Stability - Game may hang on applying upgrades and does not save career mode progress (1608827)

I just had a weird bug I entered a featured online race and the car just drove it self i couldn’t even set pause or anything.

Edit: I rebooted my XSX and now the game froze in the loading screen at Watkins glen

I had the same issue, but found a workaround on youtube what worked for me.

The probleme seems to be the fuel and tire management bevor the race.
So you are not allowed to change fuelor tires after the training and before the race, just drive with the standard setting.
After race start go to foto mode and try to save a picture, if this works the progress will be saved. If you are not able to save the picture, close the game and try again.

With this method i was able to finish 2 series with “only” 2 new starts, still too much, for sure, but better nothing.


The game is still full of bugs. Whe payed a lot of our hard worked money, and we try to play the bug by not using the game fuel settings to avoid problems…
It’s frustrating, a big dissapointing bug.
How can i love the car if i cant play the game properly?

I have issue with another bug.

The game when driving a car, don’t mather withs camera vieuw (hood, in car ext) the camera moved on it’s own. Like i used the right stick.
The camera stays in an off center settings.
When I tab the right stik it’s on centervieuw again.

It’s happens on different tracks. Before cornering. Ore after. It’s really annoing!!

It looks like a framedrop, i find out thad the game is using my right stick on it’s own. Randomley.

(i hope my English is good enough!)

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Forza Motorsport – Update 1.1

Tomorrow, 24 October 2023, we are planning to roll out Forza Motorsport Update 1.1 on Xbox Series X|S, Windows and Steam.

This hotfix will help mitigate an issue where players could encounter an infinite loading screen when saving a Quick Upgrade in the Builders Cup Intro Series under variable network conditions.

Please visit for the release notes, as well as to stay up to date with other issues that we have identified and are currently investigating.

Forza Support: Forza Motorsport Update 1.1 Release Notes - October 24, 2023


Sorry - This is slightly confusing, is this to directly address the issues raised in here? The hotfix only seems to apply to ‘quick upgrade’ and the intro series, but the issues raised in here relate to multiple scenarios with the same outcome, purchasing a car or upgrades resulting in the infinite loading screen.

So does the hotfix apply to all issues? Or specifically to a ‘quick upgrade’ situation?

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Finally i hope this fix the problem and finally can finish all carreer :wink: Thanks

I have had this game since prerelease and this still has not been fixed. Have not managed to get past my second race series yet. What are you playing at Turn 10?
This game is not fit for purpose and I should be allowed a refund.
I bet if we all asked for our money back they would get it sorted pretty quick.


Same happening to me now. Imagine the pain that i came here to find the thread and reply on it. Its agonising

How does a hotfix for just the intro 3 races help those of us who have been in an endless loop beyond that series?
20 days now and no fix?

I so want to love this game but this and the shaders issue are driving insane. I have literally managed to progress by: one race, restart game, wait for optimisation, do the next race, repeat until you are sick of restarts.
Did anyone beta test this game? You can’t progress in single player, and no one noticed?

I wasnt experiencing this issue up till now! i’m on PC. Freeze 4 Times in a row in less than 1 hour. Replay the same race on C class career mode 3 times, when i finally made progress game crashed on the 3rd race of the series, progress lost back to Lime Rock!


Same thing happened to me today - car drifting right like my controller is stuffed.
Not continuously, just randomly.
Game crashed next race …

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Specifically Intro Series only … so 20 days and they sorted the progress bug for 3 races.
That means by 2025 they’ll have patched them all?

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Is it a Teredo connection issue?
I have not played long enough to see, but no crashes since a deep dive into getting Teredo to connect.

This is the cmd prompt :
netsh interface teredo set state type=enterpriseclient

Seems good so far … update tomorrow.

i’ve had career not save on me 3 times now.

first time was coming out of performance upgrades, then ‘continue’ kicked me out of the game. when i came back in my previous race was gone (horizontal line at top of series banner showing completed races that was bold coloured before, after finishing said race, was now showing outlines again.

the second and third were after completing last race in a series sub subgroup (all lines at top of banner full orange), then selecting the next series sub group, then selecting a car, i would get the spinning lines icon, then after a while a ‘can’t get info from server’ dialogue. every subsequent try would end up with the same dialogue until game hung at the spinning icon permenantly. i go to dashboard and restart the game and then the last race from the series subgroup i just completed is outlined again.

strangely it has always been a the final race in a series subgroup that resets to not completed.

i hope it gets fixed soon. the game is stonkingly good, and this is from an iRacing player. the last time i loved Forza was 3. so glad it’s back to great form.

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Check your xbox network settings, in settings, gaming…
If the NAT shows Teredo, I think that’s the issue (PC anyway).
The cmd prompt above changes NAT from teredo to open, and connects.

ah sorry. i should have mentioned i’m playing on Xbox Series S

Yes, Quit and restart the FM23 after every single builder cup race helps me move to some series, it is too much as a race game.

For those who hits the game progress record issue can try these "Work around " .

Looking forward the 1.1 patch to fix this once for ever.

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1.1 only fixes the INTRODUCTION 3 RACES!


I just crashed out of multiplayer, but after race at least.
So far career progression is working (only 3 race test so far for the teredo nat not connecting thing …)
Back soon.