Simulation Steering is the best litmus test of a player’s skill when it comes to set-up tuning and driving. I do use real world assist such as abs tcs and stability for better control and
cleaner races. Until I know how good you can drive collisions stay off. Join my user created lobby if you like I’m on now running on the Ring. Tell me how you feel about simulation
Simulation steering is easy and it’s a little faster than normal steering.
Right, I wish more people felt the same way.
Simulation Racing!!! It Is a Simulation game!!!
I do see a lot of people complain about it in when i am hosting.
People complain because they set up their cars for speed over handling and need the normal steering assist cause they’ve turned all others off.
I never got why anyone still uses normal steering, unless drifting with a controller. Since I don’t have a wheel, that’s about the only time I ever use it.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but when I was playing PGR 2 making your rear wheels break loose, drifting in a way to avoid having a wreck. But in that game I felt more in control of brakes and throttle.
I use Simulation Steering exclusively, on a controller, but I don’t think I agree that using Simulation Steering is any sort of “litmus test of a player’s skill when it comes to set-up tuning and driving.” Simulation Steering has a much better feel to it to me it’s smoother, less like an on/off switch, but I think it also demands a bit more concentration and if you’re not used to it or your distracted bad things happen pretty quickly ;^) - Using whatever one likes, whatever they’re accustomed to will give them better control and result in cleaner races.
So simulation steering doesn’t require a better handling setup and tuning? I’ve noticed twitching even if someone is driving in a straight line. Are they using a d-pad to steer?
better is, I might say, up to the driver to determine? the twitch is, I might guess, due to the notchyness I feel with “normal” steering.
as for tuning, where do you, with Sim-Steering, set your Caster? Where I like mine (remember, I too use Sim-Steering), by comparison to what I’ve sen others “publish” is low, quite low.
I’m always using, Sim steering. Only assist I tend to use is braking line (glowing pixie dust. YAY!) just because I tend to jump to different classes and very different cars quite often.
For me I don’t think that sim steering would require any more handling parts than normal steering. How ever…
What I gain with sim steering is slightly better turn in. UNLESS I try to turn too hard, and start understeering because of that. Basicly the wheels turn as I turn my stick, if I max it out the steering maxes out. or actually it turns only slightly more than normal steering, but doesn’t max out, (unless I would have wheel I think.) How ever, if I cause oversteer situation then I must get that countersteer exactly right, or the car will spin out of control. and that is the key difference between sim and normal steering. As normal steering will “limit” the contersteer to “correct” angle always, preventing the over correction.
I agree with juggernaught sim steering does give slightly better turn in also allows you to really explore the limits of the car therefore it will allow you to be faster but the only downside is that if things can go wrong very fast if you over correct or your car is in full yaw a lot of that can be fixed in the tuning of the suspension and I also use the braking line because I skip from class to class im not as fast as some of these guys but I race clean on extreme high class cars I use tcs but that is getting less and less
No assists, at all. Don’t know what normal steering is like, never even tried it. Only cars I struggle to control are A class le mans tunes like the 1002 bhp 180sx, but perseverance is the key with that missile. I use a pad until I win the lottery and get my own wheel designed…
I have to admit something. I had thought I had turned all assists off a while back. But I had steering set on normal all this time. (I thought normal meant just that, normal) So I changed it to sim yesterday. Yes, it feels better. I agree it does seem to allow you to steer in quicker at a corner. It’s smoother. But danged if I didn’t spin out more. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. I feel like I’m starting all over again.
Yep, Sim steering without TCS using a controller takes some practice. Took me a while to develop the feathering needed for smooth acceleration out of corners, but even with that, still break loose at times with higher-powered cars if I’m not careful. Worth the tradeoff though, no doubt.
I just did a bunch of racing to try and get back up to speed. I think I’m about a second slower now. But the feel of the car feels better. I’m just more hesitant to attack corners as fast as I used to because of the spinning out thing. It definitely seems more likely to slide too if you’re taking a corner too fast.
Anyways… I did a bunch of hot laps by myself and then went online and raced two races in B class and those went well. I’m still not fast compared to others, but I finished one race. And was a millisecond short of another. There were a lot of guys on and some of them seemed pretty fast.
Spinning out isn’t my issue, its the snap oversteer which gets me every so often.
I’m learning how to just let go of the gas and wheel when I start to try and overcorrect a loose tail. But then you lose time of course. Letting the car settle. One track that is especially daunting is Laguna Seca. With that corkscrew and all the turns… I haven’t tried that Camino Viejo yet. I’m totally scared to. LOL.