steering not even across wheel rotation

I just bought a wheel but please don’t move this thread since it possibly is on controllers too.

I started on a wheel on forza 4 after playing a little with forzA 3, never experienced anything weird. I just bought the cheap thrustmaster and actually really like it, but it seems to have a certain point in the steering where it is much more sensitive instantly. I can’t find a steering angle on telemetry, but the camber seems to change drastically where I have that problem.

At a stop camber on front is -1.8. At 45° rotation left, the camber is -1 25. Then it changes quickly. From 45° rotation to the full 120° rotation the camber changes from -1.25 to -7.44

Also, the hands in cockpit mode at that point really turn the wheel all the way almost instantly after being gentle with the first 45°.

Has anybody else noticed this? It started with me wheel but could be a controller problem too.

Edit: +7.44° ,not negative

Wheel dead zone issue? Have you check your advanced settings in the game’s menu?

Yes. 0-100 dead zones helped a little it seemed. Also, I’ve been using sensitivity number 4.

I just tested and sensitivity number 3 seems more linear, but gets quicker around 0 degrees instead of -1.25.

I guess it could be something with the new cheap wheel and you all have the nicer tx wheel

The “cheaper” new wheel doesn’t have Force Feedback either. Kind of a bummer because you won’t pick up the tracks variances that you get with FFB.

I totally get that and would love force feedback. But at this point I wouldn’t get 4x the enjoyment from a wheel that cost 4x the price. I posted in hardware with no real answer, but you can hear the car lose traction and see it. Since I’ve never had force feedback I’ve never been hooked on it.

You probably would get 4x the fun with the force feedback wheel. I had tons of fun on forza for with my Microsoft Ffb wheel over remote.