Tired of this forum's toxicity? We can help

I know, I know, you’re tired of seeing us point out the obvious problems with this game. So here are places where you, my fellow Forza Horizon 5 enthusiast, might feel more at home.

The official Forza server: Forza Official Lots of kids there who share your passion for the game.

FailRace’s YouTube channel: FailRace - YouTube The only man to play Forza Horizon properly. And I’m not kidding here.

HokiHoshi’s YouTube channel: HokiHoshi - YouTube Nice guy who covers Forza Horizon. This is genuine appreciation on my part as well.

Jakexvx’s YouTube channel: Jakexvx - YouTube If you prefer someone who’s more of a fanboy.

r/forza: https://www.reddit.com/r/forza/ Best place for patting on each other’s backs for questionable taste in photography.

GTPlanet’s Forza Horizon 5 Discussion subforum: Forza Horizon 5 | GTPlanet If you enjoy people like us, but in reverse. Probably the highest concentration of Forza Horizon ​fanboys on the internet. Some of whom plain delusional. You’ve been warned!


Grandma: IsuckAtDriving - YouTube

forum needs a “Happy Place” SubForum :smiley:

Just checking are you trying to say that people who are actually enjoying this game are no longer welcome on this forum?


[Mod edit - WSD - Think before you post, if your post doesnt add anything to the conversation, don’t post- WSD]

Of course not. Don’t put words in my mouth.

In fact it’s Playground themselves who are scared of this forum’s people. WindsweptDragon in particular was very rude to us when he said the devs aren’t coming here. In fact, did you know PG has a new community manager? And he posted on r/Forza first, not here.

I understand some people here can be difficult to deal with but as far as I know we never created problems for the community managers themselves. Everyone here was always polite to RetroKrystal for example.

If they don’t want this place to exist and matter, then just close it. The forum has been dying a slow death since way before this drama started anyway. What are they waiting for? lol


Don’t lie and don’t try and put words in my mouth, I said they weren’t coming in response to a specific thread asking them to talk, not that they weren’t coming to the forums. How ever I’m surprised you’re still here considering your post 14 days ago announcing ‘PLAYGROUND, I QUIT’.

FYI, My view of moderating is to let people have their say and let them have enough rope to prove themselves and their on going commitment to being a disruptive and negative influence on the forums before taking permanent action.


Pinkie, my reply was directed at the Op.

But thanks for your considered response.

DamMe, I think the op was saying that if people are tired of negativity on the forums that they disagree with, they can go to any of those places and be with more people who are of their mindset.


That’s all well and good but the forums should be inclusive and allow discussion from all points of view. If you happen to be enjoying the game, you should not be seeing a thread sign posting you to other avenues of discussion away from this site.

It seems to suggest that only certain points of view are valid here and that should not be the case.


It is and nothing or this thread prevents ppl from posting here

Yeah maybe title is bit “off” (think it was answer to some other thread) but it doesnt prevent ppl from posting about their positive experience.
Btw not posting in this thread speeds things up and it is hidden on page 2+ :wink: (and no this doesn’t mean ppl are not welcomed to post in this thread)

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Merely pointing out problems isn’t what creates toxicity. Phrasing, tone, and incessantly harping like, say, a pack of harpies has more to do with it (and I’m not accusing you, personally, of this behaviour). Like the demonstrably false shouting about the game being completely broken and unplayable. To borrow an analogy that I’ve seen multiple times now, it’s like people bought a phone but the case is scratched so they claim they can’t make calls with it.

Then there’s the back-in-my-day proclaimers. Well, it was my day, too. But I’m not wearing rose tinted glasses. Games got released with bugs and glitches to arcades, consoles, and especially PC. Not much to do about it back then. Maybe on PC you could figure out a way to fix it yourself, or keep an eye on the BBS for a solution to pop up. Pac-Man, Super Mario Bros, Sonic the Hedgehog, Quest for Glory… just to name a few. Sometimes games got released in a truly terrible state like the DC fighting game on SNES and Genesis, or Superman 64. And if we wanted to try to get a refund we knew to take it up with wherever we purchased it.

Or how about the ‘the game is incomplete if I can’t play ranked mode and get every single point in seasonal events for the next 30 years’ crowd. Really, they could remove PvP altogether, stop seasonal events, and even get rid of Tuning, Liveries, and the Auction House and there would still be a complete game there. Many of us would be unhappy about it, but it would still be a complete game.

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There was another thread that was heavily edited by MM, where I expressed why the trolls are doing what they’re doing from my time as a former community liaison for a large AAA title.

It always comes down to a small, but vocal group who refuse to accept what the series has become, they declare themselves “saviors” of the title, and they refuse to move on to other games they might actually enjoy… Because it’s not about “saving” the game. Most of them know it’s a lost cause, but the constant complaining and hijacking threads has replaced the fun they used to have with the game. They’re addicted to the toxicity they spread, whether they know it or not.

This is entirely different from raising legit criticism of things that should be addressed by the developers either in the short, or long term.

For example, I post in the “Drivatar Difficulty and Behavior Discussion” thread on a daily basis because the AI being broken and blatantly unfair is a core component of the game that needs addressing. I never attack others, and the majority of discussion is anecdotes & observations about how we think the AI actually functions vs. the press release that states the AI learns from players, etc. Yes, everybody on the thread agrees the AI is broken, so it’s an echo chamber in that regard. But this is one issue where we have empirical evidence (AI time trials; Video recordings; Screenshots; etc.) to back up our claims. So, there isn’t a lot of room for trolls to come in and (subjectively) hijack the thread to be about them, or something else.


The irony of this thread. Lmao


Basically what is being said, is positive people with positive opinions are not welcome here.

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Where and why???
Thread was created for this https://forums.forza.net/turn10_postsm1241899_Forum-Negativity--Mod-Intervention.aspx#post_1241899


doesn’t mean go/stay away… btw he is not in position to decide who is posting/welcomed here

easier to ignore than interpreting whatever into this

There is a sticky post on top thats the first thing u see here

No, what is being said is there’s a greater degree of blind positivity stemming from those places, with no opposite.

Hence, if you want to proclaim a form of ignorance to the game’s shortcomings and enjoy that ignorance without interruption, feel free to partake in more activity over there, than here, where both the positive and negative co-exist.


I used to frequent GTPlanet a lot when I played GT6, haven’t been on that forum for years though…figured I’d have a look…made the mistake of randomly picking the thread about the game surpassing 15 million players and pretty much the entire thread was a debate about whether the game is “free” if you get it on Game Pass!! Not really much difference from this forum lol

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Whilst there is a lot of negativity on this forum (understandable given the game’s issues), the biggest issue is how people react to, and treat, other people…this place is toxic because too many threads end up being full of personal attacks on other posters because they have a differing view etc. As a comparison, the Microsoft Forum has a lot of complaining about things but nowhere near the level of toxicity that this forum has because people over there treat each other with respect (mostly)


Microsoft Flight Sim 2020 has a lot of problems, but they nobody argues with you so much, people just agree with the problems.

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Those who love the game no questions asked do themselves no favours on here with their attitude towards those who will ask the questions.

Once in a blue moon it won’t happen but practically every time people speak up for the game or PG they can’t help but throw in a jab at those who criticise in there, usually in a passive aggressive way too.

There are plenty of good things in FH5, they aren’t focused on though because pretty much all of them are the things the series has always done well, the series celebrates it’s 10th anniversary later this year , the only praises we can all agree on shouldn’t be the things that were there back in 2012 with the original.

Maybe barring FH3 with BM + custom championships which were thrown out in the next game anyway it seems everything each iteration has tried to do to separate itself from it’s predecessor has either been divisive like adopting the live service approach, half baked like Super7 which could be great if the main chunk of it didn’t just choose the most popular ones that are usually just simple and have no creativity at all, or it’s just plain rubbish that any keen FH player regardless of ability would question like Horizon Open leading to them ditching ranked + thus any skill based matchmaking.