Top Garage

Hello Forza forums.

Already get with the top Garage
900 cars, what’s your tink!

I’m thinking you have a lot of duplicates.


A lot duplicates haha, i have this idea after Forza 6

Luckely we have the auction house now to stuff if we go over the limit of cars in our garage.

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Why? There are enough duplicates now without more duplicates. There are only 3 nascar and two Formula E cars and 2 Indy cars (Are there different year Indy cars?) Your choice of Chevy or Honda powered, they just have different liveries. Pretty much the same with the V8 Super cars. I would rather that they made one with a choice of liveries. They could then make more model years available.

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Got to 706 building duplicate cars with my favorite tunes & paints, sold 'em cheap at AH to promote the tunes. Got a bunch of races and likes out of it, and helped a few folks build up their collections a little faster in the process. Now down to 689, with a few duplicate FE and SD cars. I think I’ve got 684 “market-unique” cars (includes 2nd-run SD) and 678 “collector-point-unique” cars.

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