Manual w/ Clutch broken (Fine in Practice Sessions, Broken in Races)

Shifting manual with clutch is incredibly broken in this game. I’ve been racing manual with clutch since Forza motorsport 5. I like being able to rev match while down shifting and I find it more realistic. It seems like they have tried to remedy the problem of people power shifting by breaking the clutch. Even with a fully upgraded clutch you have to delay your shift by a laughable amount to avoid missing the shift and losing a lot of time. The second I press in the clutch I should be able to upshift. Not in Forza Motorsport though. Lift off the gas, press in the clutch, press upshift, wait 1-2 seconds, then released and carry on racing. If I’m going through the effort of manually shifting I should be able to shift just as fast as anyone else, if not faster. I swear nobody at Turn 10 races with manual with clutch because if they did they would know how much they ruined it.

In an effort to remedy the power shifting issue, they should have added transmission wear and a delay ONLY if you press the upshift button while holding down the gas. That’s it but keep it the same as FM6.

Update I thought I was going crazy tonight as I decided to do a practice session on a track I haven’t raced at since FM6. I did not have the same issues with the clutch that I’ve been experiencing unless I was shifting extremely fast. It still shouldn’t happen when shifting extremely fast as long as you still aren’t power shifting. After the practice session I started the race and immediately I noticed the transmission was delayed. I had to slow my shifts down just like I mentioned earlier and I went from zero missed shifts per lap to 10 and had to force myself to shift ridiculously slow. This is 100% a bug or purposeful programming as the transmission behaves completely different from Practice sessions and Races.

Doesn’t happen to me, I thought they fixed this problem in the last update, but seems like a bug fixed the problem, but sometimes it doesn’t. Very confusing.
I hope this feature just gets removed and instead they implement some kind of transmission jamming which damages the transmission if you don’t press the clutch enough or damages the clutch if you let go of the clutch too fast, instead of this minimum shift time bs.


The clutch delay is determined by weight, you will find shifts will get quicker as the fuel level drops.

heavy car, full fuel = longest shift
light car, no fuel = shortest shift.
changing your dead zones also helps with using the clutch.

No this doesn’t happen. Throughout the entire race the clutch behaved exactly the same way. Extremely delayed during the race but fine during practice session both with the same fuel load. I’m also racing with a controller so dead zones are not relevant to the issue.

If that is the intention as far as programming is concerned it is still an issue. Manually shifting with a clutch cannot be delayed because the driver is the limiting factor. To have a manual task delayed ruins it. Not only the unnatural feel of the clutch but also the fact that you are doing more work and being restricted more than a manual driver because for them the delay is determined by the programming and manual with clutch drivers have to guess the delay and if wrong miss their shift. It just doesn’t work.

Ok then, I’m not sure what you were experiencing.

Set your clutch dead zones on the controller to something like 15/65 or even 0/20 and see if you notice a difference. I use A button for clutch when im using a controller.

The way they have implemented the clutch to combat powershifting is all wrong I agree. Its not intuitive at all. Though with the right dead zones and technique you can still powershift like before almost.
But yeah, the delay on the clutch is just not how it should be.

I will just say, to shift in this game with manual + clutch, if u use stock/street/sport transmission u just need to press clutch lot longer, (usually ~225ms for stock/street, and ~175ms for sport, tho in some race cars with sport tranny u can go down to ~100ms.

When u use race tranny u don’t have to use clutch at all and shifts will be fast. (That’s overall meta in this game, unless some car with broken pi)

Clutch upgrades don’t affect shift time at all, so it’s just waste of pi


Also fps affects shift time, so in race when u are behind cars and fps drops, shift time might get longer, what will make u shift too fast, and that will make this delay effect

That is interesting. It still doesn’t explain how practice session was fine but the race had a noticeable delay because the same car was used with the same transmission. It’s not just that one race either. Different cars among different races all have the same huge delay. I wondered about fps drops too but my fps are solid so that doesn’t explain the difference in shift times.

That’s also interesting about the different transmission types. Different transmissions should only effect gear ratios and unlock tuning. A manual transmission itself shouldn’t really have an effect on shift times. Sure stronger shift forks, and brass shift fork pads can marginally effect shift times but ultimately it should be a clutch upgrade. It still shouldn’t result in a miss shift. If anything it should result in a power slip. Basically if you have a factory hp car the clutch upgrade has zero effect but if you’ve upgraded say a factory 400hp car to 600hp the clutch may slip a little when shifting but a clutch upgrade would fix that.

I don’t think this is asking a lot from Turn 10, but why not treat a clutch like a clutch, a transmission like a transmission, and a shift like a shift. Instead of making up random stuff that ultimately ruins the racing experience. Obviously that change in vehicle modifications wouldn’t probably be changed in this Forza but I just want my shifts to stop being delayed.

Race transmission have straight cut gears and usually with straight cut gears (dog box) u don’t use clutch irl.

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Also I did make makro for upshift for testing, and u basically can press clutch and upshift at the same time.

My makro for upshift was made like this to work:
(Press clutch button) 75ms delay (press upshift button) 75ms delay (release upshift button) 75ms delay (release clutch button).

In total 225ms and it was working with all cars with stock transmission, in some cars, or with street/sport transmission upgrade I was able to reduce intervals to 65ms or 55ms, but in McLaren F1 gt i was able to reduce intervals to 30ms, so some cars with sport transmission can have faster shift times.

But like I said in this game u just go for race transmission and don’t use clutch at all.

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Oh right! Haha good point! Ok well the race transmission makes sense then.

I appreciate your help. I’ll definitely upgrade to a race transmission from now on.

I’d still like to see Turn 10 fix this issue with regular transmissions because sometimes it’s nice to just drive factory or slightly modified cars. Or cars that don’t need a transmission upgrade because they have good gear ratios so why waste the upgrading it.

I’ve taken a huge step back from Forza now as the persistent bugs that are present take me out of it. I find myself doing for free play sessions and renting cars but then I’m faced with the absurd manual clutch problems. I don’t think I’ll be coming back to Forza as Turn 10 doesn’t care about the community at all. They even removed all forms of contact and don’t respond to these forums.

Free run maybe other places? For that matter doing like a panic stop clutch in and come down hard on the brakes and keep holding it after complete stop the rpm’s don’t die to idle instantly, the rpm’s hang and slowly come down after like 5-10 seconds waiting?

Rpms take too long to return to idle, should idle almost instantly when clutch it pushed in. This should apply to all cars!

I was on controller for this instance also in free run.
Series x, performance, Version 1.690.4155.0

I love the clutch changes in FM! Way more realistic.

Oh definitely compared to horizon I can’t stand driving that game bc of it.

I was just pointing out the rpm’s take too long to go to idle when clutch is pushed in. Took almost half a straightaway to return to idle. Acts like a weak clutch. Yes I have the racing clutch installed. See the video below.

Series x
Version- 1.690.4155.0

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