Hi all, long time since I’ve been on here!
I used to play forza 4 religiously and was quite good, used to play in an online leauge with restrictions on assists etc and held top 100 times at lots of tracks.
I’ve not played since then and just bought forza 7 but I’m struggling to find a lot of things that are essential to me playing the game? Why do they change things? Lol.
How do I find the leaderboards for the tracks is my main point? Do they not have them anymore?
My main ways to play this game are multiplayer and hot lapping on the leaderboards to try to get as high as possible and to perfect my skills at each track but without the leaderboards it all seems completely pointless?
I used to be able to go to the leaderboards, see which cars are the weapons of choice, download the best car setups and even just jump straight into hot lapping behind the ghost of my target chosen opponent… please tell me this hasn’t been removed or it’s a game breaker for me and it’ll be going back on eBay
Thanks in advance
Quickest way now is to go into rivals. You can also do a short race in freeplay and at the end there is an option to view the LB for that track.
When you go into rivals and select an event, you can press Y - that will allow you to sift though the leaderboards for that track. There are probably other ways as well - like after a race at a track I believe you can do the same thing.
Awesome thanks for the help, I don’t know why they would make it so difficult and try to hide it … can we still do ghosts and see what tune and car was used etc?
yes - both - assuming the rival is using a shared tune that he created and shared or simply used someone elses. you can pick your rival as well. I usually pick somone who is a bit faster so i have something to strive for while i’m slowly trying to get better.
Brilliant thanks… I’ll get on and find it all.
I do the same. I’ll pick one maybe 1 second or 2 seconds a lap faster and keep moving up like that until I can’t get any higher. Best way to learn how to be quick at a circuit.
You can also download Tunes from the “Rivals” and “Tune&Upgrade” section.
There is a limit on how many Tunes you can save though, in the game.
There is a limit of about 900 cars you can own.
At the end of a “FREEPLAY” race you can press the “X” button to see the Leaderboard of the car class that you raced.
You can find Tunes in this Forum under “Tuning garage”
Good luck
You also can find in freeplay, under race setup. Go to the track you would like to see and press X then press Y on the track layout you would like to see. Their are leaderboards for freeplay and then leaderboards for Rivals.
Rivals leaderboards are sorted by class, freeplay by division.