Sim Steering... Do You Use It?

Not trying to start a flame war on what is better but there are lots of experienced racers and tuners in these forums and I would like to know.

Do you use Sim Steering? Y or N… and why?

Yes as it makes the game/steering feel more alive. Normal to me feels as dull as dishwater.

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I use SIM steering i don’t know why. I suppose it’s because simulation sounds harder our more challenging than the alternative.

I use Sim. I tried normal once on Laguna and didn’t like it better. I honestly couldn’t tell much of a difference. I guess I’m just used to it.

For me, it really depends on what track I’m on and also what input I’m using. If the track has a lot of tight turns, I’ll use sim steering as I get better input. As for playing with a controller, I almost always use it, but I rarely tend to play with the controller anymore. Using a wheel, I usually go with just normal steering and I seem to be able to make tight turns and sweeping turns just fine.

I use Sim steering as well. I use the controller only. No wheel. At first I thought, and all I heard, was Sim was for the wheel. Im glad I changed. I don’t know if it is faster or just makes you drive without the bad habits, making you faster.\

Anyone else? I would love for some of the “big guns” around here to chime in!

I’ll use both, just depending on the car or how I feel or so on. Generally speaking, I’m a bit faster with Sim.

I dont use it

Normal for controller to me it helps make controller less twitchy and simulation for steering wheel. But at the end it’s always how you drive is what best for you.

I totally agree. To each their own. I am just trying to get an idea, not just how many players, but what caliber of players are using it regularly.

It is the one “assist” that doesn’t show when looking at leaderboards. And I can’t imagine why. Normal steering literally dampens effects to make it easier.

I don’t have a wheel yet but this is how I expect it to go down. I definitely found sim very twitchy with the controller and it caused me to lose control in some corners when I only wanted to make minor adjustments. I’ve been trying normal for the past month or so and like it better with the controller.

Sim steering, but I use a wheel only. I use it because it sounds like the least “modified” steering input.

I was under the impression that sim steering was for the wheel and that normal steering was for the controller. As I don’t have a wheel I use strictly the normal steering. If and when I get a wheel if anyone will make one as good as the Fanatec then I will switch to sim steering.

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I was too until a few fast racers told me they use it and it is doable. I tried it and love it now that Im used to it. Normal steering feels artificial now somewhat.

Normal steering for me. Purely for the fact it only takes a tap on the car and you are in a fishtailing wreck. The way some people play in lobbies I would rather keep control than have that extra feel in a corner.

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Yeah I can totally agree with that. Sometimes I take a slight tap and man I gone! Snap steering and spinning out. It is definitely frustrating.

I agree. in a lobby, I’ll run normal and even TCS on some cars where I’d be running Sim when hotlapping.

No. I use normal and for the most part it because it feels close to sim from the previous game, especially with steering deadzones set to 0, 100. Random tank slappers seem more random in this game than in FM4. Its not terribly hard to get the cars to feel alive witg normal steering if you tune it right. I have a few leaderboard cars that try hard to be drifters. lol.

Im pretty sure I used Sim in Forza 4 and don’t remember it being this challenging. So I see what you mean by normal feeling similar to Forza 4 with sim steering. I did the same with my deadzones as well. 0 - 100 on everything. I wonder out of the top hundred drivers, the percentage that use normal to sim. Im repeating myself but have no idea why that one assist isn’t listed on the leaderboard.

Yea sim in FM4 felt great but was just annoying when getting lightly tapped in races. There’s really no way to recover. With how I like my cars set up, normal in FM5 feels great. Cars don’t feel rigid like they did in FM4 with normal. Sim just feels over exaggerated in terms of oversteer. I didn’t really notice much change in the turn-in ability.

Actually had this convo with a sim steering diehard about a month ago. I suggested him to switch between races and he did and he noticed quickly that normal isn’t like normal in FM4. He went from DNFs to solid finishes.

I suppose I could tighten my cars up to account for the differences, but I guess it really doesn’t matter. I still far prefer being able to control my car when contact happens than hopelessly spinning in circles. Lol.

Not sure what the other teams are using, but as far as I’m aware most if not all of RPM uses normal.

It’s probably not shown on the leaderboards because it really has no effect on the rankings. They would still be pretty much the same. It seems more like a preference than an assist because by default assists normally hold you back. With tuning you can account for the differences so I don’t really see how normal is holding a driver back in terms of best possible lap time.