Well guys, now that you’ve had your fair share of driving this beautiful map taking place in Britain, which map do you now consider your favorite…Australia or Britain? Which one has better scenery? Which one has more diversified landscapes and environments? Which one is easier to memorize? Which one generally flows better?
I prefer the australian environments and map in general but the british map has better roads I think. It seems more challenging but I live in Britain so the environment feels kinda driving to work on a monday morning. I think I would prefer if there was more forest and less fields. Also this game is really well optimised, FH3 was a terrible port and crashed every 15 minutes.
I like the Australian map more, the feel is more fun than the UK map.It is the Australian theme that made me notice the game in the first place.
I think that the new game looks much nicer graphically than fh3, it is really beautifull looking they did a great job on that, the city is brilliantly created too. But still I find the map bland and I dont like the architecture in the city I prefer modern look. I find the UK setting boring.
Britain by far. I haven’t done all the races yet, but I don’t expect to run into any I hate. The whole environment seems to be crafted for racing, and every race I’ve done so far has been good if not great.
The UK by far. The awesome elevation changes and the fun windy roads beat anything the Australia map offered. And with seasons FH4 just pulls it far far ahead. Australia got boring really fast.
Easily Britain. The elevation pushes it to the next level, and seasons keep things fresh. Australia was almost completely flat, and there was quite a few bland generic areas, like all the countryside north and west of Surfer’s Paradise. Edinburgh in particular is sooo much better than Surfer’s, there’s no contest.
The narrower roads are much better, although I still would’ve preferred more windy tarmac roads like the community was crying out for
I’ve played all the Horizons and love the Britian map the most by far. It not due to having the best graphics or visuals necessarily but having all major types of environments (mnts, urban, flat lands), the design and layout of the map the can really make one feel they are in England. Yes the Australian map did do fairly well as well but I never felt so immersed in a map as I have this one. Playground games has did a great job with this game even tho there is some things I don’t agree with but I do believe they will change and add some features to it fairly soon!
Britain feels more like it is a slice of the country, while Australia feels more like it is a best of Australia because of the different climates. I think I love them equally. Britain has a much better city, Australia has better variety.
Britain by far, Australia had good off-road sections but very few good driving roads. You had to be in S1 or S2 to enjoy as it was flat, roads were wide and corners were slight, it was also rare to find a tarmac course where a power build wouldn’t dominate. The landscape was more diverse but the topography was downright dull.
Britain seems to have been designed with the other 400 odd cars in mind, the much more technical nature of the tarmac routes makes it really enjoyable to blast down some country roads even in D class and I’ve not yet done a race where the course wasn’t enjoyable. It maybe less diverse than Australia but the elevation changes more than make up for it and once we get into the other seasons then it can only get better.
I love both. I do miss the airport in Australia though. Flinging cars off the hill at the end never got old. Britain misses the ability to go stupidly fast and fly off stuff.
I’m going to say currently Horizon 4 is the far better game and map this is coming from a true blue Aussie.
I live in Surfers Paradise (AUS) where Horizon 3 is set and honestly, I find the map in Horizon 4 to be a lot closer to the actual Surfers Paradise. The map in Horizon 3 was really a let down for me…
Visually it was beyond gorgeous in sections but it was just that a big empty gorgeous stitched together sandbox that lacked any life.
The idea that it was just a showcase of Australia only set to hurt the map far worse they could of still shown off the diversity of Australia without the mess they clumped together (Surfers being near desert +1,000km away separated by a mountain range and large rainforests and that’s being generous, Lake Eyre same deal +2,000km from Surfers and the wine fields of SA +2,200km) These things just don’t work together.
Biomes were chucked together as if to tick off some checkboxes they felt disjointed and out of place. I loved the desert, I loved the city, I loved the farmland and forests but I hated how they were forced in. Had they just focused on something like city/beach and semi-mountainous forest the map could have been so so so much better and they could have saved the outback for a fly to DLC instead of the stupid snow mountain we got a flight out to Alice Springs or something for some Baja style desert racing combined with tight unkept tar and compressed red sand roads. (maybe add the snow mountain DLC in later as a flight down to Perisha Blue keeping with the Australian theme but bringing a variety
Racing on the roads in Horizon 3 was akin to NASCAR or some other boring mess that the only excitement comes from the wrecks and maybe drift trains of which are few and far between. The ocean road was pretty good it flowed nicely just like it’s counterpart in real life but as you moved inland the roads stayed that same constant flow without any challenge fastest car always won, player skill was often irrelevant and variety in competitive races dwindled. It was like driving in some on-rails arcade game just one lacklustre rollercoaster, they really needed to mix this up and as my previous section briefly touched on had they gone for a more realistic representation of the area it’s set the gameplay would of greatly benefited the mountains that trail the eastern coast of Australia, excellent curving yet also equally challenging forest roads that wind there way up and down the great dividing range.
The map just felt flat I get from a game engine point it is hard to give the feeling of being in a larger landscape but Surfers is backed by hills and the mountains just a short 10-20 minute drive can see the elevation change from 0-3m to upwards of 100m-300m
Horizon 4, although I don’t know the, exacts of how well it mirrors its real-world counterparts works from a game standpoint, yes the roads can still be far to easy/forgiving at times but in general, the map has addressed all the problems that left 3 feeling like a mess.
The distance compression I could have lived with if they at least maintained topographic relativity. Driving from Surfers to Byron (in real life only 100km apart) via the Great Ocean Road (2000km away in across 2 states) and the Sea Cliff Bridge (1000km away) really irked me, for the Americans out there it would be like driving from Miami to Jackonsville via Big Sur and the Tacoma Narrows. Also having the Parkes Radio Telescope (as seen in The Dish) represented as an array stood out too
Oh and FH3 didn’t have Lake Eyre, the Pink Lakes are actually on the coast of WA so add another few thousand k to the distance
The Britain map is really awesome, but i wish they had some mountain races on streets like (maybe someone recalls) kelekole pass race in Test Drive Unlimited. That would be nice!
It’s not easy for me to decide which map is my favorite. The beautiness way off course GB, but i also really like the asutralian map. So its 1:1