Random freezes [X360]

Every time I enter the auto show or go to change my car in free roam I have a 50/50 chance of the game freezing and being forced to restart my Xbox. Am I the only one experiencing this as well?

Are you running the game from the disc or have you installed it? Either way, trying clearing your console cache first.

I am running off the the disc right now. Thank you though, ill try that as soon as I get home.

I’ve had this going since the day after release(got it at midnight release on 28-29th). First night of game play, ran smooth. I went to select buy car from menu and froze. Thought random until it happened again lol. Cleared cache as shadow mentioned and now it freezes when I try buy car or change car from the menu. I’ve posted a few things around forum about it among things but, game hasn’t been out long. Hope can get a fix for this at some point so I don’t have to keep going back to festival (thank you fast travel and discount ;D ).