Seriously getting sick of this

This game is just getting worse with no signs of getting addressed by T10, I’ve spent the last month or so down in Pro Div and finally get back to Elite for this week and first day racing has been 10x worse then my entire time in Pro its like the Divisions are backwards with the higher you get the worse the drivers become. This whole franchise needs a serious overhaul to sort out and show players the difference between Motorsports and Horizon and other arcade racing, this is seriously ruining the game for the serious racers out there that are trying to have a decent clean race with other clean drivers. Give us back custom League lobbies, put actual racing rules and penalties in game and make serious changes to how Division promotions are done, there are so many players in higher Divisions that shouldn’t even be out of Grassroots or Enthusiast its a joke.


Game works fine, people are broken.


This has to be the worse quote of yours so far.




This is one of the most irritating things I’ve ever read. Even the forum is broken , can you guys believe the stones on this dude ? What Game are you referring to ? How do you have the audacity to argue with us, the customer , who is out there in the lobbies ? GFY . When any jackass can smash his car into yours with no repercussions , or penalties , THAT IS NOT RACING . Forza6 uses the “truskill” system which is just like the ELO system that competitive Chess uses . The difference is that if a chess player picked up the board and smashed the other player with it , the ELO system would not award points , and the player would be banned from competition . With the “Truskill” system , the player would be promoted to the pinnacle division . This game is so broken that an unpaid volunteer deals with the bad players but he doesn’t have time to do it because HE HAS SERIOUS PROBLEMS THAT ARE NONE OF MY GODDAMN BUSSINESS BUT THAT I KNOW ALL ABOUT BECAUSE TURN10 COULDNT GIVE TWO POOPS . If you had told me in September 2015 that the racing would get steadily worse month after month , I would not have believed you . Like everyone else I was hyped , we were told “This is what we are racing towards” . What a joke .


He’s right, the game is fine. All of the complaints are about the way some people choose to play the game and not the game itself. Get into a lobby with some good guys and FM6 is about as good a racing game as you’ll find.

T10 only create the software. Beyond that they have little control over what people do with it. They don’t even directly host the thing, that’s down to XBL.

So, given that some people can’t be trusted with a game like FM what should be done?

As I see it there are only two options. Stay as we are so people that play properly still have plenty of freedom within the game but accept that’s it’s not possible to vet purchasers so ultimately the undesirables will appear in MP, or fundamentally change FM in the future to enforce rules and penaltie. This won’t stop the undesirables playing but it may take some of the fun out of their antics… We have to remember that whatever is done will affect us all and I’m not so sure that an FM with"nanny state" rules is something we’d all want.

We have to stop blaming the developers for people’s inability to do something properly.


Don’t be ridiculous. Player experience is the fundamental point of game design. If some or all of your players are having a poor experience most of the time then it is 100% because of poor or defective game design decisions, and that goes double when the players who are complaining are the very ones who are trying to play the game as it is intended to be played. “Human nature” isn’t a get out clause. Griefing and general poor player behaviour is not a surprise that suddenly sprang out of nowhere or is unique to this franchise, it’s something that all developers everywhere have known about since the advent of multiplayer gaming, and it should be a consideration when making every single design decision.

The game is the way it is - amazing when it’s good, but far too often lousy - because of conscious design decisions.

-It was a design decision to have no lobby control whatsoever.
-It was a design decision to provide no mechanism to view or search private lobbies.
-It was a design decision to ghost cars that drive the wrong way, but not those that are lapped.
-It was a design decision to keep the invisible Vote To Kick system, despite it clearly not working in FM5.
-It was a design decision to structure multiplayer so that all kinds of player have to play in the same lobbies.

And so on.

Obviously none of these decisions were taken with the intention of making multiplayer a mostly miserable experience for a section of players - they would have been taken for other, perfectly good reasons where the developers prioritised other considerations (clean UI, well-populated lobbies, or whatever) over the MP experience. But they were still decisions, and the community is absolutely entitled to give the developer feedback on the consequences of these decisions.


As always Zedeeyen hits the nail on the head yet again. Well said

Double post by a mod? Wow! At least I can (and did) give two likes for one comment!Joking aside, WSD is right, it’s the people, not the game that’s broken. Better start saving replays and reporting wreckers and/or those with offensive liveries!

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No point, replays aren’t being looked at any more and Race Martials are AWOL so game has been let go to the dogs, this kind of thing will become more common I’m afraid


The game is without a doubt broken anyone who says different is blind. Here is a list of known faults:
Screen freeze
Tunes not showing in lobbys
Loading tune in a lobby results in being dc
Tune information not displaying when searching
Being stuck under the track.
Pitting outside the pits
Track limits not defined correctly
Leaderboard times that are unbeatable due to updates
Inconsistant pit times
Bad player reporting system thats run by invisible volunteers (except snowowl u are a ledg)

The game is broken so even if u get a lobby without broken people your screwed anyway. Stop saying it’s fine. Stop saying it’s just the players. T10 created this situation they have aloud the game to become what it is today. They fix 1 thing and break another.


Yes its the players making it worse but it’s the lack of in game rules that don’t help and give the impression that these idiots can carry on the way they do. I do save and report to the point I spend more time diving through replays then racing and being that the last 10 replays I put in was still not logged for over a month what’s the point, why should everyone and volunteers do all the hard work because T10 lack the intelligence of putting in simple things to actually have a true racing experience that they claim the game to be. For every player getting banned another 5 take their place and the banned ones are still playing under new gamertags. They gave us a handful of Race Marshals to make it look like they are doing something and that’s been as much use as a faulty condom.


I feel your pain dude.

And there are more of us out there that are sick of it. We bought this game under the pretense that T10 sold it under that Motorsport was a serious racing game for serious gamers. I get that they want $$$ by having all aspects of gamers getting on but there is a line and why the Division levels are meant to be in place. I worked my butt off to get myself back to Elite just to be dealing with idiots that have got there by wrecking their way through the track and getting rewarded for it and then cause absolute mayhem for the real racers coz they can’t drive the cars properly, just full power through the field regardless of other players being in the way, tailgate into corners and end up in the passenger seat of the car in front as they can’t or won’t brake in time or just take u out because your faster then them and try passing them. This whole attitude of these T10 brown nosers are no better then the attitude of these wreckless and mindless drivers. T10 need to make some serious decisions about where they want the Motorsport franchise to be heading if this carries on the majority of the players that actually want to have a decent game are going to go else where for it and Forza will just be left full of immature players and ruin the Franchises reputation… Food for thought ppl!!


It would help if a player first has to make a test and show he/she/it is able to handle a car and also able to get around a course within a specific time and specific percentage of being on a race line. Like a driving license for a specific car class. Another car class needs to do it of course again for this class and so on. Then a so called Test Track would make finally sense.


The game is broke full stop. I have played no other game at the same level I have played this for nearly a year, any spare minute I had to myself I would fire up the xbox and would play forza, I am not a big time gamer but I can play a few hours a week. I have enjoyed the Lambo series and the recent Race series, but something has changed, the glitches are getting all to often, the flying cars, the freezing and slow motion mid race with no acknowledgement from T10 that they were aware of the problem or what was being done, add to this the lack of drivers having any idea on how to actually race clean, I no mistakes happen, I’ve made more than my fair share, but you would think in a so called Elite league people have played the game long enough to know that tearing in to the first corner or trying to pass through a gap you would struggle on 2 wheels is cause mayhem, is just unbearable.

I have come to point over the last few weeks where if I have that spare bit of time on my own to play the xbox forza is slipping down the list of games I am playing. This could be such an unbelievable game and when the planets align, and you get a good lobby with no glitches or idiots it is, but at the moment nahh its not.


So you are saying that you cannot play the game at all, that no part of it functions for you? because I doubt that and just think you’re being dramatic (that or you don’t know how to turn on your Xbox and insert a disk when prompted. )

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What’s worse is that T10 don’t have employees to take care of replays with crashers…but they let one person, a volunteer (with his own life and problems) review them. It’s not his job. As a result, he cannot do everything. He didn’t reply to me in a long time…but I understand him perfectly!! I appreciate everything he has done.

T10, it’s up to you to clean up the mess. We are doing our part saving replays, what about you? That marshal program was a complete failure. I play in S800 lobbies every day and I’ve never seen a single marshal.
Forza Motorsport is one of the biggest franchises on Xbox. Don’t tell me you can’t afford to do what you’re supposed to do.

And some say that the game got better because all the casual players moved to Horizon 3. Yeah no. Every day I have to record a new replay, and my 10 slots are almost full. Two days ago for example on a Road America race, there were FOUR french guys in Lamborghini Urus blocking the way to everybody and making fun of us in the microphone.

Will they ever get penalized for their behavior? I don’t think so.

Is this the “vision” of Dan Greenawalt for Forza Motorsport’s future?


I give you guys credit for continuing to have faith. I gave up on T10 doing anything about any of this a while ago. I still play online occasionally, but between spending more time waiting to race than actually racing, lobbies freezing, grids being shuffled, players being horrible, results being nonsensical in the next pre-race lobby, lag during races…I’m done with the series. Pretty inexcusable since launch, really.


Oh I forgot about the previous race results being screwed up the list truly is endless. But what hope do we have when our moderators/marshalls think there is nothing wrong with the game. When they constantly justify the lack of response from t10 and blame us the players for the games pit falls…sigh. Im a passionate forza player and its been 2 weeks now since I played properly. I can wait for it to be perfected but please t10 respond to everyone here and in the other threads. Reassure your fans that everything will be sorted eventually