Nonsensical performance issues on PC with 3080

i9 10900K (stock)
Nvidia 3080 10GB

What I’ve experienced with this game today is something I’ve never seen, in over 30 years of PC gaming.

After tinkering with settings (and realizing that I have to restart the game after every change for my settings to take effect (which is f-ing bonkers)), I finally got the game to benchmark at 60FPS on Ultra, 4K, with target refresh rate at 60-vsync, with all other settings at auto. It took me a couple of hours to reach this point, and I re-ran the benchmark several times to make sure it wasn’t a one-off. After like 5 runs, it stayed at 60. Happy boy.

But then I started the Builder’s Cup. Right off the bat, in practice, my FPS struggled to break 40. Incredulous, I backed out, went back to settings, ran the benchmark again, and sure as s#!t, it’s struggling to reach 40 in the benchmark.

I changed nothing after getting 60 in the previous benchmark. This makes absolutely no sense.

Then, I dropped down to High, everything else the same, restarted the game… and my benchmark FPS actually went down to the low 30s. Completely nonsensical.

I’m holding out hope that the game will get a performance patch, as well as an updated driver set from Nvidia before official launch because, at this point, this game can kiss my entire ass.


I had, and still do have a similar problem. I think it relates to the shaders.

When I first loaded the game, the Forza servers were disconnected, so I proceeded with offline, but after about 20 seconds the server connection restored, but I think it interrupted the shader loading.

I also had terrible performance, then i quit the game, it redoes some of the shaders, and its good for a few tracks, then the performance drops to 21fps from 60fps, 3060ti.

It doesn’t seem related to the tracks, for example, Laguna Seca can be great, then a couple of circuit changes, back to Laguna and the fps is gone again.

It’s almost like the game can only do 3 or 4 races before something bugs and the fps dies to 21fps. The only thing that fixes is it a game reset, which only last for 2 or 3 races.

Incredibly frustrating and I’ve no idea what to do next…such a disappointment



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I cannot for the LIFE of me get the game to be stable above 60 on my 3080ti and an ultrawide 1080p screen.
Its constantly chugging and jittering. Went deep into Digital Foundaried workup on it. Raytracing all the way off. Nothings making it what I would consider playable for any racing game in 2023, much less on such high end hardware.

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In settings under advanced video tab make sure Resolution scale is set to auto and Dynamic render quality is set to either of the following

Ultra = 4k
High= 1440p
Med= 1080p
Low = 720p

Regardless of what you have your resolution set to in the video tab the Dynamic Render Quality option actually determines what resolution your game outputs at!

So in your case you’ll want the Dynamic Render Quality set to Med for 1080p output also make sure that you select a frame rate option that says V-sync in brackets so for example 60 (V-sync) or Unlocked (V-sync) this helps with camera stutter.

I was having fps issues on a 3080 i9 9900k until I changed my Dynamic Render quality to High (1440p) and I can now run the game on max settings all the RT options on and DLSS ultra quality (DLAA) @ a locked 60fps credit goes to Digital Foundry for figuring out these weird settings.

Edit Make sure once you change the graphic settings you restart the game, currently there is a bug that causes performance to get worse when you change graphic settings without rebooting the game


What the HECK. It runs perfectly now.
I didnt understand that part of the DF video, thought I had the resolution settings correct and the dynamic setting was. THAT MAKES NO SENSE EITHER.
These settings are bugged clearly. It runs really well now.


Glad that helped! yeah Turn 10 need to rename some of these settings so they make sense.


Or just, you know, make the resolution set correctly.

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There is a fundamental issue, it has not been solved for me.

Can someone explain the two different results on the benchmark with the same settings?


I have no idea what to conclude other than the game is broken.

Without changing any settings, sometimes I get 59FPS in the benchmark, other times i get below 20.

Sometimes racing in the game I get 60FPS, other times it goes back down to below 20. The game is unplayable, such a disappointment, and I paid for the Premium version…


Same, if I go into the settings and turn a setting off and on again, it fixes the issue. The game has released in such a buggy state.


I just requested a refund, such a shame. Was so looking forward to this for many years.


“premium” just means “Beta Tester”

Its been like that for nearly 10 years now man, come on.


Hi, i start playing/config yesterday.
I had the same problems like you.
Stuttering even at the lowest settings and i think the problem is the cpu and not the gpu.
For me it helps to disable “Hyper-Threading” in the BIOS.
Now FM8 runs at ULTRA-settings without stuttering.
My Hardware is 13700K, RTX4080, 64 BG RAM, NVME-SSD.

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This game needs a performance patch, and then some. My expierence with a Ryzen 5 3600 and a 3080 10GB, is head scratchingly bad. The game looks as if it’s running at 720p and it cannot hit a stable framerate to save it’s skin. This is unacceptable on so manu levels.


I thought this had fixed it and it was running great yesterday minus massive framerate dips.
But today the stuttering is all back. The menus and race start cutscenes are way worse now. All the settings I tried I reset and tried again. Tried restarting the whole PC. Everythings just worse now. Bordering on unplayable.


I set process affinity to high and locked the game to six cores (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10) of my 8 core Ryzen 7 7700 in Task Manager. This seems to resolve a lot of stuttering issues and provides better framerates in my testing.

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peaking at around 60fps but usually getting from 40-55

Edit: Just had this little gem of a drop for like 40 seconds straight:

This is after I restarted my whole system after reinstalling all of my drivers.
There is no universe in which this is acceptable performance.

It makes little sense. My system is the opposite of yours, Intel 13600kf and Amd 7900xt, and I’m consistently over 60fps even with RT on and despite that I have 60fps v-sync enabled. It seems like it is poorly optimized in a non-linear way at the moment. Of course, my game also crashes on every reward screen so I guess it’s pick your poison.

Apparently a 4090 can do 100+ fps with everything maxed at 4K
But Im sitting with this outdated 1080p resolution trying to change settings around and reduce background programs just to maintain a stable 40fps on one of the most powerful cards before the 4090 launched.