Terrible performance on PC

Hello, is anyone else experiencing awful performance on PC Gamepass?

I am on a 3070ti, trying to run 1440p, most settings on high, some less, and I cannot get over 70fps, and the game will frequently drop to sub 40fps for extended times.

Also the game will not save my wheel/pedal settings. …Like ever.

I have to open the settings menu every time I open the game to select the correct control profile, which is frequent because I have been looking for a set of graphics settings that will give me any stability.

Just for fun, I turned everything to low/off and tried to run a 1440p benchmark and got back 25fps.

None of this makes any sense.


I’ve got a R7 5700X and 6900XT and the game runs smooth at 65-140fps except when on certain parts of some tracks where my FPS hits 35-40. The optimisation is poor but I don’t know what’s going on with your rig to be benching at 25FPS. Bench I get 88 with 1440p ultra everything -RT. RT on is 50 odd bench.

My performance is all over the place as well with gamepass pc and I am using 3080ti mobile GPU on a 1080p display and my frame rates are inconsistent and performance is very poor. The track disappears in almost every single race

just set everything to low and you should be fine :slight_smile:

I am with you. I feel the same.
The game ran good one week before the official release. Maybe it is their servers even? For benchmark runs like a charm. The game even runs like crap on the lowest settings and resolution. So I decided to just quit this junk. And complain here, just so the people who stole the money from me, can see that I am angry and won’t ever buy one of their product again, before waiting for it being on sale and even more so, buying it from some shady keyshops, so they earn even less.


So you were right.

Last week when I heard about the patch I gave the game a rego:

Some tracks run more stable now. But every track has that one spot where the game seems to run slower or sluggish for some reason. The game claims to have 60 fps but slows down on more than a half in those sections.

Not even a single track runs without slowdowns.

This is a racing game!

How the hell should I be precise when the game randomly slows down.

This issue is persistent and even on very low resolutions 640*480 even. And on ultra low settings.

Still after weeks of the release, I must remap all my wheel buttons as well as the pedals, every time the game starts.

People who have no competence tell me, my cpu is dated and my RAM not enough.

My CPU may be dated one year, my RAM may be 16 GB only (G-Skill Ram PC with XAMP Profile), but my rig eats Half Life Alyx on Ultra settings with a 2 k resolution per Eye. There is no triple AAA game, except this junk (for it is junk), that doesn’t run in 2k resolution on ultra settings, even with raytracing enabled, at least with a stable 60 or 30 fps. I say stable, not stuttering.

This is Forza Stuttersport, without any Quality of Live support (remap your keys every time, redo your dead zones every time, won’t accept your braking pedals, every time).

So Turn 10 just did a poorly optimized game. And they couldn’t care less. Want me to send them my dxdiag, just to find out that their game leaks RAM and runs worse and worse, the more you play it.

Furthermore, my graphics card not even comes near 25% usage. What a crappy software this is.

Don’t buy this junk unless your hardware is better than:
Ryzen 5 3600
16 GB Ram


Runs ok in the main but have major stutter on certain tracks on a 6950xt at 2160p


Make sure that your settings are not oversaturating your video memory: use a software like MSI afterburner with rivatuner and check how much video ram the game is using: if your video memory is oversaturated performance are going to be total crap (and the game optimization is alreay bad)

3070ti is an 8GB card. When I run Riva/Afterburner with Motorsport on high/ultra 1440p actual VRAM usage is close to 9GB (it only shows 5GB in the graphics tuning menu though). Like mentioned above, download Afterburner and Riva so you can find where the bottleneck is.

You can turn off raytracing (it makes almost no difference) and gain 20-30 fps

Turn off things like motion blur, lens flare, anything auto set manually.

Remember these cards are starting to get dated as devs are pushing very expensive next gen rendering tech. The cards are plenty fast but lack the needed VRAM. I mean a 4070 is less than I paid for my 3080 like four years ago and the 5000 series is already scheduled for release.


Very expensive rendering tech designed to run on a series S? :sob:

The game has horrible optimisation and DLSS doesn’t do anything. It has nothing to do with 3000 series cards being outdated or not having enough RAM unless you’re pushing silly resolutions.

If you need a 4000 series card to run a game built for series S Xbox’s, there’s a problem.


You’re right, it has nothing to do with the 3000 series cards. It has to do with the amount of available vram, like I pointed out in my comment along with the actual vram usage on my system.

So if anyone is trying to run high settings in the graphics with 8GB or less graphics card @ 1440p or higher they are going to have issues.

Xbox runs a much lower fidelity so that’s kind of a mute point as I was replying specifically about PC.

I can run about 90-100fps on the 3080 with maxed settings, don’t need a 4000 series card. Need something with a min of 10GB vram OR turn your settings down to something more reasonable.

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So something like 90% of GPUs in use aren’t suitable for the game? Because I run a 10600k/3070/32GB and this game struggles on 1080/low. Laguna Seca regularly drops to 18fps out of nowhere.

VRAM is a normal component but it doesn’t answer why performance is still terrible with low VRAM utilisation. It also doesn’t explain why DLSS literally doesn’t work even when it’s enabled.

Meanwhile, 100hz on high/ultra 1440 on FH5 which looks a generation ahead in terms of detail and fidelity.

The overwhelming majority of complaints in negative reviews are regarding performance across a wide range of system specs. Have a look at Steam, you’ll see that it’s more common to see complaints about performance than any other problem with the game.


You seem to think I am saying the game has no issues regarding performance? I’m not.

I’m simply stating where there’s a problem (one of them) and it’s VRAM.

So when you first load the game and it auto sets everything for you - it sets everything way too high because it is not accurately calculating the est vram usage, it’s 4GB off in my scenario. So if you have a 6GB card for example, it’s going to set you up for failure. You have to manually go in and turn everything down AND turn off AUTO because it will constantly try to run too high of settings.

I’m on a 10850k, 3080, 64GB btw and it’s pushing the limits of my system. And guess what? So does every other new release on PC if I turn the settings up. I struggled with stutters and iffy FPS too until I locked FPS to 60 and turned all the settings off auto. I have no clue what exactly is happening but imo changing graphic settings on the fly doesn’t seem like a winning combo especially when it bugs out if you don’t restart after a manual change.

I know there’s more going on than just improper settings, but it’s a temp fix while they hopefully address the root of the mess.


Very similar experience to yours with a 9600k, 3080, 64Gb ram. It’s pretty stable at 60fps (locked) at 1080p (rendering at 130%) all in max and RT. There’s the occasional stutter but it’s really infrequent.

I’ve set everything on manual as there’s stutters on auto, assuming because it keeps changing the settings to try and reach the target FPS.

Also not running GeForce Experience as that always seems to make games run worse.

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Also running RTX3070ti, on 1440p… RT off. And it runs pretty good, apart when it decides to fall to 25fps…

Game has HUGE memory leak, or some other type of self destruction mechanic, so if that is not fixed there is no solution. Everything is like putting band aid on cannonball wound…

People are having same problems ranging from playing on GTX1070 to ones playing on RTX4090…

I haven’t seen T10 acknowledging performance issues on PC either here on Forums or in known issues list…

It’s not looking good for now…


Turn off Resizeable Bar in bios. That seems to be the cause of the GPU usage/FPS drop issues.

Try turning off Resizeable Bar in Bios. I had the same issue where GPU usage and FPS would plummet in spots. Turning off resizeable bar (SAM for AMD) fixed it for me.

I had performance issues with a 12GB card (3060) at 1080p so it isn’t just VRAM.

For me it is already off in the BIOS and in any case, nvidia cards don’t use it unless the game is whitelisted by nvidia, which most games including this one are not.

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Turning off 4G encoding in my bios is the one that helped me,but I have rebar off too,and now I get zero stutters everytime in benchmark runs.

I managed to fix most issues on my 4090 rig. Hopefully the steps below help someone else.

  1. Uninstall game