Is there still a chance you will raise the garage limit on FM6?

It is because I was only recently rich enough to exceed 600 cars in my Garage only to realize that I cannot own all the cars in the game?
And I checked all 600 and they are all unique no duplicates and I am still missing 7 cars from the Autoshow.
That’s kind of cruel to a car collector like me.
So could you please at least raise the Garage Limit to something that makes it possible to buy all cars from the Autoshow?
Even though the game is now 2 years old, but collecting all the cars is one of the main points of the game, now isn’t it?

Thanks for reading.

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Not likely to happen for the reasons you have already stated and forza 7 out in 2 months
People have been asking for this since release day as well
Delete some of the nascars since of the 21 there is actually only 3 cars…just different liveries…that’s what i did

It was said ages ago that it was something to do with cloud save memory limitations why they cant increase it

Ah [Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D]… But thanks for the answer.