Steering angle setting doesn't use full range

if you set a steering angle of TOT degrees, 3% of the degrees set in the right turn end stop and the left turn end stop are automatically excluded in the game for a total of 3% of the total degrees.

Example: if I set 360° and steer completely to the right, the game does not complete 180° but 174.6°, the same thing to the left, with a total steering angle of 349°.

If you want an effective 360° steering angle, you have to set 360°+ 6% or 381.6° in the software

Once the steering angles have been set, the tires in play do not stop steering when the steering wheel reaches the end of the stroke, but 60 degrees earlier.

So if we actually wanted 360° of steering in play we had to add 32% more steering angle.

So 382 x 1.32 510° to have an effective 360

To recap, if I wanted an actual 600° in play on the steering wheel software, I have to multiply 600° by a factor of 1.4, then 840°

720 x 1.4 then it will be 1008° FOR AN EFFECTIVE 720°

IMHO In addition, the amount of degrees of rotation applied to the car’s wheels using a steering wheel is greater than the angle of rotation applied to the wheels using a controller, so using a steering wheel produces greater and sooner understeer in tight curves such as hairpins. and slow curves.

This makes using a steering wheel a disadvantage in hairpins and slow curves compared to the controller, which has a limitation on the maximum turning angle when it is turned to the maximum.

That disadvantage ends up being 2 to 3 seconds depending on how many tight corners and slow corners the circuit has.

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How are these observations measured, is it with UDP telemetry?

That will give a more accurate representation than the in-game HUD/telemetry screens or driver animations.