I’m pushing this issue, it happens very often while I’m streaming.
I’m here at the exact same point. Hangs multiple times, lost progress. Happens when trying to upgrade mostly.
Had instant crashes at the end of a multiplayer lobby.
I’m getting this on PC.
Same here on Series S , game hangs whilst applying upgrade . Even finished the modern tour , went to play some multiplayer , game crashed at one point , went back to builders cup and I’m back at lime rock, really annoying bug
I also have had this happen to me. Twice now. Once when I was looking for a new design and another when I was upgrading. Both times the Hyundai Veloster N Forza Edition and lost progress on the series, practical performance. This car is now level 11 and I’m level 7 so progress on those hasn’t been lost.
I will also refuse to play this game for now until it gets resolved. Clearly can’t trust it at the moment.
The upside is that I’m not alone on the above issues. Still though, extremely frustrating paying for a premium product only to feel like a guinea pig for Turn10 to iron out bugs.
I’m on pc and having this exact same issue, opened a ticket with turn 10 support but idk what the resolution would be.
Having the same issue (Xbox series x) happened twice in 20 mins, have turned off now as I can’t be bothered to have to repeat the same race again
Further to this. I went and did some free play races and now I have gone from having “Built for Sport” unlocked back down to Watkins Glen in “Practical Performance” as my next event.
I am also having this issue on Series X.
Quit game to then come back and find it didn’t save progress of finishing Practical Performance series……
had to race it again however my achievement of obtaining Level 25 on the Hyundai was still there.
What is the point in paying a premium for early access when you can’t even progress
Could have not paid the $150 and just got for free from Game pass
I got the same problem like you do and it happens again and again.I already upgraded my Hyundai Veloster N Forza Edition to level 50. They really need to fix this…
I have had this happen to me on PC as well.
It happened to me one time when applying upgrades, another time when opening Rivals.
Lost progress both times.
Same issue on PC
Stuck in the Homestead race. Even if I don’t do upgrades at this point, complete the cup, start the next cup, when I start the game I’m back at Homestead.
PC - Steam - 12600K, 3090, 32GB
The game does not save progress post race
same here, I played in MS Store when game stuck at black loading screen I need to ALT + F4 and after re-launch game no any previous progress I’ve need to do same race I’ve played 2-3 time but if stuck at black loading screen same result
same here in MS Store PC, lost progress after upgrade cars and stuck at loading screen, when re-launch game it’s need to play over and over event.
Wanted to raise this issue as well.
While Mulitplayer being OK, I lost almost all of my career progress except the introduction race.
I once finished the Practical performance series and when I get back the game a hour later, my progress returned to a point where I finished my second race…
Even my driver experience didn’t stack up.
Same here on Series X. This is the fifth time this has happened to me within an hour. Very frustrating.
Same thing here on XBOX Series X. Fourth time i need to close the game and redo the last training and race.