9/10 a drift goal will come up and most everyone abandons it because the requirements are too high. Please look at tweaking these.
Fortunately, I am not seeing this. I participate in these quite regularly, and only twice have we not hit all three goals (and one of those was when I was the only one taking part in the live event)>
I must have better luck with the people I participate with.
No dont nerf it.
On all forzathon ive been part of, ive failed only once
Never seen people bail a drift event and I’ve done a lot of these Lives.
Was gonna say the same. I’ve never seen anyone bail on a drift event and have never failed to complete one. I’ve participated in probably 30 Forzathon Live events so far.
Sounds like you are being matched with the same/similar people who hate drifting.
The challenges aren’t that difficult. Playground reducing the requirements wouldn’t make it as fun as they are.
Except maybe for Winter snow drift zones, those are a different story.
Ok 9/10 was a bit of hyperbole. It’s more like half of the time.
One thing I can think of though to help is that if you screw up your drifts mid drift section, then what you’ve banked goes to team total? (But not towards your solo goals for the drift section.) You can always rewind your jumps/speed signs/zones if you screw up on the approach. Drifting not so much.
I don’t mind drifting. I can hit 2 or 3 stars without too much effort. But some of those really long drift zones are very offputting to the non drifters if they screw up mid section during a forzathon.
I have come across this quite a lot.
If there are five or few players participating in a Forzathon live, the drift one is a guaranteed fail if the other people are not competent at drifting.
I am bloody awful at drifting, so personally I would not be sorry to see it go, but most times, other drivers manage to bail us out. Most Forzathons I am in get all the points from the three events.
only thing I’d want changed is less of those hyper skinny dirt road drift zones, or widen those hyper skinny drift zones. To clarify Im talking about the ones where if you take a car longer than a mini you are outside the drift area the nanosecond you get the back out and therefore get no points anyway
The balance for me with or without drift zones in Forzathon has been fairly good. I’m not a drifter, I don’t enjoy it, BUT I do try to participate. I do ruin my share of drifts, but I try to contribute. I wish there was an option to not have drifting, but alas that cannot be. So at least it isn’t every Forzathon there is drifting.
I hate drifting and am awful at it (it’s probably why I hate it) but I too have only failed 2 events in all the ones I have been a part of and that just to lack of people.
I try to help with the drifting but end up scoring on average 30k points each run. Its the taking part that counts anyway.
I only stop drifting if the goal is nearly complete and there are other people mid run, I will then try to guess what event is next and start heading over to get a head start
The trick for the skinny dirt road drift zones, for me, is to use AWD, and focus on putting together a smooth, fast line through the zone… then bring as much of said line into valid drift ground as possible. Higher average speed=higher average angle potential, especially through hairpins.
It would be good if the score depended on how many were taking part, the drift session is usually impossible if less than 4 people are in the session.
I’ve never seen that.
All the forzathons I participated in were successfully completed, and had plenty of time left.
I’ve had it happen a bunch of times, but its not because its too hard, its because people quit. Even if everyone sucks at drifting if you all tough it out you will complete it.
Unfortunately when you get in a low pop forzathon where there is only 5-10 of you to begin with, then you get to the drift and its 3-4 of you left, its too high of a score for that many people unless you have some REALLY good drifters in the bunch.
Scaling with participation is the real problem here.
Drift events when there are lots of active players are easy to beat. They will take longer than any other type of challenge, but with enough players of any skill level e-braking round the corners will be enough to beat the challenge.
The real problem comes when the Live event has only 2 or 3 people playing. I have successfully ground out a drift event with only 1 other active player, but my god that was hard work and required setting a lot of good scores from both of us. If you can consistently deliver scores that would be 2*-3* for the drift zone then 2-3 players should be able to achieve the score, but doing that AND two other rounds inside 15mins is usually too much.
Remember that you can easily switch cars mid-event, so find a car you feel comfortable drifting in, mark it as a favourite to make it easy to swap to when a drift challenge comes up. It doesn’t have to be a great all-rounder, doesn’t need an amazing top speed or have 1000+HP. Find a car that you find easy to control, doesn’t lose the back end each time you try to drift around a corner and has enough power to break traction when you want. Oh and remember to switch off Traction Control in the Difficulty settings as this really hampers your ability to drift or get the higher scores.
I gotta say the problem is the scaling. If you only have a few peeps such as later weekday evenings, it becomes less enjoyable and more grinding for the final challenge with first few quick. Get a lot of peeps and is over in a couple passes.
So 1. Scale value according to peeps in event when triggered. So late joiners will speed up first a little, but corrects for next ones. Now you can enjoy the big groups and small groups isnt punishing.
Scaling also means more chance for failure. Getting all 3 should be much of the time, but clearable in last few minutes with a portion of good ones. Between three and five if everybody is skilled. Failure if nobody really getting scores of fails.
Difficulty? Some zones are just more challenging. Problem solved.
Shouldnt need to swap cars. If a person brings the correct one, it should be enough for an experienced player to switch between. Peeps like myself enjoy it much more if we start in that one car and power through without having to fast travel and keep changing.
Drift zones are the worst though. If only a few peeps, you could spend almost ten minutes just back and forth if nobody has or does switch to a dedicated drift car. Really dull gameplay at that point.
I always hate to have drift zone come up as the LAST round. If its in the first 2 rounds its not so bad BUT I had to do it once with only one other guy. We finished with about 10 seconds out of the entire 15 minutes. Talk about grinding it out
Adding pictures to support this. This was the forzathon we just did with four of us total. This isn’t considered challenging. This is like the end boss that they give a million hitpoints you gotta just memorize pattern then fight an hour vs actually skill related. Once it is all done, the enthusiasm for driving goes to… eh… making it non value added gameplay and in fact devalues gameplay.
Note the times when I decided to start taking screenshots to get an idea of rate of gain but how much further we had to go. It was an exercise in futility unless we all were perfect drifters in perfectly tuned drift cars with each run perfect 3 star runs. So three stars at 120k points for four million would be ten perfect three star runs for each of us at about 45 seconds a pass including turnabout. Therefore even in best conditions accounting for the impossibility of that, it is still a ten minute grind.
Compare. Do this for some Forza points or I can go and run “Marathon” and still have time left over.
From now on, If third is a drift challenge and only a few of us, I am not going to waste my time. I will AFK to watch some youtube or drive to my next race to wait.