Every time I got to get a car or buy one, my game freezes for some reason. I even got a new xbox but it still freezes. Please help me
This issue happened on the old console and the new one?
This means the install on the new console was clean. Did you wait until the install and all needed updates were at 100% before playing?
—> If not, uninstall the game. Then hold down the power button on the front of the console until it beeps and turns off. Count to 15. If you are a disc user, go to offline mode and install the game. Do not play until it is at 100%. Then, go online and install the update. Again, do not play until everything is complete. If you are a digital copy player, simply start the install and the update, and leave your console be until it is 100% done.
Just wait, let it do it’s thing and be patient.
Once fully installed, don’t get any DLC, just try to play. If the game lets you get cars - problem solved.
If it doesn’t, go to Xbox Support for assistance. They may be able to help you solve the issue.
If not, e-mail Turn10 at forzafb@microsoft.com and be sure to include your gamertag, console, a description of the problem. What were you doing before you noticed the issue? What have you done to solve it, and any transcripts you have from Xbox Support so that they can best assist in solving the issue.
It’s a common issue that ALOT of people have with freezing various parts of the game. I, for example, freeze every time I drive back to the festival from Nice. No matter what I try to do I freeze about a mile into the trip no matter which route I attempt. Doesn’t do it if I drive from Nice to another city but if I end a road trip in Nice I will freeze every time. MS support couldn’t help and actually blamed T10, lol.
Are you at least receiving your cars?
Also, if the game freezes DO NOT force the restart, let the Xbox reset the game or you risk corrupting your save, I know I had to restart a LVL 243 profile by rushing a restart.
There have been a few issues mentioned on the forums but I have not seen much about the game crashing on the One.
The most common problems seem to be with the saved game and audio stuff. Not seen enough about freezing to suggest its a common issue.
If you have a freezing issue I would suggest unbinstall and reinstall the game and do not start the game until it is 100% installed and updated.
I would also go into my console settings and change the power and startup mode to energy save mode.
Are you on the 360 by any chance?