Ive read it all and Ive seen it all regarding this issues, yet for the past two months Ive received no answers or a fix for this issues. Honestly its beyond irritating. I think paying $100 dollars at least deserves a response from the developer since this issue is no fault of our own. So the day FF Horizon came out, I was playing and decided to switch to Horizon 2. Syncing screen came up, first time ever, and i let it run. Error after error, reset and power cycle and delete profile blah blah. Nothing. i have 57 mb of saved data that i can see and yes it has “completed” syncing after a few hours but now starts the intro video. I dont go past it fearing that it will definitely override my data. Almost level 200, 170 hours played, almost all achievements, 200 cars, $35 million in the bank, etc. Talked to Microsoft when this first started, no help. Emailed forzafb@microsoft.com 4 times, not one response. Messaged HeliosT10 as was suggested, no response. Im am really irritated. Horizon 2 is the only game I play on xbox and i would just like it to work with iut screwing up. Ill face that my data is gone but i want compensation to build back uo my garage and restore the hours ive spent on this game.
I did read that this issue is being addressed or at least getting attention now. Any more info on that?
Honestly at this point, i would like to just move on but only if I can get some sort of compensation that would he restore my garage, the hours spent, and the gifted money and cars from forza rewards etc.
The email volume to the developers is heavy, and having sent four messages doesn’t help speed the process. Have patience, but note that “Microsoft” doesn’t support any of the Forza series of games, it is the developers who do. They will respond once they’ve investigated and determined what the issues are, and how to correct them.
Two months with not a single response is pretty patient. I support the developers but if email volume is that high then they should be taking measures to accomodate users. The cloud servers are the responsibility of Microsoft if im not mistaken. I understand that it takes time to correct the issue, just frustrating and I would like my game to be playable.
It’s possible that they can’t fix every case of this problem.
I have, in the past, been an advocate of emailing the forzafb@microsoft.com address about game save problems because of the implication contained in HeliosT10’s posts that T10 could help with this problem in some/all cases. I assumed that they had found a way to recover game saves from a server image of some sort, but your case would appear to show that this may not be the case for everyone experiencing this problem.
Speaking for myself, I’d like to see this issue clarified - can T10 help every case of game save loss, or only the few which conform with some criteria?
If T10 can only help a few cases of this problem then I acknowledge my part in raising the hopes of those who have suffered this problem, and I express my apologies.
I don’t see this being so much a Forza game issue as much as a Microsoft Xbox One Issue. The developers of the Forza Series of game have no choice but to use the cloud save features this way as Microsoft forces ALL developers to use these features. It is also not a Forza issue that has happened - the entirety of the game save and cloud syncing feature is a Microsoft xbox One issue, not a Forza game issue.
This is something that should be looked into, and hopefully fixed, by Microsoft. Unfortunately, when they look at any data, most of it shows games have no problem. This is solely in part because most games have file sizes that are almost non-existent. The Forza series of games on the Xbox One has a substantial file size and it is he only series of games with a substantial file size. This results in the TWO games looking as outliers in the collection of data and it seems that Microsoft is treating them exactly as such.
Unfortunately, this is not the way to go, nor do I think the games, Microsoft’s paying customers should be treated as outliers. While Microsoft continues to publish the Forza series of games it must acknowledge that the file sizes will range into the hundreds of megabytes and it should ensure that it’s cloud syncing services are up to the task. It is bad business practice to force your paying customers to use your cloud service (as opposed to local save data as was the case with the Xbox 360) and then not support them when your cloud services fail because they aren’t built to handle your product.
There are things Turn10 can do to help you remedy the situation such as potentially gifting you large sums of credits but that does not make up for the fact that all of your data is gone. There is not a lot Turn10 can do about that unless they are able to recover older versions of your game save and force the system to re-sync those at which point you can only hope the system does not mess up again. Alone, Turn10 cannot prevent this issue short of re-engineering the way their games save data and the game saves are stored. Perhaps this can be done for future titles but it should not be up to Turn10 studios to take Microsoft off the hook for their ineptitude and blatant disregard of paying customers.
From experience there’s no point to removing your gamer profile, all it does is makes the sync restart and take even longer. From what I’ve seen with this issue is that people have got help rather quick which is weird as to why you have been waiting as long as you have. I’m sure you’ll get some help soon.
I had to sit on that screen for 5 hours before and it sucked. My current save data is at 195.9mb and 1,483 hours played. If anything happens to that then I would have no clue what to do haha.
I was just looking at the dates of HeliosT10’s original posts offering help to those with game save problems, and it turns out that they date from only 19 days ago. It’s possible, as Snowowl says, that it’s too early to expect T10 to have plowed through all the players responding to this offer.