kind of cheating (in my head) as on the lower level cars I am fairly convinced you can’t change gears that quick in reality. I know I can’t match the gear change speed in my e36 against the F5 e36 model using the button. So I tend to leave this as manual without clutch.
So that`s my intro and hope I haven’t bored any one too much and look forward to any advice given to my questions that I shall post in separate threads.
So thank you in advance for you help and opinions and keep smiling.

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PS -Im probably going to move this to the off topic section :wink:

Welcome to the forums! Hope you have a great time posting.

Thank you both and will do my best to keep things in the right forum :slight_smile: