Possible Bug After Finale Part One? [XBO]

[Mild spoilers for Horizon 2 finale below.]

OK, so I did the 15 championships and won the first finale race. I won over a million credits, went through all the cutscenes (handing me the trophy), and I was told I could choose the road trips now. So I chose a road trip to Sisteron and completed a championship of four races (it was an offroad championship). Unfortunately I came in 2nd overall and lost. So, I was expecting to travel to the next city to continue the road trip (or be asked to pick a city). Instead… the big bronze icon for the Horizon finale appeared again at the festival hub in the lower-center part of the map! Huh? Complete the finale, then lose a championship, and I’m driving the finale again? That doesn’t make sense. Well, I did the finale again and won it, this time only getting about 55,000 credits. But it showed me the same cutscenes (handing me the trophy), and told me (again) I was now able to pick road trips! It was as if I had never won that first finale.

The whole sequence was just bizarre. Has anyone experienced this? I thought the normal sequence was to win another 15 championships and get to finale 2, not race finale 1 a second time after completing (and losing) a single additional championship. I’m wondering if I’m in some infinite loop and I’ll never get to the second finale.

BTW, I got the idea that I was supposed to be racing Ben in these subsequent championships, but it doesn’t look like he’s driving any of the cars in my races. How can I tell?

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The only race I saw him in was the 2nd finale. His name was BenHrzn or HorizonBen, something like that.

The idiot ran the race in a van and lost, dead last. I just pretend Ben is in whatever car runs 2nd.

OK, well thanks. I’ll look out for that name. But can anyone tell me: after you finish the first finale, does the game count down again from 15 championships to 1, each time you win a championship, to help you keep track of how close you are to the second finale? That’s what’s not happening for me right now.

It counts down the 15 championships to a second finale. After that you simply do championships until you are done with them all. I do not know if there is another “Finale” after you finish all 168.

Well, then, I guess I have a glitch, per my original story above. I completed 15 championships, did the finale, attempted (but lost) a new championship, and then was offered to drive the finale again. So if I have this right, I’ve now completed about 21 championships, already done two finales, and now I don’t get a championship countdown anymore. Weird.

I had this exact same glitch and I was as confused as you after reading what is MEANT to happen.
I did the exact same thing as you by the sound of it:

  1. Completed the first Finale
  2. Chose the destination for the next road trip
  3. Completed that one road trip
  4. It told me to do the Finale again. So I did, and I got the same cut scene as the first time, and now it has no count down to any other Finale when I complete any championships.

Same thing happened to me! I just completed the first finale, chose to go to San Giovanni for a Hot Hatch championship, came 2nd, and now i have to do the finale again!

mine is doing the same i did the finale 3 times already everytime i do a new road trip and events it brings me to a finale . its annoying what are we gonna do about this ??

Mine did the same thing -.- I have this glitch too… Worst part is I redid the finale maybe to get rid of the glitch? And my game frost 80% into it… Idk what to do neither and idk if it goes away can anyone help??

When you complete all 168 championships, does the Finale appear again?

No. Completing all 168 championships is not even an achievement as I remember. I completed all 168 championships a few months ago.

It is - it’s worth 50G.

That’s too bad. I wanted to do the Finale with AI, not with people who keep ramming you when you attempt to pass them. Oh well.