Some punishment to Corners Cutter

We could to do a campaign to Forza implement on leagues of FM6, some punishment to Corners Cutter, like this:
2% damage to each tyres that pass off track.
Case of all wheels pass off track, 3% damage on engine and 15% for each tyre.

To improve number of racer on finish:
At each collision, damage no more than 40% for each item involved, which allow you to reach the next box and continue racing…

Not going to happen.

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Not going to happen? It depends of votation here, to Beginners, no damage on league that has cosmetic damage.

Share this idea. It is time to classify good for good and evil for evil. The good takes care not to overrun the limit and get off track, difficulty behind emotion, and shows who is really skillful.

I agree with you that something needs to be done, but I doubt we’ll be able to convince Turn 10 to actually implement anything of the sort.

Heck, the community itself can’t even agree on the most effective method of punishing people that don’t play fairly and encouraging those that do, and is not likely to agree any time soon.

All I can suggest is that you yourself collate your ideas, post them in a wishlist thread and forward them to forzafb@

It may not result in anything but it’s better than nothing.

If you need a head start here is what I wrote a few months ago:


I also agree with your ideas, but the more we post, the more chance we get for our ideas in the next version of Forza Motorsport, do not you think?

They are quiet, but they Read the posts. They fixed and improved steering wheel after my post.

If one is to assume that the next Forza title is only a few months away, then all of the major features were already finalised and approved internally several months ago. That’s just the way videogame development goes, long lead times for anything that isn’t a minor UI or feature tweak.

All we can do is hope that whatever Multiplayer design philosophy Turn 10 has come up with for the next title aligns with how us players want it to. If it doesn’t there are a half dozen good racing games coming out this year that are worth spending time and money on. Personally, I’m looking at Gran Turismo Sport.

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Most Ghost League races are nothing but a LB car, corner-cutting mosh pit of grade-schoolers who have zero fear of retribution. The track is just an ambiguous gray area on the screen to immediately and consistently ignore.

A damage system ain’t gonna happen. At the very least I would go with a slowing system like FM4 where certain surfaces slowed your car dramatically. Ideally we would have PJ’s list applied in its entirety. GTS is not an option for me. I won’t buy a new console just for one game. Project Cars 2 will need crazy awesome reviews for me to consider it after the first game.


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