Tire Wear

Hey guys!

I was doing a 50 laps street race. I was leading the pack for 37 laps, but after a while I noticed that the grip was falling away lap after lap. (This was in an S1 900 Lamborghini Aventador) , and in the last 10-13 laps I was literally sliding all over the place.
So, is TYRE WEAR actually a thing in this game? I have never heard about it, and never read about it. Can anyone confirm this please? Because if so, I will never do a 50 laps race ever again… :smiley:

I was leading by more than half a lap, and guess which place I finished in the end? Fckn 12!!! xDD
The AI had great traction even in the end and I was not.
I was doing 41.6 seconds lap times, in the end I was doing barely 48-49 seconds / lap.
I did not forget to drive,. I tried to break, but it did not work, it seemed like a very bad drift car.

Can anyone say what is this? Or is there a way I can disable tyre wear???

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I’m not against tire wear, adds a bit of challenge to the game.

I am, however, confused as to what the heck you do about it while racing. If you do a custom race with more than 3 laps, you aren’t going to have a hopes chance of finishing in the top spots. Your tires will wear out and you’ve got no way to change them.

Even if you could change them, you would lose because the AI seems to suffer zero damage, even though they are so poorly programmed that they just spend their time ramming you. They also suffer from NO TIRE WEAR at all. They will drive exactly the same from start to finish while you slow down and baby your tires.

Is this something that is going to be addressed? If not just disable it from the game and give us 5% more credit gain as an apology for this disgusting game mechanic that is so poorly thought out and coded.


Yeah, doing an endurance race is impossible with tire wear on. Just started a 50 Laps at Holyrood endurance race. Thought I’d turn on tire wear for extra XP. Boy was that a mistake. After 8~ laps, I noticed that my normal lines were taking me a little further out, then at 10 I noticed that I was going way far out of the lines and was having to slow down more to avoid wrecking. After 12 laps, I noticed my acceleration and top speed were way down. In two laps, I went from a 15 second lead over second to being half a lap down being unable to take corners at half the speed I was just a few laps earlier. I then went looking online to see if there was some pit stop or joker lane or something that was available to repair tires.

They seriously need to tune this. Having tires completely wear out after 10 laps in a 50 lap race with no way to change tires while the AI doesn’t have to worry about tire wear or damage is broken. My fix would be a system where you repair all wear and damage on your vehicle when coming to a complete stop in the zone around the finish line where you have to stay in the zone for X amount of time to repair. When you’re in that zone and traveling under X speed, you go ghost while in it and a short period after leaving it to avoid accidents. All that or make the tire wear and damage scale with the race length. Obviously make the AI suffer wear and damage as well. But yeah, anything longer than 10 laps with tire wear on is an automatic loss.

One lap of Goliath in a McLaren Senna saw my rear tyres get to 90% wear by the end of the coastal section.

I guess I’ll be keeping simulation damage off for those races.