Hello guys,
I’ve been wanting to play Forza for a while, but there’s something keeping me away from the game. The community has become extremely toxic because nothing is being done about rammers and corner cutting.
Suggestion: Get a ruleset that can be activated for lobbies if people want a racing experience instead of a destruction derby.
Cutting corners make you ghost out and reduce speed to 10mph for 10 seconds, how harsh you wanna be with what’s off-course is up to you.
Players who ram others in a position higher than their own is also ghosted out and reduced to 10mph for 10 secs. With the exception of those who has just had contact with people in a position lower than their own(to avoid punishing those that were pushed into others). 3 ramming offenses in a race should start a prompt that allows others to vote yes/no on kicking the player.
Players who ram others that are more than X seconds ahead of them(people that are lapping them), should be voted on immediately.
Statistics for how many offenses you have per race could be available on player profiles.
The rules 1-3 would make the game much more desirable for racers and deter most offenders. Those who don’t want it can just turn it off.
I hope to see something like this in a future patch or installment of the series.