There's a lot of inconsistency in this game

I’ve come to realize that forzas upgrade points, benchmark numbers and ratios are pretty much completely useless when upgrading a car and that in B class, almost every car has to have an LS1 or the rally engine swapped in to be competitive.

Last night I was tuning the Datsun 510 for B class and what I ended up with is a car that weighs 2000lbs, has 325 hp and 350 ft/lbs (LS1 swap), has 53% weight distribution and, according to the benchmark, does 1.32g @ 60mph, 1.34g @ 120mph and does 0 to 100 in 7.8 seconds. Pretty epic for B class right?
My Honda S2000 on the other hand weighs 2500lbs, has 325 hp and 280 ft/lbs, has 50% weight distribution and, according to the benchmark, does 1.31g @ 60mph, 1.33g @ 120mph and does 0 to 100 in 10.7 seconds. So clearly the Datsun 510 should dominate the S2000 right? Well it doesn’t.
I set a lap time of 1:59.8 at Catalunya (B class) a while ago with my S2000. I went back with my Datsun 510 to race my own ghost to see how it does and in no way could my Datsun keep up, not in speed, acceleration or cornering. The best lap time I could do was a 2:01.3 with the Datsun.

This is just one example but there are inconsistencies like this all over this game and I’ve finally got to point where I don’t want to play anymore. If I want to go online and be competitive I have to use that same exact cars all the time. Then to add insult to injury, the Toyota Supra can’t be competitive unless I swap out the 2JZ (one of my favorite engines) for an LS1. This kind of bs is all over the place in Forza 5 and not just in B class. Actually A, S, and R are even worse because they’re dominated by one car, the KTM, F50 and Ferrari F1 car.

Im posting this in the hopes that it will get people talking about and that possibly a Turn 10 developer will read this and take note.

Comment away…

Learn to drive correctly and you can win with any car online. Quit blaming the game for your lack of skill and just get better.

Its possible that B class is just too high a class for that particular car in FM5, try putting it down into C class.

@BuRnOnE304: Your comment is not needed, it is clear the op is still figuring out the differences between previous forza games and FM5. There are clear differences in the PI structuring compared to previous games, and the Datsun 510 in FM4 was a pretty decent car in B class.


I think you have to be right. I have noticed that some cars just don’t respond in FM5 to being pushed to a certain point. I actually kind of like it because it seems like it is a bit more realistic. Some cars just can go to a certain point really well and no further.

Just because they are in the same class, doesn’t mean they will run similarly. Cars act differently, this is simulation physics and when you have a car with a ton of horsepower, but little handling, it will drive differently than a car with little horsepower and great handling. The Datsun is much smaller than the S2000, so that will change the characteristics. Learn to tune, learn to be a better driver, and you will achieve faster lap times in both. There is also the fact that some people driver certain cars better. I am better with high horsepower cars in the same class as a lower horsepower car. Don’t know why, maybe because I can push the higher horsepower car to a certain limit. My friend is the opposite.

It isn’t the game. You just need to learn how to tune better and drive better. Don’t tune for the best of the cars ability, tune for the best of YOUR ability first, then make the changes if the car can’t handle it. This isn’t Need For Speed where all of the vehicles can keep up with anything. Those are arcade racing styles just meant to be exciting. Forza is meant to be realistic racing. A stock 370Z won’t keep up with an Aventador.

Also, Turn 10 don’t set the car’s PI. It is all done through a computer programmed algorithm. They just plug in statistics on what the car and parts are and the computer does the rest.

Odd. Seems like I have been reading this same post/thread, over and over, for years. I’m awfully close to Woodstock’s town square though, so that might have something to do with it.


Why does everyone jump to the conclusion that I must suck at this game?

My point is that, whats the point of the class system if the cars within that class can’t be equal?
Im sick of using the same cars to be competitive. If I try to use my Renault Clio I get my butt kicked, but if I pull out my S2000, GT86 or Supra with an LS1 than I have a shot at getting first.
You call me a complainer but how is this not something to be upset about? And besides, its constructive criticism. I.E., the class system doesn’t work very well, maybe they should try something different?

And BTW, if I must suck so much at this game go challenge me on rivals in B class.


Challenge accepted! What track?

Spa, Catalunya, Indy

Cata gp your highest ranked time?

Ya but its the only one I’ve ever really tried on. But ok, sure you have a bigger “stick” than me. You’re better than me, good for you, you beat me at a video game…
It still doesnt mean I suck at Forza.

I just smoked his cata gp time with 2 laps. His turn

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Good for you.
You beat me by 1.2 seconds. I wouldnt exactly call the smoking me but ok.

And you did it in a Beetle. You kind of just proved my point…

Feel free to beat that lowly 1.2 sec difference.

Okay. What track? What car? I run an Eagle Talon online with no aero and haven’t had a problem. Ever stopped and thought that the 510 isn’t good at Catalunya, but might be good at Sebring? The stats of a car don’t always reflect how they perform against another similar car. They reflect only that car’s ability. The car’s ability maybe better at one track compared to the other and vice versa. None of it matters if your ability doesn’t match up well with the car you drive. Sounds like your car choice makes you a better driver, rather than you make the car better. It is annoying have to swap a 1.6 rally engine or a ls1 into a Hemi, but that is how the game is played, if you can’t keep up or don’t like the rules move on.

You are currently at 470 on the LB for B class on Catalunya GP in a Skyline GTR V-Spec with a time off 2:00.586, the op is at 286 in an S2000 with a time of 1:59.858. I know you can beat that time Loco, but I highly suggest that some in this thread cut the OP some slack.

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Highly suggest?

I’ll suggest you not doing this again before someone bites back and you come back moaning about being snapped at again. You know what you’re doing with the passive-aggressive comment you just made trying to sound nice then throwing salt in the wound the next sentence.

C’mon, he didn’t even say anything bad.

Thank you :slight_smile:

I don’t think that it is you suck at the game. I think it is you are expecting a result that is just not there. I am guessing you’ll find that equal PI doesn’t mean equal in performance. And it seems relatively obvious to me there are sometimes 100 or more points difference between the top of a class and the bottom. so clearly they won’t be the same.

And sometimes I can do an auto upgrade but it will inform me that while it is upgrade-able to R class in example it “won’t be competitive”

I can even take 1 car put different parts come up with the same number but one will be faster overall but slower on acceleration. Or braking will be very different.

So if I am reading you correctly you may just not be understanding the various components of upgrading/tuning. Or perhaps I am entirely wrong which can happen.

There is a whole lot more going on that just your paper stats. Wider stance, wheelbase, the build and the tune or any number of other factors come into play. On paper the few stats you have may say hey these cars have similar performance when in virtual reality they will not perform the same on a given track.