Hi, I got an Xbone for xmas and loving forza so far, its just a hell of a lot different to what I remember. So if you wouldnt mind helping a noob out, here are some of my questions:
I did the seeker championship and this is what my screen looks like now:
I remember in the old game next to each event showed a trophy, gold silver or bronze, so theyve got rid of that in favour of ‘sp’. So:
Do I need to try again and get full SP in Seeker and Road Racing events, because if so that would mean coming first in literally every race in the game. I just dont get it, can i complete the game 100% without earning the full SP in every event? Can I even view a list of podium finishes? The narrator congratulated me on a second podium finish so im assuming i can somehow.
I dont get how upgrades work now. So you buy a car for an event and it automatically throws a bunch of random parts at the car making it as highly specced as it can be for the class, but how does it decide clutch over airfilter, tyre width over engine swap etc? Cant I just buy a car with stock parts and do my own upgrades? I saw I can fit the car with stock parts then buy my own, but first I have to buy the car with random upgrades on it.
Whats the benefit of manual with clutch vs manual on a controller?
Does fuel and tyre wear ever actually come into play, as in do you work up to endurance events?
What is considered a good skill level? Ive done all the events in that screenshot with no assists and Expert difficulty but struggled like mad on the road racing one using old Mustangs, car just keeps spinning out but IRL that car had no assists so i didnt want to cave in and turn traction control on, so maybe i should drop the difficulty or git gud? Lol. Thanks in advance
Regarding SP you don’t need to win every race but you’ll need a total amount of SP to progress to the next championship. Its at the top of the screen in your pic but it is cut off. When you’re looking at all the championships its at the bottom of each one. Cheers and happy racing.
“2. I dont get how upgrades work now. So you buy a car for an event and it automatically throws a bunch of random parts at the car making it as highly specced as it can be for the class, but how does it decide clutch over airfilter, tyre width over engine swap etc? Cant I just buy a car with stock parts and do my own upgrades? I saw I can fit the car with stock parts then buy my own, but first I have to buy the car with random upgrades on it.”
“5. What is considered a good skill level? Ive done all the events in that screenshot with no assists and Expert difficulty but struggled like mad on the road racing one using old Mustangs, car just keeps spinning out but IRL that car had no assists so i didnt want to cave in and turn traction control on, so maybe i should drop the difficulty or git gud? Lol. Thanks in advance”
You have to be careful in F7 as the higher you go in skill level the faster AI cars can get. I’ve watched a few youtube video’s showing this. AI cars will either catch up to you or you simply won’t catch them if they are already ahead of you. They don’t appear to do well in the corners just more brute force power in the straights. I’ve only experienced this a few time though. And it appears to be more pronounced in the A-E classes. In the higher classes you can buffer it by upping acceleration as it’s more commonly tweakable without breaking PI. IMO, having a car that’s around 180MPH is ideal for most tracks as you typically won’t be reaching those speeds unless it’s a very long straight or oval track.
Homologation has a 3 part restriction when building your car:
1: Tires. Compound and width are resticted. You must stay with a certain compound, for example Street, and go no wider than say 225 mm.
2: Horsepower. There is a hp cap. Fairly self-eplanatory.
3: PI. There is also a PI cap for the division your car is in. If its 425, you cant go over 425.
So long as you stay within those limits, you put any part on, swap engines, powertrains, aero, it doesnt matter, you just have to stay within those 3 limitations for it to be homologated.