Just curious as what others think are consistently the hardest turns for them in the game. I’m still a beginner, but I’ve progressed a good bit over the last few weeks. I have most of my times in the top 1,000 now and have a decent handle on things as a whole. Yet there are still certain turns in the game that absolutely give me fits. The biggest one for me is the one on the Alps Festival. The sweeping turn going uphill with all the leaves on the side. I swear, I can run that track as perfectly as possible and still mess that turn up. Another is on Silverstone GP. At the end of the first long straight away, there are a couple of turns where you really need to feather the throttle through them. Those turns get me all the time. Just seem to either take them too fast or too slow all the time, can’t seem to find that middle ground for some reason.
Even in Forza 4, the hardest turn for me has to be the first corner of Top Gear Test Track. I don’t know why, but it always screws me up the first lap. But then the rest of the race I usually have no issues with it.
I have problem with about any turn on track without elevation change.
That’s interesting… Curious as to why you thin that is?
2/3 of Yas Marina not because I can’t handle them, but when racing on it, 13 of the 15 drivatars have no idea how to take the turns so they either:
A: Start the turn too close to the apex and ram you
B: Cut the corner and ram you
C: Slow down way too early right infront of you
D: Take a line that makes driving within 10ft of them likely to result in contact or wreck
F: Brake too late but are behind you (need more explaination?)
Need I keep going…
corkscrew turn at laguna , 1st turn at spa , last turn at top gear full , 2nd/3rd turns at sebring short (going way to fast for such a sharp turn next to grass)
Ironically, when I first started playing, I never thought I’d be able to deal with the corkscrew at Laguna. It was like a three headed monster for me. Now its just another turn though. I struggle with the final turn at Laguna more than any other on that course. Just always seem to come in too fast and have dirtied a LOT of really good laps because of that turn.
I hate Top Gear, so I would probably agree with you on that final turn if I ever ran laps there. Its the only course in the game that I dislike.
Have to agree with you Lou, the last corner at Laguna usually is my downfall.
Also the first turn at spa for myself. I’m usually to fast or too slow.
I’ve been watching top gear for many years now so the top gear track is probably my favorite. Every corner i hear Jeremy commentating in my head, “coming up on Chicago… into hammerhead… flat out past the tires… hard braking into the second to last corner… through gambon, and across the line!”
I know i missed some corners and/or britishness but that’s what I remembered off hand.
Turn 3 at Bathurst is impossible for me
Last corner of Sebring, I’ve gone around that corner at least 400 times, only once have I gone around it without drifting.
that left on dubai where the straight is supposed to be starting. i floor it and go right every time. they need to delete that short track from the rotation. people never buy the “i had a blow out” excuse espically on the 1st lap.
the last turn on laguna is easy. stay to the right coming up to it then hard left with only your right side tires remaining on the track as you go across the curb on the left. it’ll get you the perfect turn pop up. aim for the left curb, dont aim for just missing the left curb.
turn 3 on bathurst …stay lightly on the brakes to force the front wheels down for max grip until you steer back to the right and floor it. you are getting off the brakes a tad too early.
The cobblestone and tile sections on Prague. Particularly turn 1 on the reverse maps. Grip is all over the place. Final turn and Turn 1 at Sebring are also doozies, not so much because of the surface, but because they’re pretty much blind. Other than that, I’m not spooked by any turn I can sight the line on.
A good chunk of the Yas Marina corners irritate me to no end - namely, the chicanes.
One turn that is throwing me off is Sebring from 12 into Tower Turn (13).
Sebring is, by far, my favorite and most-driven track in the FM franchise, but I am getting unusually high amounts of understeer through 12. Definitely a change from FM4 to FM5.
Not my hardest turn, but it is the turn that has required the most change for me from FM4 to FM5.
And of course, there is the final turn of Road Atlanta. Always a fine balance between getting around it as quickly as possible and tank-slapping the wall.
My biggest problem turn in Forza 5 is hands down the last corner on Sebring. It seems like it should be so simple but I don’t think I have EVER come out of it feeling satisfied/feeling like I came out at top possible speed. I don’t recall having that much trouble with it in FM4.
Pretty much every turn on the hill of Bathurst as well, Nightmarish track that is.
the down hill chicanes on Bathurst. its a 50/50 love hate i have going with them, i found the trick is to get the car a little loose in them but 1 over or under mover and you eat wall
Nice thread OP
Here are some corners that I think require just an extra bit of concentration and actually if you get them right are time savers on most tracks
The left uphill after the downhill straight on Alps is a tough one to master at speed.
The chicane at the end of catalunya.
The final corner at Sebring.
The first corner on Top Gear.
Eau Rouge on Spa.
The downhill chicane a few corners before the back straight on Bathurst.
Last corner of both Le Mans(chicane) and Bugatti circuit.
On a side note I love that Yas Marina is in the game but it’s aweful to race online. The amount of corner cutting that goes on is ridiculous.
The final section on Prague - the quick right\left between the buildings - i’ve ran it hundreds of times and now I get scared approaching it…!! lol…!!
Just thelast turn on sebring…#17 I think it is…only got through there once without losing a bunch of time sideways
I struggle with the Porsche curves at Le Man’s, I never feel like I do them the justice they deserve.
Such a wonderful set of bends, but I always seem to be a few mph down here, wrong gear there or few feet off track there.
Occasionally I manage to string it together and its wonderful, just not as often as I’d like.