Remove minimum clutch time when playing with an analogue clutch and H-Pattern

The forced clutch delay introduced in latest forza Motorsport makes a lot of cars really annoying to drive as you can’t tell when the clutch delay will end and the clutch will snap engage, even if you drive really carefully.
It’s better with clutch and gearbox upgrades but waiting for level 7 to make a car playable isn’t really a good workaround.
Instead, why don’t you make the ‘stock’ clutch just slip a bit between gears if aggressively shifted eg allow it to only transmit say 120% of the engine torque like a road car (number made up to make a point). Then the delay could be removed completely, the upgrades would still be worth something, and I wouldn’t kick the tail out every time I released the clutch a bit quicker than the baked in 1s or so delay.